"Since Xie Guyan did not raise her troops to march south, it means that she is not interested in annihilating human beings."

Wang Wanrou said calmly: "Or, to put it more clearly, she thinks it makes no sense to let demons devour humans on a large scale and reproduce the demons themselves in this way."

"Then it makes sense for me to have more children?" Cheng Jinyang couldn't laugh or cry.

"First of all, you are a rare half-demon." The princess sister said next to her. "Judging from the experimental records, no matter what the teacher wants to do in the future, blood needs to be drawn from you and your child for analysis."

"Secondly, any child you give birth to must be called grandmother." Wang Wanrou said leisurely, "The offspring of demons who are related by blood are naturally easier to influence and control."

"I'm really going to cry." Cheng Jinyang said helplessly, "Why doesn't she use my cells to clone them? Isn't it enough to clone 100,000 of them and let me spread them out?"

"Cloning technology cannot recreate bloodline." said the princess sister.

"If that's not the case, why do you think she values ​​you so much?" Wang Wanrou struck again.

"Okay, don't talk anymore." Cheng Jinyang was now in a state of mind, calmly waving his hands, "If she comes to catch me, I'll catch her, don't you guys? So, what are we going to do next? ?”

"Actually, there's nothing we can do." Sister Princess sighed. "The most it can do is confirm that the teacher is indeed on the opposite side of us."

"If you ask me." Wang Wanrou said leisurely, "Get married quickly, have more children, try not to arouse your mother's doubts, and buy time for us."

"Then, everyone just hurry up and practice to the first level."

"Practice to the first level..." Cheng Jinyang was also speechless.

Indeed, in this world that only values ​​strength, improving one's bloodline concentration is everything.

Under the huge disparity in strength, any conspiracy can only win a moment of respite.

However, if you want to level up, everyone must sleep together, so it is natural for the girls to marry openly as soon as possible - and by the way, it can also paralyze a wave of Lin Hu and Xie Guyan, so that the latter will not wait I got impatient and sent another wave of demon girls over to learn from him.

"Huh?" Cheng Jinyang suddenly remembered what happened to Xiaoli last time and asked, "We have to upgrade from the fourth grade to the first grade. This process is too slow. If Xiaoli and Ashu are promoted to the first grade, How about I borrow their power again?"

"Not enough." Wang Wanrou replied.

"What do you mean not enough?"

"literal meaning."

Cheng Jinyang:………………

I hate the Riddler the most.

However, although Miss Wang refused to explain, her meaning was undoubtedly very clear: it was not enough for Xiao Li and Ashu to reach the first level alone.

"How many first-grade ones do you get?" Cheng Jinyang asked.

"At least your group of eldest ladies from aristocratic families are almost eight first-grade ones." Miss Wang said.

"Why do you need eight first-class ones?" Cheng Jinyang asked suspiciously, "My mother is so powerful, and eight daughters-in-law can beat her?"

"In fact, it's not necessarily true." Princess Sister said sadly, "The Star Fire of Emperor Ziwei may have a greater bonus to strength than we imagined. When the teacher didn't have the Star Fire, he also relied on He was seriously injured in a sneak attack and took over as Emperor Ziwei, but he was reluctantly killed later."

"That can only be like this." Cheng Jinyang sighed, "In the future, we should focus on improving our strength."

"Right." Sister Princess suddenly had an idea, "How about we do an activity to inspire everyone?"

"what activity?"

"Simple, whoever reaches the first rank first will be your legal wife, how about that?" the princess sister said with a smile.

"This activity is quite interesting." Cheng Jinyang nodded, and suddenly heard a sound from outside the door.

He quickly stood up and pushed the door open, and saw Li Qingwan and others slipping away from the door, leaving only three figures behind him in a hurry.

What are you doing? Cheng Jinyang was a little confused.

In the clan area, the three girls ran to a deserted place and then looked at each other in shock.

"What are you doing!" Lu Qingyun complained, "His Highness is already at the third level, so he came up with the idea of ​​'whoever reaches the first level will be the main wife'. Isn't it because he wants to take advantage of his first-mover advantage?"

"There is nothing we can do about this." Zheng Qiupei said worriedly, "You have also heard that the threat from Jinyang's mother is too great now, forcing everyone to improve their strength as soon as possible. If Jinyang wants to offer a reward for his position as the head wife, It’s not unreasonable…”

"Anyway, I don't agree with this." Li Qingwan said in a deep voice, "Unless His Highness is asked to stop upgrading, wait until we are all promoted to the third level."

"Qingwan, don't you agree that it's useful?" Lu Qingyun began to be angry, "Will Jinyang and Miss Wang listen to your opinion on the matter decided by Jinyang and Miss Wang?"

"Then I will go find other people and let everyone unite to express their opposition!" Li Qingwan said loudly without being pretentious.

This teacher Li is so passionate and energetic that he is extremely active. Within ten minutes, Yuan Zhi and the others all received the news.

"What the hell is this?" Qingqing found Yuan Zhi and the two of them and said inexplicably, "Why does it suddenly become the case that whoever reaches the first rank is the legal wife?"

"I don't know either!" Cui Xiaoniang said anxiously, "I just sent a message to Qingwan, and she didn't reply to me!"

"This thing sounds ridiculous, but if you think about it, it's actually quite normal." Ah Zhi said thoughtfully, "Being a first-class person first will have a leading and irreplaceable advantage in strength in this family, forcing everyone to listen to her. Isn’t it a normal thing?”

Qingqing and Cui Xiaoniang's eyes widened.

It seems...cannot...refute...

"In this case, I won't be able to level up with you in the future." Qingqing's mind was also spinning quickly, "If we level up together, then the speed of absorbing blood will be the same. The strong will always be strong, and the weak will always be strong. Weak, the ranking will never change.”

"You have to hunt alone and absorb as much blood as possible to have a chance to get the first position."

"That's wrong." The health bonus that everyone can get is the same."

"Then, even if my ranking falls behind, I should try my best to form a team with other members in order to pursue a faster blood absorption speed as much as possible." She finally concluded, "I will definitely not be able to catch up just by hunting alone. Those teams that work together as a group.”

Hearing this, Cui Xiaoniang's face turned pale.

Because she realized that without the cooperation of fantasy matter, her antimatter annihilation would not be able to exert its combat power at all.

In other words, no one will team up with me except the princess sister.

However, the princess sister has a third-level combat power. Even if she takes her to level up for ten thousand years, she has no chance of surpassing her.

"However, if you stay in the same team for a long time, the gap between the members of the team will not change." Qingqing also thought about it, "In other words, while forming a team with others, you have to constantly change the team combination..."

"The key is to become the best member of the team who is good at hunting!" Xing Yunzhi concluded, "Any team without you will have a greatly reduced hunting efficiency. Only such people can play balance of power weakening, thus Seize the first position!"

Li Qingwan, Zheng Qiupei, Lu Qingyun: Oppose exploitation by vested interests! ——Xing Yunzhi, Chu Qingqing: If you roll your opponent in, you win! ——Cui Jinqi: I’ll lie down first!

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