Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 7 Ah Zhi, who loves cleanliness

Bloodline strength determines the upper limit of the combat power of a superpower.

Generally speaking, the blood strength of a person with superpowers will begin to gradually increase when he is more than 10 years old, reach the peak after the age of 40, and near the age of 50, and then slowly decrease as the body ages.

You enter the ninth level when you are 20-30 years old, you enter the eighth level when you are 30-40 years old, and then you enter the seventh level before your bloodline strength reaches its peak. If you are lucky, you can even break through the sixth level. Most people with super powers spend their lives like this.

Someone like Xing Yunzhi who entered the ninth level before the age of 20 can definitely be called a "genius", and there is a high probability that he will reach the fifth level at his peak in the future.

A fifth-grade superpower is the mainstay of any family and must be there. If a certain aristocratic family does not even have a fifth-grade expert, then there is a danger of collectively slipping into a humble family.

If the ancestor's virtues and good fortune lead to the fourth rank, the entire family will be promoted to the first level of the aristocratic family class, which is the so-called famous family.

As for the third-grade the world of China, there are only 5 people with third-grade superpowers.

Wang, Cui, Lu, Zheng, and Li behind these five people have therefore become the legendary "Five Surnames Family", occupying the pinnacle of the human world and firmly controlling the top political power of Jiankang City. Even the royal family has no control over this. The five major aristocratic families also have to retreat and give way.

Xing Yunzhi was able to enter the ninth level even though she was still underage, so she was given high hopes by the Xing family. In the future, her goal is to maintain the sixth level and hit the fifth level. Of course, if you are daydreaming, you can also think about level four.

As for the third grade, that's something I don't even dare to think about.

There is an abyss between different levels because there is no effective way to quickly increase bloodline strength. In most cases, it can only be allowed to grow naturally as the body develops.

Otherwise, the top-level massive resources controlled by the Five Surnames Family would not have been able to cultivate a second third-grade superpower for so many years - as long as the strength of this bloodline can be controlled with some kind of resources, the Five Surnames Family is the one. A pile of money was piled up.

So, who can tell me what’s going on with this person’s bloodline strength that rises and falls like a roller coaster! ! !

Xing Yunzhi was silent for more than ten minutes. Various emotions of shock, fear, confusion, and doubt were intertwined in her mind. The thoughts in her mind had jumped from "Could this person be a peerless genius?" to "Could this person be a genius?" It's a demon in human skin." His thoughts were like a wild horse running wild, wandering in a completely incomprehensible direction.

"Uh..." Cheng Jinyang slowly opened his eyes and groaned in pain.

He slowly got up from the sofa and stared at his chest in a daze - at the last moment of the dream, he was finally cornered by the enemy, and four monsters pierced his abdomen with their sharp claws at the same time.

Although he counterattacked and killed one, the pain and fear of death still left some lingering fear in his body even after he came out of the dream.

"You're awake." Xing Yunzhi's cold voice sounded next to her.

"What time is it?" Cheng Jinyang asked.

"5:16." Xing Yunzhi said.

"Oh." Cheng Jinyang stood up unsteadily.

"Would you like to sleep a little longer?" Xing Yunzhi asked. She wanted to continue observing, "Today is Saturday."

"Forget it." Cheng Jinyang stood up straight, "I still have to see a doctor."

Xing Yunzhi felt the strength of the spiritual field again.

...It has stabilized. It is indeed the strength of the ninth grade.

So, only when he is sleeping does his bloodline strength fluctuate violently? And, could this fluctuation be related to entering other people’s dreams?

Gotta figure this out!

Xing Yunzhi was thinking like this, unaware that because she was squatting next to him, from Cheng Jinyang's condescending perspective, she could already see a lot of benefits from the slightly open collar.

For example, the slender shoulders and delicate collarbones, as well as the curves that gradually begin to climb, and the rounded parts that would make this book banned if described in detail, etc.

Of course, Cheng Jinyang would not be like the male protagonist of Asashi's Japanese comics, blushing and turning his head to remind her, "You are out of stock", because if he did this, he would most likely be scolded as a "pervert", and he might even get punished. Beat up - Xing Yunzhi is obviously not a cute or arrogant character. There is still a difference between a three-dimensional woman and a two-dimensional woman.

