Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 485 Xi’s visit: Little Jingkou is so scary

Xi Daohui took his son Xi Chongxi, as well as his staff and entourage, disguised as original businessmen from the north, and secretly arrived at Jingkou Town.

The reason for doing things secretly is, of course, to observe the actual situation in Jingkou Town more realistically.

Otherwise, the other party would be notified in advance, and then Jingkou would arrange for people to greet him and accompany him throughout the whole process... That would be watching a program, not an inspection.

"Jingkou..." Xi Daohui came out of the underground pipes and was slightly startled when he saw the bustling scene outside.

Seeing the density of the population here with your own eyes and seeing it from second-hand images and documents are completely different experiences.

You know, Xi Daohui has visited almost all the refugee settlements in Xuzhou. Even the border of Qingzhou in the north, he has also walked through many underground docks.

To judge the prosperity of a place, just look at the people on the road.

The worst case scenario, of course, is that there are no pedestrians on the road, and even if there are, they are walking slowly. This shows that food is extremely tight in this area, and most people do not have enough to eat, so they have to do as little activity as possible to reduce physical exertion.

Many of the small and medium-sized forts in the northern Central Plains were struggling to survive, and eventually starved to death without support.

The second thing is that most of the pedestrians look numb, wandering the streets doing nothing, and will stare at you when they see a strange outside face. In many places, there are even wandering warblers that rush up to solicit customers, but of course they are not very pretty either.

This shows that they can barely guarantee survival here, but that's about it, so many people are wandering around to see if they can make some money, such as guiding foreign businessmen, or stealing and robbing.

In economics, this situation is called "high unemployment" and is usually a source of social unrest.

However, here in Jingkou, the pedestrians are not only dense but also mostly in a hurry, indicating that these people basically have jobs.

Although the expression is still numb, at least there is no emptiness in the eyes - who can not be numb at work? It's better than being unemployed and without food.

"Huh?" Xi Chongxi next to him also laughed, "That's strange, father. I remember that this Jingkou Town hasn't developed for a long time, so why are there so many people there?"

He looked around again, smacked his lips, and said curiously: "And seeing that we have so many foreign men, it's strange that no pimp has come to solicit business until now."

"Chongxi." Xi Daohui frowned and said.

"It's just talk. Of course I will never go." Xi Chongxi quickly clarified and suddenly laughed again, "Father, look, isn't this coming?"

Following his gaze, everyone saw a well-dressed middle-aged man hurriedly walking over from across the street. When he noticed that the people on his side were looking at him, he put a smile on his face.

They are very familiar with such people.

Targeting foreign men is because they know that they are tired from traveling and need to relieve stress; smiling all over their faces is to show that they have no ill intentions; dressing well is to reduce customers' concerns about the quality of the escorts.

Typical pimp look.

"Hello everyone." When he came in front of everyone, the middle-aged man said with a smile, "Are you here to immigrate or do business? Do you need to stay in a hotel first? I have lived in Jingkou for two years. To be honest, I am I have basically dealt with both black and white, above and below ground in Jingkou, so this should save you all your time."

Hehe, he was actually not a pimp, but a tour guide... Xi Chongxi was a little disappointed and asked directly:

"Why don't you introduce the skin and meat business in this place?"

"Ahem, don't ask!" The middle-aged man immediately looked around, and then said seriously, "They're cracking down hard from above!"


So the Beifu Army has become like this?

"Strike hard?" Xi Chongxi said with a smile, "You are no longer short of food? Have you solved all the security problems? Are you too free to start focusing on the spiritual outlook of society?"

"Haha, almost." The middle-aged man smiled and waved his hand, and turned around. He was obviously suspicious - this group of people refused to say what they were here for, and kept asking questions. Come here to entertain me...

Seeing that he was about to leave, Xi Daohui quickly stopped him and took out some scraps of silver:

"Sorry, we are just curious. Please take us to the hotel to stay first."

Seeing that the other party was willing to hire him, the middle-aged man smiled again, took the money and said:

"Okay! Are you gentlemen from the north? I suggest you go to the bank to exchange your silver for banknotes. Banknotes can also be used here. When shopping with silver, you will always be entangled with issues of color and purity, making transactions very troublesome."

