Global Awakening: Get An Awakening Simulator At The Start

Chapter 71 Conquer The Beautiful Woman Wei Ange, And Kill The Reincarnation Cult!

"Walk in the wilderness?"

Wei Ange was a little puzzled,

Leaving the good high-speed rail instead of going, go to the wilderness?

What's the purpose?

"Exercising you."

Su Yu smiled slightly, and then handed Wei Ange an oracle token.

"what is this?"

Wei Ange was puzzled.

"Welcome to the organization I founded, Daybreak.

Su Yu's whole body glowed with mysterious rays of light, fine dragon scales emerged from his body,

His right hand directly turned black, it was the domineering entanglement of the armed color,

The left hand is carrying some thunder elements that flash with lightning,

Liuku Immortal Thief is running, with full special effects!


Wei Ange's eyes widened, his slender hands couldn't help covering his mouth, his face was full of surprise.

She never expected,

Su Yu is so powerful!

"Su Yu! Was it you who saved me that day?" Wei Ange asked excitedly.

Su Yu smiled and said nothing,

it is more than words.

Although he didn't get a definite answer, Wei Ange knew in his heart that Su Yu should have saved him.

Otherwise, why did Su Yu disappear at that time,

And then reappear?

Isn’t this a common trick used by Superman in anime... As soon as a monster appears, he runs to the back to change his costume, and when the monster is finished, he pretends to be scared...


Wei Ange couldn't help laughing sweetly.

"What are you laughing at?"

Su Yu said angrily: "As you can see, Daybreak is the awakened organization I founded.

"Wow! Su Yu, you are amazing."

Immediately afterwards,

Su Yu introduced the Awakened to Wei Ange,

Then teach Wei Ange how to use the secondary token to transmit sound.


Wei Ange has completely mastered the token,

Although she has not awakened yet, the power of the oracle token lies in this,

As long as Su Yu is willing,

anyone can use,

Even if it's not the Awakened 18,

If Su Yu is unwilling,

No one can use it.

The quality of the platinum-level equipment is not for nothing, plus Su Yu's inherent leadership temperament, Wei Ange quickly fell in love with it.

"Let's go, go to the wilderness."

Su Yu took Wei Ange to the car rental company to rent an off-road vehicle,

Now there are many old vehicles here,

rent a car,

come on,

Just drive and go.

Su Yu didn't intend to return the car either...he directly drove Wei Ange towards the Lincheng shelter.

Now there are a lot of people robbing cars,

It is already very good for Su Yu to be able to rent a car without robbing it.

cough cough.

In the car, Su Yu sent another message to Li Qihang, telling him to go to the shelter in Lincheng and wait for the opportunity to contact him.

After everything is done,

While driving, Su Yu explained to Wei Ange:

"Ordinary people need the stimulation of the gray mist to awaken.

"Are you mentally prepared?"

"If you don't want to, I can take you directly to Lincheng Sanctuary after I finish dealing with some things."

The confusion in Wei Ange's eyes flashed away, and then became extremely firm,

"I do!"

Only by becoming strong can we survive,

to control your own destiny,

To keep up with Su Yu's pace...

do not know why,

Wei Ange is very pleasing to the eyes of Su Yu, even a little dependent,

I don't know if it is the role of the simulator in the dark.

Anyway, for Su Yu,

He already regards Wei Ange as his scorpion, after all, he has lit cigarettes in the simulator more than once.

"If you wish,"

"Then prepare yourself mentally,"

"To become an awakened person, one must have a strong heart."

With a cigarette in his mouth, Su Yu stepped on the accelerator and roared away,

he does not know,

At this moment, in Wei Ange's heart, he is handsome and tall, like a person who guides the way,

Wei Ange couldn't help falling in love with this,

Especially thinking that it was Su Yu who saved him that day,

Wei Ange was even more moved.

hero rescue,

Never out of date.

"This is the Wukang Building in the development zone on the outskirts of Lincheng,"

"It's a nest of mutated rats,"

"You have a destiny with mutant mice, so let's start here."

Su Yu parked the car at Wukang Building,

The current Wukang Building,

Already empty,

The employees had already been on vacation, and the boss of Wukang Building had already rushed to the Lincheng shelter with a huge sum of money.

