Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 8 Don’t call me Azhi!

At about 12:30 noon, Cheng Jinyang returned home from the clinic, opened the door, and almost stared out of his eyes.

All the objects in the living room are arranged neatly, and you can tell at a glance that they are caused by some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder. The floor was covered with white cashmere carpet, and the walls were replaced with new wallpaper. Whether it was the counter, tabletop or coffee table, they were all wiped clean.

A young woman was holding a rag and carefully wiping the windowsill. She was wearing a uniform with "Cleaning Robot" printed on it, and the reminder light on her left temple showed that this was not a flesh-and-blood human being, but a highly simulated housekeeping synthetic.

"This cleaning task is over. The next door-to-door cleaning time is tonight at 20:00." Finally, the synthetic man stood up, made a heart sign in front of his chest, and smiled at the stunned Cheng Jinyang, "I am Tai Rong. Housekeeping company No.3741’s maid robot Xiaoyun, if you are satisfied with the service, please give it a five-star rating~”

She sent a lifelike look, and Cheng Jinyang quickly touched the phone: "Oh, okay..."

"Don't be stupid. This is programmed. I'm not really asking for good reviews." The bathroom door opened, and Xing Yunzhi, who had just washed her hair, walked out and was still wiping her long, wet black hair with a towel. .

"Were you washing your hair just now?" Cheng Jinyang asked.


"I remember you said you don't wash your hair at noon."

"When I took a shower this morning, because I didn't bring a change of clothes, I just rinsed my body briefly." Xing Yunzhi picked up the hair dryer and explained, "This time I just made up for my morning shower share."

This thing still needs to be supplemented... Cheng Jinyang was speechless, only to hear Xing Yunzhi say again:

"I will replace your tooth cup, toothbrush, and towel with new ones. You must replace them once a week from now on, and I will pay for them."

"Hey!" Cheng Jinyang became dissatisfied. How can you just throw away other people's things?

"Do you know how much fungus, tartar, dandruff and dead cells will accumulate on personal cleaning products after being used for a week?" Throw all your old things in the bucket, and cover the bucket when not in use to prevent the fungal spores inside from floating out - this way, your things can ferment in it for as long as you like, and hair and mushrooms will grow."

Cheng Jinyang:? ? ?

"Ahem, since you paid for the new one, the old one will be lost as well." Cheng Jinyang was so frightened by Xing Yunzhi's disgusting description that he could only cough and agreed.

After finishing blow-drying her hair, Xing Yunzhi snorted coldly and turned around to enter the room.

Cheng Jinyang sighed, feeling that this girl was really not cute at all, and her good looks, figure and temperament were all in vain.

"What are you doing standing around outside?" Xing Yunzhi suddenly poked her head out of the room, "Come in quickly."

"Ah good."

Cheng Jinyang hurriedly walked into his bedroom and saw that his wardrobe... had been moved away and replaced by a slightly smaller single bed with a mosquito net and curtains.

"I will sleep here from now on." Xing Yunzhi sat on the single bed and patted the mattress under her, "Your bed is still yours to sleep on."

"Ah, does this mean we are in the same room..."

"We are already living together. Do you think outsiders will care whether we sleep in the same room or not?" Xing Yunzhi sneered.

"I have to admit, Ah Zhi, what you said makes some sense." Cheng Jinyang said thoughtfully.

"It makes sense." Xing Yunzhi's eyelids twitched, "I told you, don't call me Azhi."

"By the way, where is my wardrobe?"

"I'll move it to the vacant second bedroom next door for you. All my personal belongings will also be moved there."

"So you moved them all in one morning? So fast!"

"Yeah, what if it's not?"

"It always seems like you are quite impatient to move in together..."

"Let me remind you, living together does not mean that I will definitely marry you in the future, so it is best to keep your delusions in your heart and don't embarrass everyone by speaking out."

