Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 542 Beware of the Sima clan

Yang Wangshu sat in front of the computer and quickly typed on the keyboard.

Recently, Miss Wang always asked her to help check something. Although she did as she was told, she secretly had some reservations.

What Miss Wang is checking is information about Cheng Qinghe and Xie Guyan.

After all, the Cheng family is also one of the founders of the Dragnet, so they naturally have a massive accumulation of information in this regard.

There is some evidence that Xie Guyan's chance encounter with Cheng Qinghe did not actually seem to be a chance encounter.

The first time Cheng Qinghe met Xie Guyan was at the Imperial Academy of Sciences.

However, Xie Guyan had a scientific research meeting to attend that day, but she was temporarily turned away, so she stayed at the institute.

Of course, based on this alone, it cannot be judged that Xie Guyan had any intention in advance.

In addition, Cheng Qinghe went to the institute to deliver scientific data for collaborative research with the Cheng family in the capital city.

Based on this inquiry, Yang Wangshu found that during that month, the Imperial Research Institute conducted a large number of cooperation project reviews, so many aristocratic families sent their young children to the Imperial Research Institute to fulfill their contracts.

And Xie Guyan has been staying in the research institute during this time... So, she seems to be screening the children of aristocratic families?

Cheng Qinghe was finally selected?

Such a guess is a bit scary to think about, especially when Yang Wangshu discovered from the information that the imperial guards seemed to be secretly involved.

Xie Guyan was a civilian herself and worked at the Imperial Research Institute. At that time, the confidentiality level of the project she was working on was still very high, which meant that the camp had a deep royal imprint.

If she had close contact with Cheng Qinghe, the royal family should also stop her out of concern that she might leak the secret to the aristocratic family.

The fact is that the royal family has maintained an odd silence.

It is impossible to say that Jin Yiwei did not notice this...

Yang Wangshu thought about this and made a bold decision:

She wanted to hack into Jin Yiwei's database without telling Miss Wang.

Miss Yang, who was not afraid of anything, just did what she said, and soon activated several lurking broilers.


On the other side, Princess Luling, who had returned to Jiankang City, was accessing Jinyiwei's database.

Since my sister confirmed that she was going to marry, she has relieved most of the important tasks of the royal family, and she has also taken over the special title within the Jinyiwei establishment.

The work of Jinyiwei is very complicated, and there is almost a huge amount of data and intelligence to be processed every day.

What's even more outrageous is that there is a lot of information from the dragnet.

Both belong to the secret service, the relationship between Jinyiwei and Dragnet is very complicated. They both work together openly and compete with each other in the dark.

According to the cooperation agreement, the two parties will regularly communicate with each other and exchange information.

However, a large part of the exchanged information was false information... to be precise, it was suspicious information that had been specially screened and misleading, and it was difficult to distinguish the authenticity from the false in a short period of time.

Originally, Jin Yiwei also tried to terminate the cooperation, but then discovered that among the information collected daily, there was still suspicious information deliberately released by the other party to confuse the situation...

The fight in the intelligence community is so dirty, and Luling has been having a hard time sorting it out recently.

She planned to take time to visit her sister again, and by the way, she asked her brother-in-law to sign a deep cooperation agreement with Jin Yiwei and stop playing the real and fake tricks.

Sister-in-law, I am stupid and can’t understand what you are doing. Brother-in-law, if you don’t agree to my promise, I’ll show it to my sister in front of her!

At this moment, an emergency pop-up window suddenly popped up.


OK, there are actually hackers? !

If you dare to break into my territory and see if I don't locate your network address, I'll come and blow your ass off!

Luling started operating quickly. On the other side of the Cheng clan, Yang Wangshu narrowed his eyes slightly.

You were discovered and you still dared to resist?

I'm going to take off all your panties!

She simply pulled out the keyboard and mouse, stretched her fingers towards the host interface, and started to directly control the machine with signal current.

The guy opposite is good, but his operation is too dull and lacks agility. It seems to be because he is not familiar with the network environment. Is he a temporary worker?

Never mind, something was stolen, leave!

Over there, Luling attacked and defended with her for a while, and found that the other party suddenly withdrew. His heart suddenly thumped, and he screamed secretly.

Then through the brain-computer interface, I quickly retrieved the logs of each library, only to find that the other party had found a loophole and used this loophole to take away a large amount of data.

The previous offensive and defensive drills were actually just to distract him.

Lu Ling was so angry that he kicked the main unit over and rushed out aggressively.

"Get me through the Hongnong Yang family's communication!" She ordered the Jin Yiwei adjutant guarding the door, "I want to hire their best security engineer to check someone!"

Yang Wangshu got the data here and quickly unpacked it to check it.

A large number of fragmented clues soon emerged.

Indeed, when Xie Guyan and Cheng Qinghe were together, Jinyiwei maintained a low level of monitoring of the two and did not give any warning to Xie Guyan.

In other words, judging from the simple log records, someone from above should have specifically said hello, causing the guards to turn a blind eye to the matter.

However, there is no similar red-headed document in the internal announcement.

In other words, the identity of the person who said hello is not allowed to appear on Jinyiwei's internal website.

Then, the specific identity will be obvious...

Yang Wangshu suddenly felt an unspeakable trembling feeling, and she vaguely noticed a corner of the huge mystery surrounding Cheng Jinyang.

Just that glance made her hands and feet feel numb.

However, Miss Wang should know more, right?

She quickly operated the computer, annihilating all traces of herself, and then hurriedly ran out with the data hard drive, intending to ask Miss Wang for clarification.

Me, I'm not afraid! I am already a fourth-level superpower user!

No matter who is behind the scenes, as long as she dares to take advantage of me, I will shock her until she falls to the ground!

Momentarily cheering himself up in his heart, Yang Wangshu ran all the way and suddenly bumped into someone.

"Ouch! What are you doing?" Cheng Jinyang held his stomach and patted her head again, "Why are you running in a panic? Are there any limited edition products on sale again?"

"Get away!" Yang Wangshu pushed him hard, but couldn't move him. Cheng Jinyang held his shoulders down, and his face suddenly turned red.

"What on earth are you doing?" Cheng Jinyang narrowed his eyes and asked her, "Where did I offend you?"

Knowing his mother's information originally made him feel very depressed, but this little Wangshu was at gunpoint again. If he didn't give her a reasonable explanation, he would have to give her a good spanking!

"I..." Yang Wangshu lowered his head, pinched the corner of his clothes, not daring to look at him, and muttered, "I checked some things in the database... I want to ask Miss Wang."

"What?" Cheng Jinyang asked curiously.

Yang Wangshu was silent for a long time, then suddenly pulled Cheng Jinyang to bend over and whispered in his ear:

"Jinyang! You have to be careful of Sima's people!"

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