Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 630 Going deep behind enemy lines

"This is Xiangyang City?"

Qingqing looked at the huge fortress standing on the riverside in the distance, and was speechless for a moment.

Cheng Jinyang brought her down, and soon a team of Steel Rangers arrived.

Steel Ranger, the full name of the half-body mechanical exoskeleton individual equipment, can help soldiers save physical strength, increase load capacity, and achieve high-mobility transfer on the battlefield. The fastest speed can even reach 60-70 yards.

Under the leadership of the squad leader, these soldiers, whose lower bodies were covered in mechanical armor, confirmed Cheng Jinyang's identity and quickly brought the two of them into Xiangyang City.

The surface of Xiangyang City Fortress is almost entirely covered with steel-structured military facilities, such as missile positions, rocket launcher positions, machine gun cluster positions, etc. There are very few soldiers patrolling the surface, giving the overall feeling of a cold and chilling atmosphere.

"The soldiers' living quarters are all underground." Cheng Jinyang explained to Qingqing casually, and saw the generals garrisoned in Xiangyang City hurried over.

After a brief conversation and understanding of the situation on the north bank of the Han River, Cheng Jinyang took Qingqing into the air again, crossed the Han River, and flew towards the north bank where gunfire was ringing.

About a few hundred meters apart, the two saw an almost massive number of puppets running wildly on the north shore, like the terrifying migration of a swarm of insects. Fancheng stood like a rock beaten by waves, struggling to stand among the crowd of puppets. in the siege.

Around the edge of Fancheng, there are a large number of military bunkers and highlands hastily protected by barbed wire.

The soldiers were in the bunker or on the high ground, numbly firing wildly at the puppet groups in all directions, waiting for tactical support from Xiangyang City.

"Why not use weapons of mass destruction?" Miss Qingqing asked with a frown, "One micro-nuclear bomb is worth thousands of bullets."

"Cost." Cheng Jinyang answered briefly.

Qingqing was silent for a moment and nodded.

"Since puppets can be resurrected, on the basis of achieving strategic goals, the lowest-cost and least-consuming tactical plan must be used." Cheng Jinyang continued, "In fact, Dajin's nuclear arsenal has been expanding, but only with nuclear bombs What a waste of puppets.”

"So what are the nuclear bombs prepared for?" Qingqing asked curiously.

"To die together." Cheng Jinyang replied.


"Forget it, let me take action." She sighed and said, "This is the cheapest way, right?"

Cheng Jinyang did not answer, but quickly landed with Qingqing.

Immediately afterwards, a large wave of metal came out!

The first thing to melt was the remains of a tank surrounded by puppets on the front line. Locked by the metal manipulation algorithm, it almost immediately lost its original shape and turned into a pool of liquid that could move freely.

As the two of them worked together, the wreckage of vehicles on the battlefield, the barbed wire fence surrounding the high ground, the firearms and equipment on the corpses of soldiers... all melted into a tide and poured into the battlefield.

Then it began to roll up violently.

The first puppet came into contact with the metal tide. The iron-green liquid instantly covered its body, and then it was wrapped and torn from both sides in opposite directions. The huge shearing force instantly tore the puppet's body into pieces.

Then came the second and third puppets, and their number exceeded 10,000 within a few seconds.

However, the total number of puppets at this time was almost everywhere like locusts in a plague, so that the metal tide soon became somewhat unsupportable.

"The amount of metal is not enough! It cannot cover such a huge battlefield!" Qing Qing hurriedly warned.

"Underground!" Cheng Jinyang responded quickly.

He also activated the mass perception mode. Locked in the mass point of gravity, the soil and ore beneath the surface were clearly identified and appeared in everyone's shared vision.

Then, a large amount of metal ore was controlled by the algorithm, melted, and poured out through the cracks in the soil.

As a result, the area of ​​​​the metal tide increased seven or eight times in a short period of time, and finally covered the entire area around Fancheng, tearing apart all the puppets that could still stand.

"This is much easier to use than nuclear bombs." Looking at the messy battlefield, Cheng Jinyang said with a smile and released the connection state, "And there is no radiation, right?"

"That's because you are lucky enough to marry me." Qing Qing showed a somewhat arrogant and proud expression.

The soldiers of the Longxiang Army who had survived the disaster nearby quickly began to rearrange their defense lines.

The commander on the Fancheng front line also rushed down from the high ground, saluted Cheng Jinyang respectfully, and asked about the follow-up tactical plan.

"You continue to defend the stronghold first, and we will go to the front to investigate." Cheng Jinyang ordered.

The commander immediately expressed his approval, but his expression was obviously hesitant.

The commander-in-chief of the Longxiang Army and his wife personally went deep into the enemy's rear to conduct reconnaissance. This thing sounds unreliable.

However, the coach has just proved his great strength, so much so that it is difficult for him to advise now that going to investigate behind enemy lines is a "death-seeking act."

What's more, in military operations, once the superiors make a decision, the people below are definitely not allowed to question it.

After thinking about it, the commander, whose body was covered in blood, could only turn around silently and start organizing the soldiers to repair the defense line.

Cheng Jinyang and Qingqing took off again, flying towards the hinterland of Nanyang.

Not long after, Cheng Jinyang's personal guards also arrived at the Fancheng front line.

These personal guards are composed of many children of powerful families and elite soldiers of the Beifu Army. The flying suits come from the Cheng family in the capital of God. They are specially allocated by the five surname families and the shogunate team to protect the safety of the commander.

But now it seems that, let alone protecting Jieshuai's safety, it would be good to keep up with Jieshuai's pace.

After quickly questioning the frontline commander, the Guards quickly flew in the direction Cheng Jinyang left.

As Cheng Jinyang led Qingqing forward, he noticed that the visibility around him slowly dimmed.

He had arrived in the Central Plains through the underground pipeline before, so he had no obvious knowledge of the so-called "demon mist".

But at this time, entering the Central Plains from the surface, one can clearly detect the changes brought about by the demonic mist.

The further north you go, the darker the sky becomes. However, it is not covered by clouds, but something like mist that permeates the sky.

"Qingqing." Cheng Jinyang suddenly said, "Do you feel that the feeling of these mist is familiar?"

"Familiar?" Qingqing pondered for a moment and asked, "You mean, it's a bit like a dream?"

"Indeed." Cheng Jinyang nodded, "Is this the demon's dream world, a deep erosion of the real world?"

"Maybe." Qingqing sighed with a complicated expression, "I feel more and more that humans are too weak in this world."

"Being weak is no reason to give up on maintaining our existence." Cheng Jinyang sighed.

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