"Don't worry, Ah Zhi. I thought I didn't mind my partner's living habits, but now it seems that at least mysophobia needs to be ruled out in advance." Cheng Jinyang sighed, "The water and electricity bills alone are enough to make me worry. My flesh aches.”

"So I have already said that I will pay the water and electricity bills." Xing Yunzhi sighed, "And how many times do I have to mention it? Don't call me Ah Zhi, thank you."

"No, you have to consider that if we get married, then your money will be my money. Paying such a large amount every month is like cutting my flesh with a knife." Cheng Jinyang shook his head, "In addition, not If you call her Ah Zhi, how do you want me to call you?"

"No problem, even if we get married, we will notarize the division of property before marriage, so my money is not equal to your money." Xing Yunzhi said coldly, "As for titles, you can call me 'Classmate Xing' or 'Miss Xing' ', 'Miss Xing', whatever."

"But I think 'Azhi' sounds better. If you can use two words to call it, why do you have to use three words?"

"Because I hate being called 'Azhi', you don't need to know why." At this point, Xing Yunzhi suddenly paused strangely and stared at Cheng Jinyang with wide eyes.

"Hey, Cheng, don't you know why I hate this title?" Her voice also became deeper, as if a poisonous snake quietly poked its head out of the grass and made a hissing sound.

"Why?" Cheng Jinyang asked in surprise.

Xing Yunzhi didn't answer, she just stared at him without blinking.

After a long while, she didn't see any flaws in Cheng Jinyang's face, then she slowly closed her eyes and whispered:

"Anyway, don't call me Azhi anymore."

"Okay, Ah Zhi." Cheng Jinyang nodded, and then as if he had come to his senses, he waved his hands with a dry smile and said, "No, I just got used to it, I'm sorry."

"You should get rid of this habit as soon as possible!" Xing Yunzhi glared at him hard and walked out.

The reason why I don't like the name "Azhi" is because in the nightmare, the person also called her that.

The woman she hated so much.

"Miss Xing!" Cheng Jinyang put on a warm smile and left the bedroom, "What do you want to eat for lunch today?"

"I've ordered the food and it will be delivered later." Xing Yunzhi sat on the sofa and pressed the remote control as if venting her anger.

"Dishes? You're so mysophobic that you actually eat takeout?"

"A certain restaurant opened by members of our Xing clan is poor, but it is trustworthy in terms of hygiene." Xing Yunzhi said perfunctorily, pressing the remote control to frequently jump to the stage.

The program on the TV switched from a male lion having his balls bitten by a lioness, to a male protagonist being slapped by a heroine in a soap opera, to a live broadcast of aerial photography of the ruins of Songjiang. Xing Yunzhi was still pressing the button until Cheng Jinyang started She grabbed the remote control in her hand.

"I want to watch this." Cheng Jinyang stopped at a certain TV station that she had just skipped.

This is the adaptation of the recently popular animation "Cangqing Sword". It is roughly about a certain male protagonist who is invincible at the beginning. He single-handedly brings eight beautiful girls from scratch to the level of super gods. In the later period, eight girls have become gods. All kinds of bloody stories about fighting for him.

Xing Yunzhi lost interest after just watching it for a while, mainly because she didn't like this kind of story that was completely told from the male protagonist's perspective; Cheng Jinyang watched it with gusto. After all, he had read the original work, which was much more interesting than comics and animations.

After a while, the doorbell rang again.

Cheng Jinyang stood up and went to open the door, but he took a large box of heavy things from the courier's synthetic person and turned around with a confused expression on his face.

"Ah, the things I prepared for you have arrived." Xing Yunzhi showed a rare cold smile.

"What is this?" Cheng Jinyang took the scissors from the side and cut open the oil paper cloth outside, revealing dozens of thick books inside. Each book was as thick as a dictionary.

"The gravity algorithm you want." Xing Yunzhi said lightly with some unnoticeable bad taste.

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