Global Advent: Apocalyptic Desert Island Game

Chapter 238 Meng Hao breakthrough!

As night fell, the air temperature dropped.

At noon the scorching sun baked, but at night there was another cold wind.

What makes all the players desperate is that it snowed tonight.

Snow flakes drifting on the sea with the cold wind, most of them fall in the sea, and of course they will also fall on islands around the world.


This is the common feeling of all players.

At this time, all the materials that everyone had stored before were taken out to keep out the cold.

The simplest and rude way is to light a campfire to keep warm.

Whether it is the beginning of the game or now, wood is the most basic material for desert islands.

The player who can live to the present has considerable reserves of wood.

At first, everyone didn't take it seriously, so let it be cold, and it will be solved by lighting a bonfire.

However, the magnitude of this coldness is unexpected.

Because the sea is frozen.

If the sea water freezes, it proves that the temperature is really very low.

On the earth, only seawater in the North and South Pole will freeze.

The freezing point of seawater is lower than that of freshwater and decreases with increasing salinity.

When the sea surface tends to freeze temperature, the density increases and the sea surface sinks, causing vertical water convection and mixing.

The surface water began to freeze, and salt precipitated and the salinity of the adjacent water layer increased, causing the freezing point of the adjacent sea water to drop again.

Therefore, only when the ocean is evenly mixed and the water temperature from the surface to the bottom of the sea is close to the freezing point, the sea will freeze and freeze.

Therefore, sea ice is not as easy to freeze as lakes and rivers.

Looking up now, the entire sea was completely frozen.

Coupled with the bitter cold wind, many players soon couldn't support it.

"No, it's too cold!"

The bonfire is getting hotter and hotter, but the temperature is getting lower and lower.

No way, the surrounding temperature is too cold, and the heat generated by the flame will soon be taken away by the cold wind.

The temperature that can really shine on the player's body is actually not much.

Many little clever ghosts immediately realized the problem, and then moved the fire to the room.

There are rooms to block the wind and snow, shouldn't it be a problem?

However, many people do not realize that own wooden houses are also flammable.

Some people roast it and cook it on their own.

On the desert island, the world's largest base island, Meng Hao also encountered this problem.

Unlike others, Meng Hao doesn't need to be a fire.

Because he has air conditioning.

A better air conditioner would cost more than 10,000 yuan. For Meng Hao, it was only a hundred coins.

If it is more specific, it is just a Tier 3 zombie.

Meng Hao bought an air conditioner in the system store, and after breaking it down and building it, a hundred air conditioners were in hand.

In order to avoid the poisonous fog, a large number of secret rooms were built on the base island.

Unexpectedly, the existing ones can also be used.

Once all this was done, Meng Hao continued to practice.

Practicing is like riding a boat against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat.

He is now an eighth-order magician, it is too difficult to break through to the ninth-order.

"The eighth to the ninth level is a hurdle, and the required magic power is too much. It is difficult to rise up with magical ingredients such as the sea blue ice heart."

Meng Hao whispered, he felt that it would be a waste of time to continue practicing magic now.

Unless you can find more advanced magic ingredients, it is estimated that you will have to eat tens of thousands of magic ingredients such as the sea blue ice heart.

The key point is that after eating too much Hailan Bingxin, now Meng Hao continues to eat such magical ingredients, the effect is getting worse and worse.

"Still continue to practice the battle body!"Meng Hao temporarily put aside his plan to practice magic and began to practice combat body.

For the resource tycoon, no matter what you practice, it is the same simple and rude.

For example, now, after Meng Hao stopped eating Sealan Bingxin, he turned to eat the tentacles of the Deep Sea Cannibal.

After some manipulation by Meng Hao, it was discovered that the thing was still roasting delicious.

Among the newly rescued players, Meng Hao selected a "Squid Xi Tzu" to help him roast his tentacles.

This "Squid Xi Tzu" is named Xiao Yali, who is very beautiful and has a great barbecue skill.

Because her squid grilled is very delicious, it attracts a large number of diners.

And because she is beautiful, she is called squid Xishi.

In the end, her booth became a place for internet celebrities to check in, causing many handsome men and idiots to linger.

In front of the barbecue, Xiao Yali was busy, and the fragrance had already fragrant for seven miles.

The tentacles are actually very big. Now they are cut into pieces, just like big pieces of beef.

"Master, it's done, please eat."

Xiao Yali brought an exquisite porcelain plate in front of Meng Hao, with two pieces of deep-sea cannibal barbecue grilled on it.

The barbecue is delicious freshly grilled, and Meng Hao always eats freshly grilled meat.

Of course, the important task of barbecue now falls on the squid Xishi.

"Let things down, go to the next room to warm up, and I will call you if necessary."

Meng Hao said softly.

Xiao Yali nodded silently after hearing it, and then obediently exited Meng Hao's room.

Seeing Xiao Yali's performance, Meng Hao couldn't help but applaud.

Xiao Yali is a smart person. She has the opportunity to approach Meng Hao, but she never asks anything.

In this way, it is easy for people to have a good impression.

In fact, Meng Hao couldn't help but give her a piece of barbecue.

It's just that Xiao Yali is just an ordinary person. If she eats the deep-sea cannibal barbeque directly, her body will definitely not be able to bear it.

Maybe it will explode and die.

Meng Hao is a Tier 5 fighter, and his strength is very strong.

In addition, his heart is fused with the heart of the magic dragon, and it is still very easy to resist the amount of violent violence in the flesh of the deep sea cannibal.

"I don't know where Chen Ye is. If you can swallow his ridiculous ancient sacrament, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

Meng Hao whispered.

It seems that he really misses Master Chen very much.

Unfortunately, I don't know where the other party is.

If he can determine the location of the opponent, he doesn't mind making a special trip.

"let's start!"

Meng Hao whispered, picked up a piece of barbecue and ate it.

I have to say that the technology of Squid Xishi is quite good.

The color, fragrance and taste are complete.

After a piece of barbecue was eaten, explosive power exploded in Meng Hao's body.

Just for a moment, Meng Hao felt that all his internal organs were broken.

Except for the strong beating of the heart, the inside of the chest is almost a mass of paste.

Meng Hao forcibly endured the severe pain, silently waiting for his body to recover on its own.

During this process, he couldn't breathe, his body couldn't move, he could only endure it.

Ten minutes later, the severe pain began to ease, and he had been holding his breath, finally regaining his breath.

He was sweating like rain, and his clothes were completely soaked in sweat.

"Hey, it's no wonder that everyone wants to be a magician, but doesn't want to be a warrior. The training of a warrior is really hard."

Meng Hao murmured to himself, but he did not dare to relax in his mind.

Because the real challenge has just begun.

It was at this time that a violent aura erupted in Meng Hao's Dantian, following his Meridians and madly pouring into the limbs.

At the same time, Meng Hao's breath was ascension at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he was about to break through!

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