Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 68 A family facing a formidable enemy

The enemy has successfully stolen the house, and the old patriarch immediately arrives on the battlefield.

The Cheng family in the divine capital, which knew nothing about this, was currently falling into some strange civil strife and turmoil.

The cause was, of course, the "algorithm incident" that followed last night. One after another, people went to the test site to test it, and found that the new algorithm was indeed not as bad as what the forum said - this wave of people were 30-40 year old eighth- and seventh-grade aliens. The most capable people are the backbone of the family, so the reputation of the forum has begun to reverse accordingly.

As for those tribesmen who still insisted on "anti-slavery", after more and more actual combat evidence appeared, they gradually fell into an isolated and helpless situation.

So some people also thought of the method of "snitching". It can only be said that human creativity in conspiracy is easy to coincide with each other.

If you brag about being a slave again, I will tell the clan leader and kill you all!

At this juncture, another piece of heavy news suddenly came and bombarded the forum:

The algorithm textbook in the clan has been changed!

To change the teaching materials, Cheng Qingyuan, an old man from the second clan, must nod. In other words, the new algorithm proposed by the slave has been verified and approved by Cheng Qingyuan, an old man from the second clan?

Even thinking about it more deeply, is the elder of the second clan openly going against the clan leader? The group of "pro-royalty faction" who supported Cheng Qinghe a few years ago are now making a comeback?

For a time, public opinion within the clan was in an uproar.

As a concerned senior member of the clan, he should have immediately appeased people at this time, but in the end, he was very strangely unresponsive... There was no other reason. As the outside world speculated, there was really a fierce conflict among the senior leaders of the clan at this time.

"I don't agree with the steel seal thing." Cheng Qingyuan stated his attitude straightforwardly, "The choice you gave him was either to leave, or to be stamped to ensure that it is foolproof. Originally, we could accept both options."

"However, the reality is different from what we originally expected. Cheng Jinyang is not only a person with extremely high blood potential, he is also a person who is proficient in algorithms and is quite talented in computing innovation."

"If the former is more about his own lead in combat effectiveness, then the latter... will undoubtedly be of great help to the overall strength of the Cheng family in the city of God. We cannot bear the consequences of losing him."

"The relationship between him and the royal princess is unclear." Cheng Qingxin said calmly.

"Then if we force him away with a seal, we can sever ties with the royal family?" Cheng Qingyuan asked in return.

"At least we can prevent the Cheng family from being taken into the water." Cheng Qingxin said solemnly, "Don't forget about our route! This was a decision made by my father before he retired!"

"Yes, the route is to follow the gentry closely." Cheng Qingyuan still refused to give up, "But don't forget, why can only families with five surnames represent the gentry? The Yanling Yu family is not impossible..."

"Qingyuan! Be careful!" Cheng Qingxin's expression immediately changed, and the expressions of other core members around him also became nervous.

After the original Yiguan moved south, in order to stabilize the entire agitated noble clan, the late emperor Sima Rui gave up most of the political power that originally belonged to the Sima clan. Most of them are captured by families with five surnames, of which the Wang family in Taiyuan is the most powerful. Therefore, there is even a saying that "the king and the horse share the world."

In order to regain power, the current emperor Sima Shao married a woman from the Yanling Yu family and transferred most of the remaining power. This instantly upgraded the Yanling Yu family to a powerful relative and attracted a large number of people with five surnames. The frustrated aristocratic families under the family system have in recent years been competing with the five surnamed families and becoming part of the gentry.

To describe it in terms of political line, the political faction headed by Wang Maohong of the Wang family in Taiyuan followed the path of an aristocratic republic that gradually eliminated imperial power; while the group of relatives headed by Yu Wengui of the Yu family in Yanling advocated a more moderate reform of the constitutional monarchy, retaining At the same time, the imperial power was restricted and used for one's own use.

Of course, there is no natural distinction between political paths. It mainly depends on the overall current situation. For example, the Cheng family in the capital city is, after all, related to the Sima family, so it would have been best to take the route of being a relative.

It's just that the Yanling Yu family took the lead and lost the best historical window. In turn, because of this blood relationship, they were feared, so they could only turn to the side of the Wu surname family... It can only be said that time is fate, and there is nothing you can do. .

The clan leader Cheng Qingyuan proposed to switch to the Yanling Yu clan, which sounded very feasible, but in fact it was a bad idea - the Yanling Yu clan did not need the help of the Cheng clan from the divine capital at all. Instead, the family would lose the five surnames, especially Cui. The trust of the Lu family would eventually lead to their being cut off from the gentry.

Therefore, as soon as these words came out, Cheng Qingyuan felt that they were unreliable and wanted to try to make up for it. Then he heard the patriarch Cheng Qingxin say categorically:

"Following the main line of the five surnamed families is a strategy set by my father when he was in power, and cannot be changed easily. If Cheng Jinyang cannot produce evidence of cutting off from the royal family, there will be no need to discuss this matter again!"

This resounding sentence firmly bound "seal Cheng Jinyang" and "adhere to the five-surname family line", making those who originally wanted to speak for him unable to speak... What, you speak for Cheng Jinyang? Do you support being associated with the royal family? Do you want to go against our ways?

This is a bit shameless, but that's how political momentum is. Now that the patriarch has caught the righteousness, everyone has nothing to say.

At this time, news came from outside the clan:

Cheng Jinyang is here.

And it was brought by Princess Nankang.

Now everyone really has nothing to say. Cheng are asking for death!

So everyone quickly sent someone to go through the back door and hurriedly welcomed Cheng Jinyang and Her Royal Highness the Princess in secret, making sure not to be seen by others.

Behind the Cheng clan, Cheng Jinyang was also a little nervous.

After all, it was obvious how the Cheng family members reacted last time when the princess sister brought him over. This time, they would definitely be even more unfriendly.

However, if I reject my sister's kindness and enter the Cheng clan alone, it will be like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth. When the time comes, I will be swarmed, tied up, and tortured 24 hours a day to force myself to accept the seal. Who else can I ask to reason with?

So the suspicion chain looks like this: In the absence of communication, you suspect me, and I suspect you, which leads to both parties tending to speculate on the other party with greater malice...

Thinking of this, Cheng Jinyang took out the note marked "B" given by Miss Wang and unfolded it. It read:

"If you follow the princess to the Cheng clan's territory, the clan members will greet you as if you are facing a formidable enemy. You can use this as a reason to remind the princess to be fully armed and ready for battle."

Cheng Jinyang:? ? ?

The people in the Cheng clan are very nervous, and Sister Xinnan is also fully armed. Wouldn't that make it easier to intensify conflicts? Does Miss Wang want us to fight?

While he was hesitating, he saw the princess sister staring at the note in his hand in surprise and asked:

"What's wrong, Jinyang?"

Cheng Jinyang hesitated for a moment, thinking of the past when "Sister Xinnan" sent him money every month, took him to buy clothes, revealed her relationship with his parents, and even took him to the Cheng clan to force the family to accept him as a member of the clan, etc. , he immediately made up his mind and handed her the note in his hand.

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