Global Awakening: Get An Awakening Simulator At The Start

Chapter 70 Liuku Immortal Thief Sucks Gray Mist? Under The Gray Fog, A Steel Dragon Is Built!

"Codename, Nether.

"Not bad."

A smile appeared on the corner of Su Yu's mouth, and after making sure that there was no one around, he went around a few more times and returned to his villa.

Ding dong——

As soon as he got back to the villa, Su Yu's own cell phone rang,

one look,

It was Wei Ange who sent him the message.

Wei Ange: "Su Yu, have you slept yet? I'm a little scared..."

The corner of Su Yu's mouth twitched slightly,

Why is Wei Ange so timid?

It's not the same as the Wei Ange in the simulator who killed the Quartet,

Do you have to experience stimulation,

to be able to grow?

Su Yu replied: "Haven't slept yet, what's wrong with you? What are you afraid of?"

Wei Ange: "Just now...a few big mice broke into my house, but they didn't seem to be interested in me, so they just left.

Su Yu: "A mutant mouse?"

Su Yu pondered for a moment,

Wei Ange awakened the force control ability in the simulator,

This ability is actually quite powerful,

But it's not yet awakened,

Need to temper.


Su Yu thought for a while and replied: "Do you want to become stronger? If you have great power, you can kill that mutant mouse yourself."

Wei Ange: "Get stronger? I don't know...."

Su Yu: "Only by becoming stronger can we survive.

Wei Ange: "Then I think."

Su Yu: "Okay, then come to my villa tomorrow to find me, the address is..."

Wei Ange: "Good!"

The fog is coming,

Even the officials have acknowledged the matter of the gray mist,

Wei Ange also knows... She knows the horror of mutated monsters better than others, after all, she has faced a mutated mouse,

Become stronger,

live on!

"Nine Thirty"


Su Yu went into the basement that he built, and took out his own treasures.

Three treasures are floating in the air,

That's a platinum treasure!

"Dragon scale ring of space, I have used this before, there is nothing to say, it is worn close to the body, it can resist the terrifying killing of awakened people of the space system."

This is the message received by the all-seeing eye,

When Su Yu observed Nangong Wan, he got a hint that the ability of the space system can be resisted by the space ring.

Of course,

This consumes space ring storage space.


The second platinum level equipment,

Dragonscale Armor!

In front of Su Yu, a set of standard armor exuded dots of platinum light, floating in the air, and the naked eyes could see the fine scales on the armor,

Armor made of dragon scales!

It can completely wrap Su Yu's whole body, without revealing the slightest flaw.

The armor on the head is like a dragon's head,

Full of domineering and majestic,

The breast shield on the front has a huge dragon mouth pattern, which is very frightening. The left and right arms are shaped like a dragon,

In general,

This set of armor is domineering and practical.

【Dragonscale Battle Armor】

【Rank: Platinum】

【Durability: 500/500】

[Attribute bonus: strength +20, defense +400, agility +20, weight +20]

[It is made of tens of thousands of rare dragon scales, covering every corner of the body, with amazing defense]

[Accessory skills: 1, [Dragon Scale Guardian]: After opening, the defense of this armor will be greatly improved, making it invulnerable to weapons, water and fire... (duration 1 minute

Cooling time is 4 hours. )

2, [Dragonscale Shield]: After opening, it can generate a white shield, which can completely resist the full blow of high-level beasts. (Cooling time is 8 hours.)]

properties are also very good,

Su Yu tried it on,

The fine dragon scales exude a little warmth, and it doesn't feel heavy at all when worn on the body.

On the contrary, it is very light.

Su Yu used to be more than 1.8 meters tall, but now wearing a platinum-level dragon scale battle armor,

It was as if a famous overlord from ancient times came out.

[Dragonscale War Armor Has Been Mastered and Binded]

beep sounds,


Su Yu was surprised to find that with his mind, the dragon scale battle armor could be hidden in his skin,

With a thought,

Dragonscale battle armor can be summoned again!


Coupled with the Shadowless Sword in his hand, the luck of Liuku Immortal Thief's method swallows the essence of heaven and earth...In an instant, Su Yu seems to have turned into a peerless villain!

