On the base island, thousands of human players gathered together, blowing on the air conditioner, feeling life.

Since being accepted by Meng Hao, they have completely calmed their minds.

When I was the owner of the island before, I was worried all day long.

Now it was taken by Meng Hao, but he was relieved.

Look at this facility and look at the conditions. Isn't it more comfortable than on earth?

Everyone was blowing air-conditioning, bragging, and telling the fantasy journey they had experienced before, and they had an inexplicable sense of happiness.

Especially tonight, the sudden heavy snow and strong wind left every player with lingering fears.

Many people couldn't help but sigh, but fortunately, they were accepted by Meng Hao. Otherwise, how can I survive this long night!

"Huh? What was the situation just now, do you have the feeling of suffocation?"

A human player exclaimed and looked at the others in amazement.

Everyone looked up, with a little panic in their eyes.

Obviously, they felt it too.

It was an extremely powerful oppressive force, as if a mountain was pressing on own.

Everyone can only fight it with all their strength and can't breathe at all.

Fortunately, this horrible feeling only lasted for a while and then disappeared.

Even so, everyone still had lingering fears and looked around in horror.

Soon, everyone locked in one direction and looked in the direction of the three-story attic.

Everyone vaguely felt that that kind of terrifying pressure came from that direction.

"Ah, here again, again..."

One of them exclaimed, and he got stuck in his throat after only half a sentence, and his face flushed under the pressure of that terrifying pressure.

This time, it lasted a full ten minutes before the horrible pressure gradually subsided.

"What happened and why did you feel this way?"

Just when everyone was puzzled, that terrifying pressure reappeared.

In this way, over and over again all night, I don't know how many times I have tossed it.

In the early morning of the next day, everyone collapsed, lying on the ground and rolling their eyes.

Not to mention sleeping this night, it's pretty good to be able to survive.

Even the strong like the Dark Wandering Xia were affected, as if not sleeping well.

Only Meng Hao was refreshed, feeling that the pain of the night was not in vain.

After a night of painful practice, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, from the fifth-order fighter Ascension to the seventh-order.

In one night, Ascension was of two ranks, and it was still in terms of combat body. It was really scary to say it.

The sky is already bright, but the sun has not risen yet.

Regardless of other things, Meng Hao continued to eat barbecue and practice cultivation.

I hope that before the sun comes out, we will ascending another order.

At the same time, in the center of Devil Island, President Tianhuang took many Elders and knelt outside the Great Hall all night.

Strangely, the desert island world is extremely cold, but the temperature on Devil Island is like spring.

It seems that the cold outside has nothing to do with here.

Although the environment is very good, the mood of many powerful magicians is terrible.

Because, the top master has come down.

It was the first time many people saw the big master, and they were all shocked by the face of the other person.

As long as you are not a fool, you can tell that the old man is a young woman.

Of course, no one dares to take the risk to uncover the other side's veil.

After Yunni came down from the hanging island, it was already the night of the same day.After the lower bound, her operation authority was greatly restricted, and she could not make any moves at will.

You can't target anyone before dawn, and only after dawn can her authority be restored a little.

Although it cannot be targeted to a certain player, the overall environmental control can still be adjusted.

For example, tonight, she helped the desert island world night to adjust the difficulty to The Underworld level.

The terrifying cold will take away half of the players who are not prepared enough.

Since Yun Ni came down from the Hanging Island, she has not been prepared to screen them step by step.

In order to speed up, she can only create extreme conditions as soon as possible.

As for the many powerhouses of the Magician Guild, they were all blasted out by her.

What qualifications do a bunch of trash have to stay in the castle?

All go out and kneel!

Thirty-six beads suspended in front of Yun Ni, whose appearance resembled the Sun Moon Star, arranged and combined themselves in the void, forming various square formations.

This is her natal demon Magic Treasures, thirty-six Star beads.

The magic released through the Star Bead, even the most ordinary magic, will become the ultimate secret.

This is a height that the indigenous magicians of the desert island world can never reach.

This is where she has the confidence to dare to lower realm after suppressing her own magic power to rank ten.

Of course, the greatest strength is her waist, a cyan jade pendant.

The jade pendant carries 90% of her power. Once something changes, she can transfer the power from the jade pendant to her body again.

By then, this mysterious world might collapse because it could not bear such a powerful force.

But for Yun Ni, only a small mysterious world, it would collapse when it collapsed, at most he would be cursed by the Lord of the Celestial Realm.

As for life in this world.

Just a group of ants, how can the strong care about the life and death of ants?

Thirty-six Star Beads continue to evolve in the Great Hall, putting out a battle array of thousands.

This is the portrayal of her heart.

When she comes down this time, no matter whether she can find what she wants, she will have to kill her first.

Outside the Great Hall, President Tianhuang knelt to the ground, and a large swarm of magicians knelt down behind him.

The whole night passed, and they knelt here all night.

No one asked them to get up, they dare not get up.

The other party is a high-ranking master, who regards human life as a waste, they dare not provoke.

And they learned from the side that after Feng Lao entered the Tianmen, he never came out again.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this was killed by the great master.

So, everyone should be careful.

"Chairman Tianhuang, is this man really a big master? A snowstorm last night killed tens of thousands of our members."

Zuo Hufa of the Wind Magicians Guild whispered.

Since Feng Lao had been killed, the left and right guardians of Feng Demon Hall were temporarily found here.

"Yeah, and the pirates we arranged to rob the population before. Although they had received the news before and escaped the toxic fog, the blizzard was too sudden, and many people were frozen to death at sea. ."

The right guardian of Fengmotang echoes the road.

In front, President Tianhuang, who was kneeling on the ground, frowned, his forehead was already slightly sweaty.

These two idiots really don't know how the dead words are written.

Now that you are so close to that great master, do you still dare to gossip?

Sure enough, at the moment when these words were just finished, a bright star suddenly appeared in the sky.

This star is dazzling, and it attracts everyone's light in an instant.

The next moment, Star descended from the sky, with a long tail flame, lasing towards the left and right guardians.


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