Global Advent: Apocalyptic Desert Island Game

Chapter 196 Skywrath Goshawk, Desert Island Heavenly Horse Beast

At the entrance of the barracks, a figure with a weird figure stood there.

He wears a hat on his head, rags and linen, and his clothes are ragged, just like a beggar.

Holding a crooked crutch in his hand, his temperament is cold and strange, giving people a shuddering feeling.

Seeing this figure, Meng Hao suddenly felt a kind of enlightenment in his heart.

This is the only type of unit trained in the barracks: witch doctors.

Perceiving someone coming, the witch doctor slowly raised his head, his wrinkled face was exposed to the sun for the first time.

Muddy eyes swept across the crowd, and finally stopped on Meng Hao's body.


When the witch doctor saw Meng Hao, he could automatically identify the identity of the rear. He knew that the other party was the owner of own.

Meng Hao parked the electric car in the middle of the road, and then walked up with the dark Wandering Xia, bright Wandering Xia, and Su Cainai.

The three women consciously didn't get too close, and stopped after walking a few steps.

The witch doctor has a cold temperament that no stranger should get close to, and even a trace of evil in the cold, which makes people reluctant to approach him.

Probably because of his status, Meng Hao did not miss the evil aura of the opponent.

But the other three women felt very obvious and didn't want to have too much intersection with him.

Meng Hao lightly nodded and asked curiously: "Witch doctor, right, what abilities do you have?"

As the owner of the base island, Meng Hao didn't bludgeon the opponent, but asked straightforwardly what he cared about.

Just like a director, when looking for an actor, you must first know what unique skills the other party has.

Hearing the master's question, the witch doctor's turbid eyes were silent in the ancient well, and the old face did not change in the slightest.

He said in a calm voice: "I can cure diseases and save people, and I can kill people as I like. I can poison my soul, and I can curse the soul."

While speaking, there was a strange aura rippling from the witch doctor.

This breath was like a puff of white smoke, surging up and down under his feet.

Soon, the white smoke condensed into a special magic circle, the middle began to turn red, and the white lines seemed to be stained with blood.

Cold, bloodthirsty, vicious, cruel...

A large number of negative emotions are formed on this magic circle, as if there are countless evil spirits roaring, making people's souls tremble.

Meng Hao's eyes were like electricity, and when he saw the reddish and gray things, his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

"That is, ashes?"

Meng Hao's mind was startled, feeling that the witch doctor class is not easy.

"You are welcome to join!" Meng Hao said.

In any case, the witch doctor is the own unit, and even if it looks a little weird, it is also a powerful assistant of the own.

The witch doctor nodded lightly, and then automatically followed Meng Hao.

Meng Hao was very satisfied with the response of the witch doctor.

There are not many people who are ruthless, and he is new to this type of arms.

"Go, let's go to the ranch to have a look."

While speaking, Meng Hao waved to everyone, and immediately walked towards the ranch.

There is also a unique unit on the ranch, called the Skywrath Goshawk.

Listening to the name is very domineering, I don't know what the actual situation is like.

The ranch is next to the farm, not far from the barracks.

A few minutes later, Meng Hao came to the ranch.

He stood outside the ranch, looking at the open space full of Earth Demon Wolf, his brows frowned.

"Where is the Skywrath Goshawk?" Meng Hao asked suspiciously.

After arriving at the ranch, he did not see the Skywrath Goshawk, but felt that these Earth Demon Wolves were a bit weird."What's the matter? These trembling wolves of the earth, how come they feel a little unsteady?"

"What's wrong with them?"

"Could it be trembling?"

At this moment, a sharp sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a goshawk over five meters in size fell from the sky.

The wings spread out for ten meters!

When it landed on the ground, the violent wind immediately raged and flew, and several Earth Demon Wolves that were closer to it were instantly lifted out.

At the same time, the other earth wolves retreated one after another, their eyes filled with awe.

That is from the suppression of the power in the blood.

The Skywrath Goshawk landed in front of Meng Hao, and the huge eagle's head slowly lowered, expressing its own respect to Meng Hao.

Meng Hao looked at this majestic Skywrath Goshawk, and the joy at the corner of his mouth couldn't help showing.

Good guys!

Regardless of the combat effectiveness of this Skywrath Goshawk, the opponent's flight advantage alone is enough to score full marks.

If you ride on it yourself, wouldn't it be possible to travel in the sky?

After gaining the air superiority, coupled with own powerful magic, the combat effectiveness will be greatly increased.

Meng Hao looked at the handsome Skywrath Goshawk, and then at the electric car parked in the middle of the road.

He suddenly felt that the car didn't smell.

The Earth Demon Wolf does not want to ride, it is always okay to ride an eagle.

Meng Hao stepped forward and stood in front of Skywrath Flying Eagle, and asked in a calm voice: "Skywrath Goshawk, right, can you understand me?"

The Skywrath Goshawk nodded immediately, indicating that he could understand it.

Meng Hao couldn't help showing joy, his expression was calm, he tried to show an unpredictable image, and asked, "How about you taking me to the sky for a while?"

Skywrath Goshawk nodded immediately and agreed.

Meng Hao was overjoyed. On the surface, he calmly waved his hand to everyone, and said, "You go back first, I'll go to the sky and have a look."

Before he finished his words, Meng Hao's figure moved, he flew directly on the tip of the wind, and lightly landed on the back of the Skywrath Goshawk.

The Skywrath Goshawk stretched his neck slightly, and a suitable foothold was automatically separated from the back.

Standing on it, Meng Hao's hard feathers opened automatically, forming a strong protective fence.

Until this time, Meng Hao was surprised to find that every feather of the Skywrath Gohawk was as strong as iron and sharp as a knife.


Meng Hao let out a low growl, and the Skywrath Goshawk's wings spread out, and his figure soared into the sky like lightning.

Rao is Meng Hao, who has experienced strong winds and waves. At this time, he couldn't help the blood surging, and he felt a kind of surging heart.

Dapeng rose with the same wind in one day, soaring for ninety thousand miles!

Stepping on the back of the Skywrath Goshawk, Meng Hao felt that the entire desert island world had become much smaller.

As the altitude rose rapidly, the world of desert islands kept shrinking in Meng Hao's eyes.

The base island of more than 100 square kilometers quickly became the size of a fist, and it was still shrinking.

Meng Hao couldn't help being proud, and couldn't help but let out a long roar.

Just when Meng Hao was thinking about yelling at the sky a few times, an extremely terrifying sense of crisis suddenly came.

Above that cloud layer, a gray flying beast suddenly moved.

It has wings like a cover, enveloping its huge body, and its thick legs are hidden in the clouds.

Across the clouds, Meng Hao could vaguely detect the opponent's sharp claws.

The opponent's body is extremely large and can stand on top of the clouds.

It is roughly estimated that this flying behemoth can be at least hundreds of meters in size.

The most curious thing is that this flying behemoth has a strange head and looks a little stupid.

The thick lips and big mouth look like a hippo on the earth.

"No, it's a desert island Heavenly Horse, run!"

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