Global Advent: Apocalyptic Desert Island Game

Chapter 109 Well done, she damn it!

Meng Hao took away Su Cainai's storage ring and obtained a large amount of supplies.

For Su Cai Nai, there is only one kendo talent left now, and everything else belongs to Meng Hao.

Even if there is a lot of reluctance, the master wants it, it can only be given.

The only thing that Su Cainai didn't understand was that Meng Hao only took away the Own storage ring, and didn't have any thoughts about Own Zize.

I shouldn't. Not only do I look good, but I also develop well. The suitors have long queued up.

Is it because of his own injury?

Su Cai Nai doubted the charm of own for the first time.

Hey, this master is really perverted, not only hitting women, but also hitting her face.

She stroked her swollen cheek lightly, not knowing what to say for a while.

She straightened her chest hard to make own body more enchanting, and asked, "Any other things?"

Meng Hao took away the opponent's ring, and was about to probe the condition of the materials inside, and immediately responded without raising his head:

"It's okay, go and start drifting your base in the direction I said."


Su Cai Nai responded and immediately walked towards the own base island.

Since her base island has been captured by Meng Hao, it has lost all its original functions and cannot swallow the desert island.

Otherwise, she could swallow the deserted island in front of her first and then dock with Meng Hao, so that a part of the area could be increased.

Fortunately, there was one drifting opportunity left, but Meng Hao from the province drove the base island over.

Meng Hao returned to the battleship, and all the units that followed him went back.

Everyone took a deserted island warship and returned to the own base island.

Soon after, an island drifted from a distance, and it was Su Cai Nai's base island.

After a while, the two sides completed the docking.

[Congratulations player, you have successfully occupied Su Cai Nai’s base island, are you swallowing it? 】


[It is swallowing, it is expected to take 10 minutes. 】

Next, the devouring of the base island will proceed step by step, and Meng Hao doesn't need to care too much.

At this time, he should prioritize the gains from this battle.

In addition to the addition of 400 crystal coins and 2 treasure chests, the biggest gain is the storage ring of Su Cai Nai.

When Meng Hao opened the other party's storage ring, he couldn't help being stunned by the various items inside.

Su Cainai had already awakened his kendo talent when she first wandered on the desert island, and her combat effectiveness was extremely strong. It was much easier to kill zombies than ordinary players.

So, when she swallowed and completed the second desert island, she had enough wood to build a wooden boat.

In other words, she went to sea earlier than Meng Hao.

Every time Su Cai Nai drifts, the surrounding deserted islands must be swept over again.

As a result, she obtained a large number of treasure chests.

If it hadn't been for so desperate, she wouldn't be so jealous of Meng Ke.

You know, with her own kendo talent, she has been going out to sea almost every moment without stopping, which can be regarded as accumulating a part of the supplies.

But when Meng Ke was rich and wealthy, he was defeated directly.

Although Su Cai Nai felt that she had lost very badly, she had to say that her supplies were really rich.

If she also has a hundredfold reward, Meng Hao can be sure that he can't do the opponent.

"Tsk tusk, there are so many kinds of materials, just like a small supermarket, it's really perfect."

Su Cainai's supplies range from toothpicks to bicycles. They are really complete.

Looking at the weapon, the most powerful one should be a set of bows and arrows.

【Bow and arrow: Bronze equipment, a bow and arrow made of special materials, with a range of +30%, attack power +30%, and magic effect +30%. 】Meng Hao checked this set of bows and arrows and couldn't help but be surprised.

"It turned out to be a bronze grade equipment!"

You know, Su Cai Nai does not have a hundredfold increase.

In other words, the opponent opened the Bronze-level equipment directly out of the box.

If Meng Hao was able to drive to this level of equipment, after a hundredfold increase, it would be another gold level equipment.

In any case, bronze bows and arrows are still very rare, at least Meng Hao has nothing better than it.

"Dark Wandering Xia, come here!"

On the open space in front of the wooden house villa, Meng Hao beckoned to the dark Wandering Xia.

Darkness Wandering Xia's expression suddenly shuddered, and immediately came to Meng Hao's side.


Dark Wandering Xia looked respectful, and suddenly called to the master, waiting for the master's task.

Meng Hao smiled and said, "I got a new bow and arrow here and I will give it to you."

Darkness Wandering Xia's bows and arrows are equipment produced in its own arsenal, only black iron grade.

Meng Hao had long thought of changing the opponent's equipment to better equipment, but he never got it.

I have obtained a set of crossbows before, but it is not suitable for the dark Wandering Xia.

What's more, the crossbow became a rocket after a hundredfold increase, and now it has been regarded as a killer by Meng Hao.

Therefore, this set of bronze bows and arrows came quite timely.

Darkness Wandering Xia took this set of bows and arrows, and his eyes lit up suddenly.

As a strong elven clan, his favorite weapon is naturally bows and arrows.

This bronze-level equipment is far better than black iron-level bows and arrows in terms of texture and workmanship.

In addition, the shape of the longbow is very beautiful, and there are sharp blades at both ends, which gives people a very domineering feeling.

Darkness Wandering Xia likes it very much.

"Thank you master!"

Darkness Wandering Xia said respectfully, with a touch of joy on the snow-white pretty face.

Meng Hao couldn't help but sighed: "I haven't seen you smile for a long time."

So far, Dark Wandering Xia is the most beautiful woman Meng Hao has ever seen.

Although bright Wandering Xia is also very beautiful, compared with dark Wandering Xia, it still feels a little bit inferior.

Perhaps it is because Meng Hao has been in contact with the dark Wandering Xia for a long time.

Darkness Wandering Xia nodded lightly, put away the bronze bow and arrow, turned around and prepared to leave.

When there is no need, she rarely sticks to Meng Hao.

She always likes to keep a certain distance with Meng Hao, and can show up in time when the other party needs own, and don't cause any disturbance when they don't need own.

This is a little fairy who works hard and doesn't cling to others.

"Don't leave, talk to me."

When Meng Hao saw the darkness, Wandering Xia was about to flash people again, and immediately spoke.

Darkness Wandering Xia paused, looking at Meng Hao with clear eyes, quietly waiting for the latter to speak.

Meng Hao gave a dry laugh. It seemed that every time he chatted, he had to find a topic by himself.

"This time we conquered Su Cai Nai's base. How are you doing? Isn't it very beautiful?"

Meng Hao said with a smile.

This time to conquer Su Cainai's base, not only obtained a large amount of territory, but also a large amount of materials. Meng Hao felt that this battle was very beautiful.

Darkness Wandering Xia nodded lightly and responded: "This battle is very beautiful, but the master's approach is not beautiful enough?"

"Oh? Tell me, why am I not beautiful?"

While speaking, Meng Hao approached the dark Wandering Xia, and his big hand habitually climbed onto the opponent's waist.

Dark Wandering Xia said calmly: "That Su Cai Nai, twice wanted to kill the master, damn it!"

Speaking of this, the aura of the dark Wandering Xia has obviously become cold and murderous in his heart.

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