Glitch utopia

Chapter 459 Awakening

"It's not too late for you to regret now. If you release me now, you can keep your interests longer!" Sun Jieke continued to seduce the other party, looking for any chance of survival.

4sever heard Sun Jieke's nonsense, and seemed to be persuaded. However, the next second, a red-hot iron block was pressed directly on Sun Jieke's chest, making a hissing sound.

"Who are you calling a dog? Do you think I don't understand this? Do I need you to teach me? I have already tied the interests to them tightly. Even if you die, they can't do anything to me. If they want to do something to me, they will do it to themselves!"

Seeing the other party's reaction, Sun Jieke knew that the other party had been completely blinded by the interests and could not listen to others at all.

Just as 4sever was constantly torturing Sun Jieke, Sun Jieke, who was almost unconscious due to the pain, suddenly saw an acquaintance appear in front of him. No. 43.

When he saw the other party's face, Sun Jieke understood a lot at once.

In the dream, No. 43 followed Hope Lily, who no longer existed. He came to Sun Jack and said sternly: "Sun Jack, see? No one needs your rescue. You are not the savior! You are not qualified to sacrifice anyone!"

"Fuck!" Sun Jack spat out a mouthful of blood. He didn't understand that FFP was also involved in this trap.

It was obvious that they must have had a stalker in Metropolis, knowing my plan in advance.

FFP was not a fool. Although they were in trouble now, they would not watch me easily occupy Emora.

If I support the rebels, then they will support Emora's Holy Grail, always using the smallest multiples to do the biggest things.

It was because FFP understood my strengths and knew that I could upload my clones at any time, so I used this trick.

Watching his intestines being slowly pulled out of his abdomen, Sun Jieke gritted his teeth and endured the pain and said, "No! I must go out, I must tell the outside world this information."

Although he said so, he was now completely trapped in a dream. It was harder than climbing to the sky to pass on the information by relying on his own ability.

While enduring various tortures, Sun Jieke tried to find a way to escape from any angle, but after thirty minutes, he could not think of any way in this desperate situation.

If he was outside, Sun Jieke would have fainted several times, but in this dream, it seemed that he would never faint and always endured this endless pain.

It is obvious that you cannot kill people in dreams, but you can destroy people's will and drive people crazy. It seems that the other party's method is to do this.

Sun Jieke didn't know how long he could hold on, but he knew that he was also a human being, and he might not be able to hold on for too long if he continued like this.

Watching Sun Jieke continue to suffer, No. 43's face became more and more happy. He reached out and hugged Hope Lily beside him.

"Hope, see? No one can sacrifice you. No matter who it is, I will make him pay back tenfold or a hundredfold."

"Your Hope is not dead."

Sun Jack's sudden words made No. 43's pupils shrink instantly, but the next second, he was furious and snatched the torture instrument from 4sever's hand, inserted it fiercely into Sun Jack's abdomen and stirred it with gritted teeth.

"You fart! I saw her die in front of me with my own eyes!"

"She can't die, because she is dead!! She is just a corpse with AI software installed! If you want her to come back to you, just restart it!" Sun Jack's words were half true and half false. He didn't know whether Lao 6's mother was what he said.

But he was completely trapped in a dream. Seeing that the other party had such deep feelings for Lao 6's mother, he could only find a breakthrough from this guy.

No. 43 stared at Sun Jack's eyes, trying to find some hesitation and avoidance in them, but he didn't find what he wanted.

"Can I search his memory?" No. 43 turned his head and looked at 4sever and asked.

"Well, I'll try." 4sever swiped in the air, and several translucent screens floated directly in front of Sun Jack.

During the search, No. 43 came to Sun Jack and stared at him, "Sun Jack! Don't count on it! You think you are qualified to negotiate with me based on this! You are crazy today!"

But after he said this, he didn't see Sun Jack's slightly raised mouth.

The next second after he finished speaking, the bright environment around him suddenly began to tremble. No. 43 was stunned. "What's going on."

However, when Sun Jack felt the movement, his face was happy.

With a click, the ceiling of the whole room cracked directly, and a huge tower pie poked in from the outside.

When he saw Sun Jack's tortured and broken body, the screen on his face instantly turned red, and a big red emoji popped up.

"(▼Van▼ # ) Fuck your mother!!"

Seeing the next scene, Sun Jack laughed. "I forgot to tell you that my memory has been attacked many times by others, especially because I had a feud with a 2B who was good at this, so I naturally kept some tricks to prevent this from happening again."

As Sun Jack proudly spoke, Ta Pai tore the entire room apart, and the dream quickly began to collapse. Sun Jack finally escaped from this weird dream world.

The next second, accompanied by a strong tinnitus, Sun Jack, who had a splitting headache, suddenly woke up. When he looked around, Sun Jack realized that he was still in the shield machine and had never gone out.

From the moment he fell asleep, he never woke up.

"What's going on? Why does someone want to touch your memory? Why did someone torture you just now?" asked Tapai.

"Don't mention it, let everyone block sleep quickly, there are dream weapons on the side of Emora." Sun Jack made a long story short and told Tapai everything that happened before.

"Emora's resistance has been completely incorporated. This is troublesome. If we don't have an insider, Metropolis and Emora want to fight head-on, and the loss will be very large." Sun Jack contacted the think tank of Metropolis to discuss the next countermeasures.

"Is that so." Tapai remembered the scene he had seen before, stretched out his hand and called a lone wolf mercenary. As his induction line was inserted into the other party's system port, the lone wolf mercenary rolled his eyes and fell asleep.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and wake him up, or he will be connected to Emora's dream weapon."

"I just want him to connect, I'm going to send them some gifts."

"What is it?"

"Kang Tao virus, judging from its previous power, should be able to kill all the people in Emora."

Tapai's light words instantly exploded in Sun Jack's mind like thunder.

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