Darkness Wandering Xia has been paying attention to Meng Hao's safety the whole time, so when attacking the opponent's barracks, a large part of her mind is also on Meng Hao's side.

The distance from the desert island to the barracks is not very far. With the strength of her Tier 2 Wandering Xia, she can detect the situation where Meng Hao is.

So, what happened before, the dark Wandering Xia has seen it.

Therefore, she has great hostility towards Su Cai Nai.

In the dark Wandering Xia's view, the master does not need to give Su Cai Nai the opportunity to sign a contract.

It's so good to kill directly, it's a hundred.

Meng Hao responded with a smile: "I know you are thinking about my safety, but you have to know that this world is far bigger than we thought.

Next, it must be a super melee. If you want to become the overlord of one party, our own strength is not enough.

Therefore, we must win over as many talents as possible.

Su Cai Nai has a talent for kendo and is a rare talent. She can play a certain role in the future.

Besides, she has now signed the magic contract and has become my loyal subordinate.

So let her take the blame and make meritorious deeds. "

Hearing Meng Hao's words, Dark Wandering Xia nodded silently.


You are the master, and everything you say is right.

At this moment, the system sent a congratulatory message.

[Congratulations to the player, the base island has been swallowed, with an area of ​​+3.5 square kilometers, and the current area is 15 square kilometers. 】

[Ascension: The area required for the next upgrade is 100 square kilometers. 】

After devouring Su Cai Nai's base island, Meng Hao's base area has reached 15 square kilometers.

Today there is another opportunity for rafting, which can increase the area by about 1 square kilometer.

There is still a long time before dark, and Meng Hao does not intend to start drifting immediately.

Save a chance, in case there is a need later, the island can't move, isn't it very embarrassing.

Saying goodbye to the dark Wandering Xia briefly, Meng Hao returned to the wooden house alone.

The novice period is coming to an end. He wants to browse the chat channel to learn about the international situation, and by the way, take a look at the average development level of other players.

The current number of online: 46143589767813827327

Seeing this number of people online, Meng Hao couldn't help being surprised.

The number of players worldwide is about 7.8 billion, and the novice period has not completely ended, and there are only 4.6 billion left.

In other words, 3.2 billion people died in less than three days.

This death rate is really terrifying.

However, some people should be deprived of their player status, just like Rao Xiaofan and others, they are still alive, but they have become offline.

The World Channel can only speak one piece a day, so every sentence here is very important.

What surprised Meng Hao is that although each person can only speak once a day, there is no word limit.

In other words, you can write what you want to say in a post and send it all at once.

This makes each speech very long and contains a lot of information.

Meng Hao brushed hundreds of the most popular posts one after another, and he really summed up a lot of information.

1. Tomorrow morning, when the sun rises from the sea, the novice period is over, and the sea fog will dissipate.

2. There is only fog on the base islands and deserted islands, not on the sea.

3. There are desert island warships on the sea, and a large number of pirates are waiting to hunt.

4. The strength of one person cannot survive and needs unity and cooperation.

5. Not only are there dangers in the sea, there are also dangers in the land and in the sky.6. Open the barracks to train troops, which will be the ultimate power of the player to guard the base.

7. There are hidden treasure islands in this sea area, where there are not only treasures but also traps.

8. This is a magical world, and people on earth can practice magic.

9. The real horror is coming right away. If you want to survive, quickly find a strong teammate to form an alliance.


Meng Hao browsed the posts of the World Channel, thinking a little bit in his heart.

This information is very important for ordinary players, but for Meng Hao, there is nothing new.

Because he has experienced it.

The only difference, maybe he is that strong teammate.

After watching the World Channel, Meng Hao came to the regional channel again.

Current online number: 6101000

Among the 1,000 people on the regional channel, 390 have died or are offline, and the death rate is about 40%.

Here is where you can talk freely, and boring people are posting here.

Nowadays, there are very few messages for help. It seems that everyone has accepted this reality.

Now more people are discussing survival experience.

Killing zombies is no longer a difficult problem.

As long as it is not unlucky to encounter Tier 2 zombies, it is still a very simple matter to kill ordinary zombies.

In addition, the most talked about regional channel is the news released by the world channel.

Meng Hao opened some of the hottest posts and looked at it, and found that everyone was soliciting allies.

It seems that humans are really social animals, even if they live on deserted islands, they always want to regroup together.

Of course, gathering together is to better deal with this desert island world.

"Brothers, we already have three bases gathered together. After the alliance, the area of ​​the base has reached 9 square kilometers, hurry up and join us!"

"Wow, the brother upstairs is so amazing. He already has a base of 9 square kilometers. I really envy him."

"Yes, hurry up and join us. The base alliance will not deduct the area. The three of us are 3 square kilometers each. After the alliance, it becomes 9 square kilometers."

"I want to form an alliance with you, but how can I find you?"

"Simple, we have erected the flagpole on the center line of the base and hung up the God of War flag we made by ourselves. When the fog clears tomorrow, you will drive over the base when you see the God of War flag."

"Wow, it's amazing, what does the God of War banner look like? Did you draw a God of War on it?"

"No, handwritten, two words God of War."

"Oh, I see, I will go tomorrow when the fog clears."

Meng Hao looked at the chat records in the regional channel, and a smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The three people got a base area of ​​9 square kilometers after they united. Looking at the tone they preached around, they should be very proud of this matter.

If they know that Meng Hao alone has a base area of ​​15 square kilometers, what kind of embarrassing expression should they show?

At the same time, Meng Hao obtained a very valuable message in the chat content of the other party.

The alliance between the base and the base, the area of ​​the island can be directly superimposed.

If a base swallows another base, only half of the area of ​​the swallowed base can be obtained.

It seems that alliances are the fastest way for players to expand.

However, the shortcomings after the alliance is also very obvious, that is, there are too many people to talk to, and the base island can't tell who is listening.

If nothing goes wrong, everyone will definitely elect a leader together, and then others will exist as councillors, discussing everything.

Well, it smells like the Federal Assembly.

In this matter, Meng Hao keenly discovered new business opportunities.

After they have formed an alliance, can you put them together?

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