"You still have a bank here?" Xi Chongxi was surprised.

In areas such as Northern Xuzhou and Qingzhou, it is basically popular to use precious metals to pay bills. The reason is that the refugees in the north have been away from Wanghua all the year round. After the southern court's banknotes changed a few issues, the northerners basically did not recognize them.

Of course, if southern merchants bring banknotes to do business, there are also people in the black market who accept money as payment...but that's the black market! The existence significance of banks is far from being comparable to that of the black market.

"Yes." The middle-aged man showed a proud smile, "Our Jingkou Town is not an ordinary refugee settlement. Even Dajin Technology Bank and Dajin Royal Bank have branches here."

Xi Daohui raised his eyebrows, looked at his son Xi Chongxi, and his mood sank slightly.

Dajin Technology Bank and Dajin Royal Bank are currently the largest and second largest commercial banks.

The latter is the property of the Sima clan. As long as the local economy is prosperous to a certain extent and profitable, they will basically come to open branches. Given the current level of development in Jingkou, this is not surprising.

The former is the property of the Cui family in Qinghe. Except for some wealthy business groups, it basically only serves families with a fifth rank or above. Therefore, it is almost impossible to conduct business in refugee settlements - how many aristocratic families can there be among the refugees?

"Dajin Technology Bank?" Xi Chongxi pretended not to believe it and laughed loudly, "Isn't that the property of the five surnames? How can a loser like us step in and exchange money?"

"Ahem, of course not." The middle-aged man waved his hand, "But our commander-in-chief of Jingkou Town said that as long as you come to Jingkou to set up factories and invest, you can apply for investment preferential projects from the Cheng family in Shendu. As long as they are approved If passed, Cheng will provide guarantee for you at the Technology Bank in the name of the family, but due diligence and follow-up supervision will be more troublesome."

"If you are in a hurry to get a loan, you can go to Royal Bank. The procedure is faster, but the interest may be higher."

"Of course we know about the Royal Bank." Xi Daohui frowned and asked, "Is this technology bank willing to accept the guarantee of the Cheng family in the capital of God?"

"Hahahaha." The middle-aged man laughed, with a teasing look, and said with a wink, "This guest officer doesn't know. Our commander in chief of Jingkou Town is actually the unmarried son-in-law of the Cui family in Qinghe! "

"This son-in-law borrowed money from his father-in-law, how can he deny it? Even if he borrowed 100 million, only 80 million was recovered in the end, and the remaining 20 million was regarded as the dowry of Cui's daughter. What happened to Cui of Qinghe? Could it be that stingy? I’m afraid I won’t make everyone laugh to death.”

His language was vulgar and his knowledge was quite short-sighted, which made Xi Daohui a little disgusted.

First of all, how can a son-in-law be considered "passing"? It’s not like he married into the Cui family as a son-in-law! The Cheng family in the capital of the gods was not in such a state of poverty that they asked the clan leader to marry into his wife.

Secondly, how could the Cui family of Qinghe be exempted from this bad debt because of their in-law relationship?

However, although the other party's statement was outrageous at first glance, Xi Daohui couldn't think of a more reasonable explanation.

Setting up a branch in Jingkou Town and allowing the Shendu Cheng family to guarantee it all revealed a signal that the Qinghe Cui family spared no effort in supporting the development of Jingkou.

With the injection of massive funds, business and production activities will flourish, and the social labor force can be fully mobilized, thereby effectively reducing the unemployment rate and improving social security and stability.

As a refugee settlement, Jingkou Town has developed far more than other refugee camps in the same period. The reasons are self-evident.

However, Qinghe Cui...wait!

Xi Daohui suddenly realized another problem.

As one of the five families with surnames, the Cui family of Qinghe would never allow common people to spread rumors about Cui's daughter, and it was impossible for the Cheng family in the divine capital to allow such rumors to appear under their rule.

And this local tour guide actually dared to say in broad daylight that the Cheng family in the divine capital was going to marry the Cui family in Qinghe, which meant...

Could it be that the two companies deliberately released this news in advance and tacitly allowed the outside world to spread it?

Are the two families really going to get married? Then Cheng Jinyang could actually marry Cui's daughter? ! !

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