So he just looked at her hard for a few times, then pretended not to wake up yet, rubbed his eyes, stood up, and went to the bathroom.

On the sink countertop in the bathroom, everything was in two parts: tooth cups, toothbrushes, toothpaste, towels hanging on the wall, etc. At this time, Cheng Jinyang finally felt clearly that the house was indeed full. A girl moved in.

I no longer live alone.

Of course, if the two people's tooth cups and toothbrushes are placed side by side, sticking to each other, it might give him some naughty thoughts... The fact is that his tooth cup is placed on the left side of the faucet, and Xing Yuanzhi's is placed on the right, on the towel rack. The hanging towels were also spread far apart, leaving him no room for imagination.

"I think we should agree on a time to use the bathroom." Xing Yunzhi said behind him.

"Why did you agree to this?" Cheng Jinyang asked puzzledly.

"Because I will use it more." Xing Yunzhi said calmly, "If you suddenly need to use the bathroom in an emergency while I am taking a bath, I will never let you out."

"I see." Cheng Jinyang said, "I actually don't care, but when do you usually use it?"

"I get up at 8 a.m. every morning to wash my face and hair." Xing Yunzhi said calmly, "It takes about an hour. At 2 p.m., I wash again, but this time my hair is not washed, which takes about half an hour; I will also wash it once around 8 o'clock in the evening, which lasts for an hour. If I need to stay up late, I will wash it again at 12 o'clock."

"So Ah Zhi, are you an amphibian marine creature that will die if you don't soak in water?"

"Shut up, I just like to be clean. And don't call me Azhi."

Cheng Jinyang finished washing, changed his clothes and got ready to go out.

"I'm going to the clinic, will you stay at home during this time?"

"No." Xing Yunzhi said, "I have to go back to get clothes, buy some things, and clean the whole house."

"Okay, the spare key is in the shoe cabinet, which is the second cabinet from left to right."


So Cheng Jinyang went out and came to Dr. Wu Quemei's clinic again.

Sister Wu Quemei Wu was said to be the original owner's mother's apprentice during her lifetime... The original owner's mother was a civilian doctor and had taken great care of her in entering the profession.

Later, she set up a clinic on her own, and that's why she was willing to take care of Cheng Jinyang. Otherwise, with his financial resources, he would not be able to support the cost of daily treatment.

"Well, I'm recovering well." Wu Quemei finished adjusting her perception and opened another can of beer for herself.

"Sister Wu, you say this every time after treatment." Cheng Jinyang said helplessly, "If I recover well every time, why do I still have nightmares every day?"

"Your situation is like a critically ill patient with severed limbs and organ failure who has just escaped from the critical stage of life, and then asks me why I think the situation has improved if I can't get out of bed now." Wu Quemei waved her hand. He said impatiently, "Getting better is a relative judgment. If a guy who usually scores 40 points in the test scores 50 points today, he has become better. Do you understand?"

"Then if a normal person scores 100 points, how much does my current situation count?" Cheng Jinyang asked.

"About 70." Wu Quemei said casually.

"Okay." Cheng Jinyang sighed.

"Judging from the current recovery speed, it may take decades to completely get rid of the influence of nightmares." Wu Quemei added, "But if you can get the algorithm and conduct preliminary brain development, shielding it will be It’s been months of work.”

"Algorithms are not that easy to use." Cheng Jinyang smiled bitterly. He did not reveal anything about Xing Yunzhi, but asked casually, "If I go to the children of the Cheng family in the capital of God and secretly ask them to buy low-level algorithms, is it possible?"

"If it is a low-level algorithm, there should be no problem." Wu Quemei thought for a moment, "In fact, many low-level algorithms are jointly developed by major aristocratic families and the royal family, and they do not have strong confidentiality themselves, so They are not kept strictly confidential within the Maison."

"Don't tell me that you are originally from the Cheng family in the capital city. Even if you come from a poor family with another surname, you can still get low-level algorithms as long as you have the connections."

"That's it." Cheng Jinyang nodded.

After receiving confirmation from Sister Wu, he was somewhat more confident that Xing Yunzhi could come up with the gravity algorithm.

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