Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 69: Playing tricks makes you fly

Princess Nankang took the note, looked at it, and said with a smile:

"This calligraphy is quite beautiful. Who wrote it?"

"Ahem." Cheng Jinyang hesitated for a moment, thinking that Miss Wang lived in his own home, and unless Sister Xinnan never came to visit again, she would find out sooner or later, so he said frankly, "Miss Wang."

"Wang Wanrou?" Princess Nankang was a little surprised, "She...when did your relationship become so good?"

"It's not that great." Cheng Jinyang defended, "It's just..."

"We have a bad relationship and she gives you advice?" Princess Nankang was not stupid. She immediately asked with a smile, "Does this do her any good? With your current status, you should not be able to catch Miss Wang's eyes at all. That's right, the people in their five-surname circle are very exclusive. I'm afraid they won't even say a word to you in private, so how can they leave you a handwritten note?"

"Ahem!" Cheng Jinyang was speechless and changed the subject, "Is she xenophobic? I think she's pretty nice."

"That's because she treats you differently." Princess Nankang continued to look at the note in her hand, "fully armed... OK! That's no problem, but how did she know that I was armed?"

With that said, she took Cheng Jinyang's hand and took him into the clan territory.

"So Sister Xinnan, where are your weapons?" Cheng Jinyang asked curiously when he saw that her hands were empty.

"I have them all with me!" Princess Nankang patted her chest and replied.

Ah, is this... hidden in the bra? As big as it is, it can only hold a grenade.

Cheng Jinyang expressed strong doubts.

Before entering the clan area, the Cheng clan members came out to welcome him. He keenly noticed that the eyes of these tribesmen looked at him with much more disgust and malice than last time.

However, there is nothing we can do about it. The king treats his ministers like a piece of grass, how can he not regard him as a bandit?

Soon, the two of them came to the lobby again and saw people waiting outside. Many people even carried firearms, clearly indicating that they were ready for armed conflict.

Princess Nankang smiled slightly and slipped out two pistols from her hands - Cheng Jinyang didn't see clearly where she got them from, they were obviously sleeveless clothes.

"Your Highness brought a gun into our clan's territory with the intention of attacking the Cheng family in the capital city of God?" Cheng Qingxin asked, taking the lead.

"Sorry." Princess Nankang said with a smile, "I saw that you were outnumbered and well-equipped with firearms, so I took out the weapons just in case. But you are so nervous, like an arrow is on the string, what are you planning to guard against? "

"If Your Highness has nothing else to do, I forgive the Cheng family for not being able to receive her." Cheng Qingxin did not talk to her too much, turned directly to Cheng Jinyang, and shouted:

"Cheng Jinyang! Come here!"

Being called by his name like this, Cheng Jinyang... didn't move at all.

Obviously, if he really passes, the princess sister really won't be able to come down. So he just coughed, secretly took out the last piece of paper marked "C", and quietly unfolded it in the palm of his hand.

Uh, no, right? This line... is so good! And why do you look so much like Zhuge Villager? Where did you copy this line from... Oh, I get it.

"Cheng Jinyang!" the clan leader shouted again, with obvious anger in his voice. The Cheng clan members around him also showed impatient and vigilant looks.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting more and more dangerous, Cheng Jinyang could only cough. He was about to say something to delay the situation, when suddenly the cell phone in his trouser pocket vibrated.

Is the signal coming? He quickly took out his cell phone and saw that it was indeed a signal from Xing Yunzhi.

As described in Wang Wanrou's note, once the signal comes out, the next step is the key to breaking the situation:

Read the lines.

"Clan leader." Cheng Jinyang tried his best to use his acting skills and said loudly, "I want to ask you: Does the family plan to leave a stamp of thought on me today?"

As soon as this statement came out, the tribesmen behind him were in an uproar.

The matter of stamping Cheng Jinyang's ideological stamp is currently only circulated among the core members of the Cheng family in the capital city, and has not been announced to the clan and has never been planned. After all, asking a member of the Wang family to seal his own genius son... This sounds really disgraceful, and it feels like there is internal fighting at the risk of attracting foreign enemies.

