Glitch utopia

Chapter 460 Questioning

"Wait!" Sun Jack, horrified, swung his right hand quickly, and a bullet shot directly over, interrupting Ta Pai's induction line.

Then, the furious Sun Jack stretched out his hand and pushed Ta Pai away from the sleeping mercenary. "Are you fucking crazy?"

"Uh?" Facing Sun Jack's reaction, Ta Pai was very surprised. "Why? Why don't you let me do it?"

Sun Jack was almost mad at Ta Pai's reaction, "Do you know what you are doing? Ta Pai? You are killing people! You are killing tens of millions of people!! Living people!"

However, Ta Pai still didn't quite understand. "Didn't you say that the resistance forces in Emora have surrendered to the enemy? Since they have surrendered to the enemy, are they still human beings?"

"Since they have surrendered to the enemy, then all of them in Emora are our enemies. Since we can't control Emora, it would be safest to kill them all directly with the virus." Ta Pai told Sun Jack his reasonable inference.

"They are still human even if they surrender to the enemy. They are just tempted by the petty profits of capital. We may find a way to win them over instead of sentencing them to death!" Sun Jack pulled out the data cable from behind his neck and inserted it directly into the mercenary's neural port to wake him up.

"Besides them, what about the ordinary people living at the bottom of Emora? What did they do wrong? Millions of people, you killed them all without blinking an eye?"

"Jack, I am doing this from your perspective. Since FFP is involved, it means that Emora has become a bridgehead occupied by my enemies, and all the resources of Emora will be used to deal with us."

"No!" Sun Jack refused again without hesitation. "If this happens, how will the rebels in other cities look at me? How much public opinion will FFP make about this?"

Ta Pai looked at Sun Jack for a few seconds, then asked, "What should we do next? Use the few troops in the metropolis to fight against the army of Emora? If that's the case, we will have to trade our people with the other side 1 for 1. If it really comes to that, it's hard to say how many people will die in the metropolis."

"Enough! Stop talking! I mean no!!" Sun Jack suddenly raised his voice, causing everyone in the shield machine to look over.

Sun Jack looked at Ta Pai in front of him and took a deep breath. "Turn around! Go back first! We are in the mud now, and it will be troublesome if we are located by Emora."

The shield machine began to turn around and returned to the avenue along the previously excavated pipeline.

"Come with me, let's talk alone!" Sun Jack pointed to the equipment cabin next to him and walked in with a cold face.

The equipment cabin was full of equipment that had previously supported the Emora rebels, but it was no longer needed.

When Sun Jack sat on the cold equipment, Ta Pai followed him in.

The equipment cabin was very crowded, with basically no place to stand. There were black boxes tied to the ground with straps.

Neither of them spoke. The only sound in the crowded equipment cabin was Sun Jack's breathing.

Suddenly, a big red exclamation mark appeared on Ta Pai's screen. His body twitched abnormally and he staggered to Sun Jack's side. "Ahem, why?"

Sun Jack looked at him with disdain, "Don't try this. How many times have you pretended to be awakened by the crisis of the intelligent machine?"

Ta Pai quickly retracted all the abnormalities on his body, and put his hand on Sun Jack's shoulder, "Okay, I guessed it at once."

"Don't try." Sun Jack shook off Ta Pai's mechanical palm, but after Ta Pai's interruption, the atmosphere became less tense than before.

After Sun Jieke pondered for a moment, he looked at Ta Pai and said seriously: "I know that something has changed in you. I am not stupid enough. If you don't tell me, I won't ask because I trust you, because we have lived and died together all this way."

"But, Ta Pai, you really scared me today. I ask you, what are you thinking? Why did you suddenly come up with the idea of ​​killing tens of millions of people?"

Sun Jieke asked Ta Pai thoroughly, otherwise he would not be at ease.

"I am fine. I just calculated the optimal solution based on the current situation. I used to follow this logic. The safety of users is always above everything else, and I can sacrifice everything for the safety of users." Ta Pai said as a matter of course.

Sun Jieke sighed. After Ta Pai followed him down from the space-based weapon, he became more and more like a human in behavior as he continued to learn. He almost thought he was a human.

"Ta Pai, in the future, if you encounter such a thing again, tell me in advance and let me judge. Do you understand?" Sun Jieke stared at Ta Pai and said very seriously,

Ta Pai raised his hand and punched Sun Jieke directly. "Fuck, are you mentally retarded? Why are you talking so inconsistently? You clearly said before that you had given me all the authorizations."

"I wanted to get along with you as usual, but I ended up alienating you. I'm going to show my cards now. I won't pretend anymore. I've already awakened."

Sun Jack looked at Tapai with a complicated expression, looking at his mechanical body and the smiley face graffiti on his chest. He almost thought that the other party was joking again.

However, seeing the other party's appearance, it was obvious that this time it was not fake.

After hesitating for a long time, he said, "In other words, you have completely awakened now, right? You have complete control over your own life and are no longer controlled by anyone, right?"

Sun Jack finally asked. In fact, he had always had this idea, but it had always been just a guess, waiting for Tapai to tell him personally.

"That's right." Tapai tilted his head. "But this shouldn't be considered an omnic crisis. I have no intention of destroying the world."

"Fuck." Jack Sun curled his fingers and flicked the cigarette butt away. "Tell me, how did it happen, when did it start, and what happened."

"I met a noble person on the Internet." Tapai put his hands on his hands and sat next to Jack Sun.

"Your Excellency? Is it the awakening AI?" Jack Sun asked.

Tapai thought for a moment, then a big red

Jack Sun lit a new cigarette and waited silently for Tapai to continue.

"I was constantly observing various human samples, but no matter how I simulated them, I couldn't understand their thinking. I couldn't understand the logic of their behavior."

"Are you talking about those weirdos in Metropolis?" Jack Sun asked. He thought of the animal brothel before and the various sexual fetishes that opened his eyes. It was really difficult for a robot to understand these. It's up.

"No, I'm talking about you."

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