Immediately afterwards,

Su Yu looked at the platinum token floating in the air,

oracle token,

One of the tokens is slightly larger and is the main token, while the other 18 tokens are secondary tokens.

Su Yu stretched out his hand,

Hold the main token in your hand,

[Ding, the oracle token has successfully identified the owner]

In Su Yu's heart, suddenly there was that mysterious and mysterious reaction in the dark,

By master token,

He has full control over the sub-token...even the owner of the sub-token.



It is indeed a platinum-level equipment, and it is a treasure specially developed for power.

Most importantly,

Su Yu can copy the strength of the token holder every fourteen days and increase himself rapidly.


"The development of the dawn organization has to be put on the agenda,"

"Whether it's the Reincarnation Cult or the military, they are still not their own forces, nor do they have their own confidantes."

Su Yu took a deep breath,

With a thought,

All the treasures were collected into the Ring of Dragon Scale Space.

Today's three realizations have been used up, and if we simulate again, apart from obtaining information, there will only be bits and pieces of experience.

Just treat it as a monster!


The panel of the simulator appeared again in Su Yu's eyes,

In my heart, I was thinking about fighting monsters and upgrading, so as to affect the simulation of the simulator.

The Butterfly Effect.


[You kill ten first-order mutant mice, experience value +200]

[You kill ten first-order mutated snakes, experience value ±200]

【You kill...】


[This simulation is over, the number of days of simulation is: 17 days]

[Simulator enters cooling time, cooling time: 34 minutes]

every simulation,

Su Yu always goes to dangerous places,

The biggest function of the simulator is to enable him to have a foresight, and the second is to realize the ability,

Su Yu has already figured out the routines of many monsters through the simulator,

I also wrote down the locations of many secret realms,

and the location of the treasure chest.

For example, the platinum-level treasure chest in the waterfall,

Su Yu already has it himself, but he won't let others get it!

the enemy got it,

It is a threat to oneself.

After the emulator falls into cooling,

Su Yu immediately began to hone his own strength, shaved, armed with color domineering, shock ability, thunder element ability...

And his own swordsmanship,

There are Liuku fairy thieves who are constantly swallowing the essence of heaven and earth,

Su Yu doesn't feel tired at all,

I am also very energetic.

No feeling of wanting to sleep at all.


"The Immortal Thief of the Liuku is devouring the essence of heaven and earth, refining it into energy in his body..."

"If you wait for the gray fog to come and swallow the black fog, what will it look like?

Su Yu couldn't help thinking of this,

thought about it,

He couldn't think of a result either,

We can only try again after obtaining the research results of the Dragon Kingdom and the Eyeless Alliance on the gray fog.

After all, there is only one life,

Never wave,

Reality is not a simulator.

early morning.

As the sun rises slowly, the last trace of darkness is driven away.

The light screen hanging above the sky has also changed with the passage of time.

[Countdown: 4 days; 0 hours; 0 minutes: 0 seconds]

That means!

There are still four full days before the gray fog will descend!

At that time, the whole world will undergo a great change!!

Just at this time!

Sudden mutation!

The light screen that was suspended above the sky suddenly trembled.

Immediately, an incomparably bright glare shot out from it!

Instantly enveloped the entire earth!!

next moment!

The mysterious sound that had appeared before resounded throughout the entire sky!

【Warning! Warning! Global awakening is coming!】

[Four days later...the world will undergo a great change!]

【Awakening of all things, re-spreading the world!】

【When the time comes, the game world will merge with reality and become a brand new world full of opportunities and challenges!】

【You can get everything you want, even become a god!】


Accompanied by a beep sounding.

The countdown that had been stagnant has finally changed.

[Countdown: 3 days; 23 hours; 59 minutes; 59 seconds]

【3 days; 23 hours; 59 minutes; 58 seconds】

[3 days; 23 hours; 59 minutes; 57 seconds]


Su Yu, who had just finished his practice, heard this loud prompt,


The gray fog is getting closer and closer.

Ding dong——

Su Yu's cell phone rang.

Wei Ange: "Su Yu, have you read the official announcement? All of us in Binhai City will be relocated to the shelter in Lincheng. Are you awake? I'll look for you now, and we'll get lost every day?"

So fast?