Being exposed to the public by Cheng Jinyang at this time is undoubtedly a direct stab in the heart of the patriarch Cheng Qingxin and his faction. Cheng Qingxin was not a mediocre person, so he immediately answered loudly:

"That day you were brought to our house by Princess Nankang and forced the family to allow you to participate in the bloodline test. Is this the attitude of a poor family member who wants to return to the clan? The family has doubts about your stance and intentions and hopes to confirm this with you. , the ideological stamp is only the final insurance method, and it has not been determined to be used before communicating with you... Instead, you, as a descendant of the Cheng family in the divine capital, broke in with guns from outside the clan, what do you want? "

This move was quite skillful. It not only brushed off the issue of the ideological stamp, but also focused the issue on Princess Nankang, which made Cheng Jinyang speechless. If there were no lines on the note, he would probably be stuck at this point.

However, it is a pity that Cheng Qingxin's answer was already predicted on the note. In other words, it seems that no matter how Cheng Qingxin answers, it does not exceed Wang Wanrou's expected range, because the subsequent lines are completely acceptable...

So what's going on with Miss Wang? Did she put a stamp of thought on Cheng Qingxin?

Putting aside the thoughts that flashed through his mind, Cheng Jinyang made up his mind, simply threw away his face, got completely fooled, and recited the lines angrily:

"I thought that as the elder of the Cheng family, you would have a high opinion when speaking in front of everyone in the family. I didn't expect that you would say such vulgar words!"

As soon as he said this, all the noisy sounds around him suddenly stopped.

No one expected that this seemingly lonely and humble boy in front of him would dare to rely on the power of Princess Nankang to angrily rebuke the patriarch of the Cheng family in the divine capital in front of him!

"I have something to say, please listen carefully." He pretended to stare at the ground angrily, but in fact he secretly glanced at the lines hidden in his hand. Cheng Jinyang raised his head again and said angrily to everyone, "Shendu The Cheng family has a long history. The bloodline is inherited from the Chongli family and descended from Cheng Boxiu’s father. The family reputation is far-reaching and the lineage is long."

"However, in recent years, there has been a gradual decline in branching and the pedigree has become weak. People say, 'After knowing a festival, there will be no third rank, and after being promoted to a master, there will be no fourth rank.' As a result, our ancestors have lost face and our surname has been shamed. At this time of family crisis, as a member of the Cheng family, you What can you do if you are long?"

"Evil nephew! You!!!" Cheng Qingxin was furious and was about to reprimand him, but was rudely interrupted by Cheng Jinyang:

"I have always known your uncle's life! As the eldest son, you are at the top of the sixth rank of the pedigree. You should be filial, kind and respectful, revive the family reputation, and help the Cheng family to rise... How can you be so stubborn that you force your father to chase your younger brothers and seek power? Usurping the throne!"

"My father had fifth-grade qualifications, but you kicked him out and died in depression. Fortunately, God's will has not stopped the Cheng family in the capital of God, so that my bloodline will not fall. But you interfered and obstructed me, lest the Cheng family would rise again. Hopefully, we won’t let you, a corpse-like vegetarian, just struggle with food and clothing!”

"A brilliant man, an old thief with a gray beard! He has lived half his life in vain and has not achieved even a single achievement. One day, his soul will return to the Nine Springs. How will he see the ancestors of the Cheng family again?! A dog with a broken spine does not dare to shrink its head and tuck its tail, but insists on keeping its secrets. He talks nonsense and barks wildly, I have never seen such a shameless person!"

As soon as the last words came out, Cheng Jinyang suddenly felt that his thoughts were clear, and every cell in his body felt indescribably happy.

Looking at the Cheng clan members opposite, some were angry, some were dull, some were indifferent, some were smacking their tongues, and their expressions were all different.

Patriarch Cheng Qingxin was so scolded that his face turned red and he was furious. However, he did not spit out blood and fall to the ground. Instead, he rolled up his sleeves and silently calculated the algorithm. His teeth were clenched and his eyes were on fire. His eyes were locked on him, as if he wanted to forcefully kill his evil nephew. .

Princess Nankang also raised her gun, and the conflict between the two sides was about to break out. Cheng Jinyang suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a few lines left in the line. He quickly lowered his head and glanced again, and laughed:

"It's a pity that the Cheng family in the capital of the gods is not prosperous, and the family reputation is hard to revive! As a result, the wolf-hearted people take the lead, and the servile followers follow one after another! The Qianqiu lineage has withered in one day!"

"This is the Cheng family! It's okay if you don't wait!!!"

As soon as these words came out, it was like gold and stone hitting the ground, with a loud sound. There was a lot of helplessness, desolation, resentment, and determination in the tone. I only heard an old urgent voice suddenly sounded in the distance:

"My grandson, wait!"

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