Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 489 The standard solution for blindfolded guessing

In the afternoon, the patriarchs of the three families of Xing, Yang and Chu finally arrived and took the business class on the same ferry.

The three of them chatted while traveling.

According to Uncle Xing and the accompanying underground network personnel, roughly the following conversation took place:

Xing Shuhe: The Cheng Xing family is closely related to each other, and I started investing in Cheng Jinyang very early. When Jingkou Town was first built, all of us Xing's superpowers went with Yuan Zhi to support the Beifu Army, and we are still serving in Jingkou's Dragnet.

Chu Jiye: I have known Cheng Jieshuai for a long time, and my daughter Qingqing has an even closer relationship with him. When Su Zigao was about to launch a rebellion, his daughter took away most of the clan's fighting men, and is now still helping to defend Jingkou Town.

Yang Zixuan:…………

I was speechless and embarrassed.

Hongnong's Yang family followed the path of the Wang and Zheng clans. This time, Wang Maohong provided him with the information in a vague way, so he hurried over from the Yang clan on the other side of Lin'an.

Prior to this, the Yang family had not provided much support to Jingkou Town. For Yang Wangshu's sake, her two brothers were sent to serve in the Beifu Army.

This behavior is similar to Wang Maohong letting his son Wang Jinglun serve in the Beifu Army Shogunate. It is a way for the family to express support in a subtle way.

After all, in Yang Zixuan's view, Wang Shu's promotion to the fifth level was certainly based on some explosive secret of Cheng Jinyang, but it was still too early to spend money to win over the other party.

After all, I don’t know if this so-called burst of blood will continue to take effect in the future. Maybe it’s just a one-time bonus?

Therefore, after the Su Zigao rebellion was finally put down, the Hongnong Yang family, together with other families, sent all the clansmen who were originally stranded in Jingkou due to the fall of Jiankang to the new clan land in Lin'an - since then, Only Yang Wangshu stayed here.

Only now do we know that the two treacherous families, the Xing family and the Chu family, did not evacuate all their clan members, but left some people with super powers to continue to build in Jingkou!

How normal is it to lead people from Jingkou to Lin'an? Lin'an is a big first-tier city, but Jingkou is just a refugee settlement. Yang Zixuan asked himself that there was no decision-making mistake at all.

But now when compared with these two families, it immediately seems that he was not discerning at the beginning and was not optimistic about the development prospects of Jingkou Town... Seeing how pitiful the sky was, Yang Zixuan wanted to swear that he had never had such an idea, otherwise he would not have allowed Yang Quanqi. They went to serve in the Beifu Army.

In addition, Yang Wangshu was still young and had to wait two or three years even to take a concubine. He felt more and more that time was running out and wished he could fly to Jingkou Town immediately to boast to Cheng Jinyang about his huge support promise so that he could bring this first-class God of War. Tie firmly to the position of his son-in-law.

When the ferry docked, the three clan leaders came ashore with their entourage, and saw Yang Quanqi leading the militia troops to greet them.

After all, there are two fourth-grade and one fifth-grade clan leaders, so it is not surprising that the Beifu Army sent troops to escort them. Yang Quanqi adjusted his military cap, came forward and was about to speak, when his father pulled him aside.

"Where is your sister?" Yang Zixuan asked with a frown, "Why didn't she come with you?"

"Uh." Yang Quanqi said in a low voice, slightly embarrassed, "She didn't answer my call... Maybe something happened."

Yang Zixuan immediately understood: If something happens, then he is playing games.

How outrageous! Look at Xing Yunzhi and Chu Qingqing, they all know how to treat themselves in front of the Cheng clan leader! Are you still playing games?

He immediately became furious, but because the other two clan leaders were present, it was difficult to get angry, so he just nodded with a livid face.

Seeing his father like this, Yang Quanqi knew something was wrong and quickly called his brother Yang Siping.

At this time, Yang Siping happened to be on duty with the escort team in the Admiral's Mansion. After receiving the call, he hurriedly walked inside. However, he suddenly realized that the back house of the Commander-in-Chief was full of female relatives and was not allowed to trespass, so he could only pace back and forth anxiously outside. step.

"Hey, isn't this Young Master Yang?" Miss Qingqing happened to be running here. Seeing him standing outside anxiously, she asked.

"Ah, Qingqing." Yang Siping naturally knows her, as all the children of the fourth-grade family have a circle. "Can you help call the sister-in-law out? The Yang family has an emergency."

"I'm afraid she won't be able to get out now." Girl Qingqing said with a smile, "She is watching the live broadcast of the game."

Yang Siping gritted his teeth and said:

"In this case, you can tell my sister-in-law that I bought the setting album that was released in limited edition last time..."

"Then when she comes out and learns the truth, she will never let it go with you." Qingqing immediately saw through his lies.

"No problem, call her out quickly, it's urgent..."

"Okay, I get it."

Qingqing walked inside, walked through the porch and came to the living room, where she saw Yang Wangshu lying on the sofa holding a tablet and watching videos. He was wearing pajamas, and his two white calves were raised leisurely, swaying, and his feet were Not even socks.

"Your brother is waiting for you outside." Qingqing said.

"Not going." Yang Wangshu typed casually.

"He said he bought the one that was released in limited edition last time." Girl Qingqing said with a smile, "It's the one you didn't buy."

"Which one? Wait, no, it's the one!" Yang Wangshu suddenly jumped up.


So which one is that? I really don’t understand what you Yang family members are saying.

"Oh, oh, oh, it's so annoying, can't you just let him bring the things in?" Yang Wangshu said naggingly, and started to change clothes and put on socks, "You still want me to go out."

Qingqing didn't speak, but curled her lips secretly.

Yang Wangshu slowly finished changing his clothes and happily walked out the door, when his third brother grabbed his arm.


"Wait! Where to go?"

"Your father is here!"


Seeing Yang Wangshu screaming and being dragged away, Chu Qingqing smiled slightly. This little girl just lacked education.


Wait, I seem to have overlooked something.

Wait a minute, if the Yang clan leader comes, doesn't that mean...

Qingqing, who was thinking this way, quickly went to the Admiral's Mansion.

When she arrived at the office, Qingqing saw Cheng Jinyang sitting in front of the computer, his expression clearly absent-minded.

Having dealt with two girls perfectly one after another, he couldn't help but have some kind of illusion:

I seem a bit disdainful of myself like this...

But then I thought about it, where is the fuss about this? Do I have to choose one of them and give up the remaining girls?

You must know that giving up a girl is equivalent to giving up the family behind her, which is equivalent to giving up a political support, which means that there may be one more enemy in the future political struggle.

Even if they can't defeat me, it would still be a headache to cause trouble secretly. I can't kill them all in advance without evidence...

"Guess who I am?" Just as Cheng Jinyang was thinking this, his eyes were suddenly covered from behind, and then a lively voice with a smile rang out.

Cheng Jinyang:?

Are you playing the replica game?

After sniffing the scent for a while, it turned out that it was indeed that seaweed perfume. Cheng Jinyang said in a deep voice:

"The voice is so pleasant to the ear. As far as I know, it should only be Qingqing, right?"

"Huh?" Qingqing let him go after hearing this, sat down on the desk, and said with a smile, "How did you hear that my voice is very recognizable?"

"Of course." Cheng Jinyang held her hand, "How could I not hear your voice?"

If you are not 100% sure about the game of blindfolded guessing, you would rather pretend that you can't guess it than you must not guess it wrong.

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