Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 540 Ask Miss Wang for advice

When I woke up from my dream, it was already six o'clock in the morning.

The princess sister quickly got up and planned to go to Jinyang to tell her about this.

She walked quickly to Cheng Jinyang's residence and turned the doorknob.

It's locked.

The princess sister's expression remained unchanged, she pointed two fingers at the door lock and pulled it out.

She slowly pulled out a key made of fantasy matter that fit tightly inside the door lock.

Then insert the door lock and open it.

The princess sister walked into the living room and suddenly smelled a certain fragrance in the air.

Yeah, it smells like a girl.

Tsk tsk, when did my brother Jinyang become so powerful?

When he was depressed in the early years, he didn't even bother to pay attention to the boys in the class, let alone the girls. Now he has turned into such a romantic playboy...

After sighing in her heart, the princess sister went straight to the bedroom door and turned the handle.

Locked again.

What happened to him that made him chain two doors at home?

The princess sister secretly smiled in her heart, and once again created the key and opened the door.

Pushing the door open, he saw Cheng Jinyang sleeping soundly on the bed, with Li Qingwan on the left, Zheng Qiupei on the right, and Lu Qingyun sleeping on the far right holding Zheng Qiupei's waist.

Li Qingwan huddled in Cheng Jinyang's arms, leaning against his neck and sleeping.

Zheng Qiupei hugged him from behind, her head buried in the back of his neck, sleeping soundly.

This is really...the princess sister was stunned when she saw it, and suddenly some complicated and indescribable emotions arose.

If I were a man, I would snatch away all these girls from Jinyang!

Then fence with him!

After thinking about the scene of bullying Jinyang for a while, she silently took out her phone and took photos of the four people hugging each other on the bed from all angles.

There was a clicking sound, and Cheng Jinyang opened his eyes, just in time to meet the princess sister's eyes.

The princess sister put away her phone and said with a smile:

"Are you awake?"

"I just woke up and saw you taking secret photos, Sister Xinnan." Cheng Jinyang said helplessly, quietly letting go of Li Qingwan in his arms, and then breaking free from Zheng Qiupei's arms.

"Aren't you afraid that I will send the photos to Yuan Zhi and the others?" Sister Princess asked with a wicked smile.

"I'm not afraid. Besides, I'm sleeping with the wives I'm about to visit, so what's there to be afraid of?" Cheng Jinyang said confidently.

Wives... Princess Sister did not correct the term. After all, she did not get the position of head wife. She just asked:

"Where's Wang Wanrou? She's not here?"

"No, I haven't seen her for a long time recently."

"You are not a competent husband."

"We haven't gone through the door yet. How can we keep her at home and watch her?"

"Even if you go through the door, you can't lock them at home, but you should ask where you are and have an idea of ​​where you are, right?" Sister Princess took out her mobile phone again, "Forget it, you have so many wives, I'm afraid It’s difficult to do both, so I’ll contact her myself.”

The number was dialed and the other party picked up quickly.


"Wanrou, I want to talk to you."

"No chat, no time."

"I'm here in Jinyang now." Sister Princess said, "There are some things about his background that you might be interested in knowing."

"go on."

"What's the matter?" Cheng Jinyang was a little confused, "Is it something related to my mother?"

"To put it simply, I got some information. The teacher's true purpose may be different from what she told us." Sister Princess continued.

"Cheng clan land, Yingfeng Pavilion, ten minutes later." Wang Wanrou on the other side said calmly, and then hung up the phone.

"Well, I'll leave first." Sister Princess put away her phone and said with a smile to Cheng Jinyang.

"Wait, I'm going too!" Cheng Jinyang quickly climbed out of bed, quickly put on his clothes and pants, and followed the princess sister out the door.

Half a minute later, Li Qingwan sat up from the bed and looked at the bedroom door with a solemn gaze.

"Stop pretending, he's gone." She said.

Zheng Qiupei also opened his eyes and asked:

"When did you wake up?"

"Where were you before she came in?" Li Qingwan asked.

"While on the phone."

"They are going to Yingfeng Pavilion." Li Qingwan quickly put on his clothes, "We will follow them as soon as possible."

"Ah, this..." Zheng Qiupei hesitated, "Isn't this not good? After all, Jinyang didn't take us there..."

"Instead of letting Jinyang hide it from us later, we should 'just happen' to pass by Yingfeng Pavilion and hear their conversation." Li Qingwan said calmly, "After all, as his wife, if something happens to Xie Guyan, we We also have an obligation to know and plan for him, right?"

"Indeed." Li Qingwan took on the identity of his wife, and Zheng Qiupei immediately felt a sense of responsibility.

"Qing Yun, how long are you going to keep pretending?" Li Qingwan asked with a frown.

"She..." Zheng Qiupei hesitated, and then said after a moment, "She seems to be really not awake."

Li Qingwan:………………

After being forcibly pushed awake, Lu Qingyun's face drooped, and her originally pretty short shawl hair was messy.

She sat up from the bed, staggering, and suddenly put her head on Sister Pei's shoulder again.

"Oh, you little lazy pig!" Sister Xiaopei was so anxious that she could only use telekinesis to lift her out of bed and forcefully change her clothes.

Li Qingwan brought a toothbrush and a water glass and hurriedly brushed the teeth of the sleepy Lu Qingyun.

Lu Qingyun lowered her head and let the two of them do whatever they wanted. It wasn't until a towel hit her face that she finally woke up.

"What do you want to do?" she asked confusedly.

"Go and inquire about Jinyang's secrets!" Li Qingwan said.

Yingfeng Pavilion is a small pavilion near the river in the clan.

Wang Wanrou was sitting on the top floor, with a cup of tea in front of the desk.

She picked up the tea cup and gently blew the hot air away.

Cheng Jinyang and the princess sister looked at each other, and the latter said:

"Wanrou, do you think the teacher's true purpose is to create a large number of demons?"

"I don't know." Wang Wanrou said.

"Don't know?" Cheng Jinyang couldn't believe it, Miss Wang actually didn't know something?

"It depends on your definition of a demon." Wang Wanrou picked up the tea cup and said, "Drink the tea first."

The two of them could only pick up the tea cups in front of them and take a sip.

"If it is a traditional demon, such as Su Lili, Xie Guyan will definitely not like it." Wang Wanrou said.

"Why do you see it?" asked the princess sister.

"If you like it, wouldn't it be enough to just launch an army of demons to bulldoze the south and turn all humans into demons like Su Lili?" Wang Wanrou said coldly.

"Monsters cannot reproduce, so the number of demons will never increase." Cheng Jinyang reminded her.

"Isn't there still you?" Wang Wanrou sneered.

Cheng Jinyang:………………

I was speechless.

But when that time comes, it really becomes "the rise and fall of the whole clan of monsters, all of which are borne by me", which is comparable to hell.

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