Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 606 Divide and Conquer

The two of them fought fiercely in the room.

It has to be said that the Li family in Longxi is a martial arts family after all.

Physical activation is even more powerful when it comes to fighting with fists and kicks.

If Cheng Jinyang himself didn't activate the "physical activation" power to enhance the strength of his cells, he might not be Li Qingwan's opponent at all.

However, if the demonized connection state is turned on and everyone's consciousness is pulled into the shared space, it will inevitably trigger a huge round of riots and riots.

Therefore, Cheng Jinyang could only use his fragile body to defend against Teacher Li's powerful and violent attack.

By the end of the beating, he was almost exhausted. He was sweating profusely, his hands and feet were weak, his buttocks were trembling, and he could hardly get up. All the muscles in his body were sore.

Teacher Li also felt very ashamed, so he went to the bathroom to get hot water and kneaded his limbs to activate blood circulation.

After a little blood revitalization, Cheng Jinyang felt that his physical strength seemed to have recovered.

After all, young people in their early twenties are the age when they are full of energy, full of energy, and full of hormones. Not to mention being defeated by Teacher Li, even if everyone fights together, when they get up the next day, they will probably...

...Well, he probably won’t die either.

Put on your clothes, stagger out, and then instantly turn on the demonization state. Before everyone can react, a physical activation restores the body, and then quickly turns off.

Okay, done.

I always believe in physical revitalization!

Closer to home, Sichuan and Shu have basically been pacified now, but military control still needs to be maintained for a period of time.

The reason is also very simple. The current calm situation is mostly due to the garrison of the Beifu Army.

If the Beifu Army withdraws from Sichuan and Shu in a short time, it is hard to say what will happen next.

It is a pity that due to the increasingly anxious situation of the Northern Expedition in the Central Plains, the Beifu Army cannot be stationed in Sichuan and Shu for a long time.

Cheng Jinyang discussed with the shogunate for a long time, and the shogunate proposed a "three-step" plan:

In the early stage, the Beifu Army carried out military control to maintain post-war order.

In the mid-term, after the post-war order was initially restored, the Beifu Army was withdrawn in batches and switched to Sichuan-Sichuan gentry autonomy.

In the later period, as the empire's influence in Sichuan and Shu increased, the people of Sichuan and Shu surrendered to the Jin Dynasty, and bureaucrats were sent from the central government to govern.

Of course, the hidden dangers here are also obvious:

The Beifu army and the central bureaucrats can be trusted, but the Sichuan and Shu gentry have no way to effectively control them.

"Gentry autonomy" is prone to problems. The most common one is that the local gentry used the name of the empire to impose excessive taxes on the people, and then the suffering people vented their grievances on the empire, thus brewing a large number of public security riots.

Moreover, Sichuan and Shu had been occupied by the Cheng Han for nearly a hundred years, almost all the old people who yearned for the Jin Dynasty had passed away, and the local separatist forces were extremely powerful.

Li Ziren, the former puppet leader of the Han Dynasty, was also hampered by successive rebellions since he came to power, and had to seek peace with the Sichuan and Shu gentry.

Therefore, in order to continue to maintain the rule of the empire, when the Beifu Army cannot stay for a long time, slowly transitioning power to the Sichuan and Shu gentry in the future, in order to appease the separatist forces in the short term, seems to be the only effective policy...

Are you kidding me? There are no two days in the sky, there can only be one sun in this world!

Cheng Jinyang directly rejected the three-step plan proposed by the shogunate and instead proposed a new proposal.

First withdraw the Beifu Army from Sichuan and Sichuan, wait for the Sichuan-Sichuan separatist forces to make a fuss, and then suddenly drive the Beifu Army in from Ziwu Road and kill him with his head rolling!

As long as the separatist forces die more, the empire's rule will be as stable as Mount Tai!

This plan immediately aroused fierce opposition and remonstrance from the shogunate, and the reason was very simple:

First, the one in Sichuan and Shu wanted to rebel was Da Jin, not Cheng Jinyang.

But if there are too many killings, Cheng Jinyang's reputation in Sichuan and Shu will fall to the bottom.

It can be said that this wave of killings means that Cheng Jinyang sacrificed his reputation in Sichuan and Shu to consolidate the rule of the Jin Empire. It was a huge loss.

Second, even if this plan is followed, when Sichuan and Shu start rebellion again, the Beifu Army may not be able to withdraw in time.

You must know that the reason why the Beifu Army was unable to garrison Sichuan and Shu for a long time was mainly restricted by the offensive of Yu Yuangui's Long Xiang Army.

If the Longxiang Army is unstoppable, the Beifu Army can push out from Ziwu Road and cooperate with the counterattack.

However, judging from the recent military situation, Long Xiang's army encountered a large number of puppets near Wuguan, and the offensive has been delayed.

Therefore, leaving aside the counterattack for the time being, the Beifu Army must then support the Longxiang Army to prevent it from being destroyed by the demon's offensive.

In this way, if the Beifu army fights fiercely in southern Yuzhou and cannot escape, and then another rebellion breaks out in Sichuan and Shu, then they will be in a dilemma.

Naturally, Cheng Jinyang carefully read all the long speeches made by the shogunate.

The truth is this, but it’s still the same sentence:

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain, and there is no room for two masters in one country. I worked so hard to conquer Sichuan and Sichuan (referring to supervising Wanrou’s wife), and just give it to others after changing hands?


After much deliberation, Cheng Jinyang decided not to make a decision yet.

Go and ask Miss Wang.

Wang Wanrou still lives on the second floor of the teahouse, drinking tea every day to maintain health, like an old man who has seen through the world.

Cheng Jinyang came here without warning and waved to the guard at the door to let him through. Along the way to the second floor, he saw Miss Wang sitting by the window reading a book, her side face almost perfect in the dim light.

"Wanrou!" Cheng Jinyang rushed over to hug her and exclaimed, "My wife, save me!"

"Let go!" Wang Wanrou struggled hard, but with her weak strength, she couldn't break free from her husband's bear hug.

After a few moments of resistance, she continued reading with a cold face and ignored him.

"Ms. Wanrou!" Cheng Jinyang held her in his arms and said sincerely, "I made a mistake for my husband a few days ago..."

"Where did you go wrong?" Wang Wanrou asked coldly.

"I've made mistakes everywhere." Cheng Jinyang said shamelessly, "I've made such mistakes that I can't realize my mistakes, and I need someone like my lady to wake me up."

"Although my brain is not good, my attitude is not bad." Wang Wanrou nodded reservedly, "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

So Cheng Jinyang talked about all the things that were bothering him recently.

"You can't give the child." Wang Wanrou said coldly.

"Would that be a health hazard, as my mother said?"

"If there is really a hidden danger, let her come and treat the child by herself." Wang Wanrou replied, "She will be more anxious than us by then."

Cheng Jinyang said oh and did not ask why, but continued to ask:

"So, regarding Sichuan and Sichuan, how to deal with it in the future?"

"It's very simple. Don't the Sichuan and Sichuan nobles want power?" Wang Wanrou sneered, "It's better to use the strategy of driving away tigers and devouring wolves."

"Driving the tiger to devour the wolf?"

"Just bring in the Jiankang gentry to compete with them." Wang Wanrou said calmly, "The host and the guest are fighting, instigating fighting with each other, divide and rule."

Cheng Jinyang was stunned for a moment, and then reacted suddenly.

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