Su Yu was slightly taken aback,

Lincheng Shelter,

It is a super giant city refuge built by integrating dozens of surrounding cities.

To build such a shelter,

The manpower and material resources to be used are unimaginable,


The Dragon Kingdom officials made a decision in just two days, and worked together to create such a shelter.

Although not yet completed,


The transfer of residents has already begun, and it must be a long time before the completion of the project.............

Su Yu has not responded yet,

Instead, I opened various social apps, scarf scars, etc., and checked the wind direction of the fishing boat above.

"As expected of my Great Dragon Kingdom, this efficiency is fast!"

"Indeed, my family moved away yesterday, and now a high wall has been built."

"A modern version of the Great Wall!"

"Oh, it's just that housing prices are about to rise again."

"Upstairs, the government has issued an order to unify hardcover houses, each household is about 120 square meters, and allocate them uniformly.

"Fuck! Dreaming back to the past."

"In the face of disasters, we Longguo people are always united as one, that's for sure.


"According to this speed, it is estimated that the giant wall can be built in a few days.


"I'm a civil engineering student. I've been working for 2 days. Fight hard!"

Although from time to time, I popped over the brainless remarks of a few well-known intellectuals, Chinese foreign slaves,

But the hearts of most Long people are eager,

in the face of disaster,

The cohesion of this nation is truly displayed.

Su Yu smiled and nodded,

It was discovered that there were many overseas Chinese arguing on the scarf.

"All the gray fog is fake, those things are simply created by Long Guo to fool people!"

"Yes! Insist on not returning to China!"

"That's right, the air in foreign countries is so fresh, but after returning home, it is polluted and barbaric!"

Su Yu feels unbelievable,

Until now, there are still overseas slaves who think that the coming of the gray fog is fake?

Are they so stupid,

Or is the brainwashing|brainwashing technique of Westerners too powerful?

And it is also said that the Dragon Kingdom is barbaric...Which country in the West is not built on barbaric plundering, burning, killing and looting?

Su Yu felt a little outrageous,

There is also a female rights fighter supported by the West named Yang Li, who criticizes the facts there:

"Dragon Kingdom built a huge city, saying that each household would distribute a hardcover house, but in fact, the head of the household is a man! We women are not considered at all! Is it true that we women are like this?

Isn't it worthy of recognition? Stand up for women and oppose the construction of a giant city in the Dragon Kingdom!"

"This punch will shatter the galaxy."

"666, sisters are too dire."

sighed, shook his head,

Su Yu closed the scarf, as expected of a famous women's restroom, full of well-known foreign slaves and customers.


When I climbed up in Reincarnation Cult and got the list of those spies placed by the Eyeless Alliance in Dragon Kingdom,

Simply sacrifice them directly.

Especially this ugly guy named Yang Li.

Ding dong one

Su Yu was about to reply to Wei Ange's message, but Wei Ange sent it first.

Wei Ange: "Su Yu, I'm going to find you now, don't go out, the government has started a special railway to transport residents.

Su Yu nodded,

Transfer to Lincheng Shelter,

also good,

A great city of refuge,

All the dogs in the fly camp are gathered together, which is convenient for management and protection of residents, and it is also convenient for screening and removing garbage.

Su Yu replied: "I'm at home, you come."

ten minutes later,

Wei Ange came to Su Yu's villa, she is still so beautiful...

Although it looks a bit haggard,


it's easy to see,

She has come out from the shadow of the giant mutant rat.

Wei Ange said eagerly: "Su Yu, it will take two or three days to transport all the residents. Should we queue up now? Or..."

From the coastal city to within the walls of the city's sanctuary,

Almost 270 kilometers.

The high-speed rail is just a matter of tens of minutes.

Shipping was fast.

And with the help of many volunteers, most of the residents in Binhai City are in good order, and nothing too chaotic happened.

After all, it is a state of etiquette for five thousand years,


So everyone knows.

Su Yu pondered for a moment, then said: "Stop queuing up, let's go to the wilderness."

in the wilderness,

There are many treasure chests and secret realms, just to practice Wei Ange's courage,

Maybe when the time comes, take advantage of the situation and directly awaken Wei Ange,

in reality,

wake up sooner,

the better!

Because if you wake up one day earlier, you will be one day ahead of others. .

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