Global Advent: Apocalyptic Desert Island Game

Chapter 197 High-altitude crisis, thrilling resolution

Desert Island Heavenly Horse beast is an extremely terrifying existence.

It is huge in size and strong in strength. In the world of desert islands, it almost exists as a hegemon.

Meng Hao didn't know the world of deserted islands, and had talked with the magician Jelena for a long time.

Meng Hao vaguely remembered that the other party had mentioned this kind of creature.

Generally speaking, the Heavenly Horse beast on the desert island rarely appears, but every time it appears, it will bring a terrible storm.

Even the original inhabitants of the desert island world can only escape when they encounter the Heavenly Horse beast on the desert island.

The opponent is too strong, it is not something ordinary people can deal with.

The reason why Meng Hao knew so much about the Heavenly Horse beast on the desert island was because Irina had talked a lot at the beginning.

In the desert island world, the Wizards’ Guild and the Warriors’ Guild once joined forces to deal with a desert island Heavenly Horse.

However, the two sides only took one round, and the magician and warrior camps were defeated.

No way, the power of the Heavenly Horse beast on the desert island is too strong, and its strength alone can easily crush Tier 5 fighters.

At the same time, the desert island Heavenly Horse beast also possesses a terrifying talent skill.

To be precise, there are two types.

One is the Heavenly Horse wind knife, and the other is the Heavenly Horse ice cannon.

Yes, the desert island Heavenly Horse is a two-line beast, possessing wind magic and water magic at the same time.

Moreover, the desert island Heavenly Horse beast can hold the magic of the water system into a puck in its mouth, and can spray it out with extremely terrifying power.

Just like the cannon, it is called the Heavenly Horse ice cannon.

No matter what kind of talent, the offensive power is very terrible.

Therefore, when Irina told Meng Hao at that time, she claimed that if she encountered such a giant sky beast, she would escape as soon as possible.

Desert Island Heavenly Horse does not like land, nor does it like low altitude.

If you are lucky, you may escape to a low altitude and stop chasing after him.

Of course, it does not rule out the possibility of being driven to extinction by the other party.

Meng Hao is now in a Tier 4 state, whether it is magic power or combat power.

The strength of the Heavenly Horse beast on the desert island can contend with a Tier 6 warrior or a magician. Meng Hao is now hitting the opponent, and if head-to-head, there is only one dead end.


Meng Hao urged Skywrath Flying Eagle to let the other party quickly flee here with him.

I thought of pretending to be forced at high altitude.

Even without Meng Hao's reminder, Skywrath Flying Eagle knew what to do.

At this time, a layer of gray light suddenly appeared on its wings, and a sharp light radiated from its body, and its wings seemed to have become two heavenly swords.

The next moment, the Skywrath Goshawk's wings vibrated, cutting the Shattering Void one after another in a very short time, causing a series of sonic booms in the air.

In an instant, the Skywrath Goshawk gained extreme speed, and his figure resembled a black lightning, violently slashing towards the sea.

However, the desert island Heavenly Horse beast is not to be outdone, and its majestic figure jumps directly down the clouds, like a giant meteorite hitting the ground.

This deserted island Heavenly Horse beast seemed to be lonely for too long. At this time, a guest came to visit suddenly, and it was reluctant to leave, so it hurried to catch up.

The size of the Heavenly Horse beast on the desert island is much larger than that of the Skywrath Goshawk, and its flight speed is much faster than the latter.

Therefore, when the desert island Heavenly Horse beast jumped down from the clouds, its wings just stirred up, and its huge body had already caught up with Meng Hao.

When the huge mouth of the desert island Heavenly Horse beast approached Meng Hao, Meng Hao's face turned green.

In an instant, he thought of nearly a million possibilities.

He was thinking, what kind of weapon could be used to destroy this terrifying Tier 6 flying beast.

At this level of strength, it is difficult for ordinary weapons to kill the opponent.

Unless it is weapons of mass destruction such as missiles and nuclear bombs.

However, Meng Hao didn't.His strongest thermal weapons are heavy artillery and rockets.

But the opponent is already on his face. Regardless of whether the heavy artillery and rockets can kill the opponent, it is too late in terms of time alone.

How about Devil's spear?

Devil's spear is extremely powerful. With him, Meng Hao can easily penetrate the enemy's body.

However, the size of the Heavenly Horse beast on the desert island is hundreds of meters long. Even if the Devil spear is pierced into the opponent's body, it will not necessarily cause fatal trauma.

Obviously, Devil's spear will not work.

Where's the aster scepter?

In terms of magic, the scepter of aster can exert a powerful force.

However, it takes a certain amount of time to cast magic, and now it seems that it is too late.

In that case, what should I do?

Just when Meng Hao was anxious, suddenly his mind moved and another thought occurred.

This deserted island Heavenly Horse easily caught up with itself, but did not attack.

Could it be that it is not hostile to itself?

Meng Hao was worried and didn't know how to deal with it.

He guessed that the Heavenly Horse beast on the desert island might be a danger that will only be encountered in the next few rounds, but because he rode the Skywrath Gohawk in the sky, the danger was triggered in advance.

At this time, you must not go head-to-head.

Head-to-head can't be beaten.

In that case, take the initiative to show good!

Meng Hao made up his mind and hurriedly took out a handful of sea blue ice heart from the storage ring.

He heard Elena said that the Heavenly Horse beast on the desert island is a giant sky beast with water and wind properties. He should like sea blue ice heart and sky blue wind heart.

Here in Meng Hao, Hailan Bingxin has always had a lot.

Not long ago, Guangming Wandering Xia killed many seagulls, and Meng Hao also gained a lot of Sky Blue Wind Heart.

In this way, the things that the other party likes are gathered.

"Give it!"

Meng Hao threw a handful of Sea Blue Ice Heart towards the Heavenly Horse Beast on the desert island.

When Hailan Bingxin appeared, there was a change in expression on the huge face of the Heavenly Horse beast on the desert island.

That is joy!

The desert island Heavenly Horse immediately opened its big mouth and swallowed five sea blue ice hearts in one bite.

The huge mouth chirps, seems to eat with relish.

Meng Hao felt that there was a play, and flipped the storage ring again, and a sky blue wind heart appeared in his hand.

"This one is for you too!"

Meng Hao let out a soft cry and threw out the five Sky Blue Wind Hearts that he had just taken out.

The desert island Heavenly Horse beast grew its mouth again, swallowing five sky blue wind hearts into its belly in one bite.

At this moment, the Heavenly Horse beast on the desert island was comfortable, and there were very humane fluctuations on the huge beast's face, which seemed to be smiling.

It was originally not hostile to Meng Hao, but at this time it ate the opponent's sea blue ice heart and sky blue wind heart, making it have a slight affection for Meng Hao.

"Goodbye, there will be a period later!"

Meng Hao waved his hand at the Heavenly Horse beast on the deserted island. On the surface, he said polite words. In fact, he was so anxious that he couldn't wait to shout: "Old Tie, don't chase you!"

However, to Meng Hao's surprise, the desert island Heavenly Horse beast actually understood his words, and its huge figure stopped in the sky.

At the same time, the desert island Heavenly Horse beast flapped its wings happily, seeming to express gratitude to Meng Hao.

Meng Hao didn't expect that the Heavenly Horse beast on the desert island that frightened the aborigines of the desert island world was not so violent in the legend.

Meng Hao gained the favor of the Heavenly Horse beast on the desert island.

Fate is so wonderful!

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