In an empty building,

There are many huge rats that have not mutated.

The gray fog has not completely descended, so these mice have not broken through to the first level,

Su Yu guessed that only Shu Wang broke into the first level,

After all, there are still four days before the gray fog falls.

"it is good..."

Wei Ange's voice trembled a little,

she is a girl,

I would have been afraid of things like these bugs and mice,

But she mustered up her courage,

Take the Void Sword given to him by Su Yu, and slash at the big fat rat running out!

"come on."

Su Yu said lightly,

He is always aware of his surroundings.

These big rats have not yet become first-order mutant creatures, and their lethality to humans is limited. As long as Wei Ange is careful and alert, he can easily kill these rats with the Void Sword.

He just needs to be careful about the appearance of the Mouse King.


After Wei Ange calmed down, holding the Void Sword,

Killed many big rats with ease,


She found that these mice were not so scary,

initial fear,

from weakness.

Now that she can easily kill these mice, the fear is not so strong.

Just when Wei Ange breathed a sigh of relief,

a ferocious rat king,

He rushed out all of a sudden, and grabbed Wei Ange's neck fiercely with sharp claws protruding like a bolt of lightning!


Wei Ange quickly dodged and swiped the Void Sword in her hand, but her speed was too slow to compare with the mutant mouse king of the first rank.

can't dodge,

The mutant rat king can cut Wei Ange's throat immediately,


Su Yu appeared in front of Wei Ange using one of the six shaved styles as if teleporting.

Blast out with a domineering punch of armed color,

Beat the mutant mouse king to death!

"Su Yu is so strong..." Wei Ange's heart was surging.

Saved by a hero again,

She couldn't help feeling a little moved.

Su Yu said indifferently:

"Just before the Mutated Mouse King appeared, there was actually a loud voice that normal people could hear,"

"But you let your guard down."

"The gray fog is approaching, you must be vigilant at all times, otherwise, not only mutant creatures will kill you, but those who are jealous of you will also kill you."


These are the conclusions obtained by Su Yu from countless simulations in the simulator,

After the fog fell,

No matter how the Dragon Kingdom officials try to maintain order,

Extraordinary power always comes,

With sharp weapons in mind, murderous intentions are self-initiated, some awakened organizations appear, and some villains appear!

To know

The reminder of the coming of the gray fog said that immortality is possible!

Facing eternal life...

How many people can keep their sanity?

Su Yu estimated not much,


Defenses can not do without.

The best policy is to be careful.

"Did you hear that? Stop smiling!"

Su Yu was extremely serious.

"Ah... Got it."

Wei Ange smiled playfully.


According to his own notes, Su Yu searched all the places where mutant beasts might appear,

at this stage,

A mutant beast that may become a climate in the future,

Most of them are in the gigantic stage.

That is to say, it has become thick and strong, but it is far from reaching the level of a first-order mutant beast.

After clearing these monsters,

Wei Ange's temperament has obviously changed.

She has become fierce,


Haven't woken up yet.

"about there."

"Yes, great progress."

Su Yu smiled and gave encouragement.

After all, Wei Ange is one of the 18 elders of his Liaoxiao organization, and she is also his default girl.

It's normal to sharpen her,

on the contrary,

If Wei Ange is a vase in the future,


Su Yu will definitely not take her with him.

The reality is so cruel.

It was almost seven o'clock in the morning,

Su Yu drove under a waterfall.

"Su Yu big brother, what are you doing here? A waterfall?"

Wei Ange was a little puzzled.

Su Yu didn't say a word, went straight to the waterfall, reached out to open the platinum treasure chest!


"The big treasure chest that appeared in the simulator also exists in reality."

"I would rather waste it by myself than hand it over to others.

A smile formed on the corner of Su Yu's mouth,

The dragon scale space ring flashed with light, absorbing all the treasures into the ring.

"Let's go."

Su Yu got back into the car and continued on his way.

Silver Chest, Gold Chest...

a treasure chest,

Plus a secret realm with desert scorpions,

Washed all over again.

At last,

Su Yu parked the car at the foot of a hidden mountain, and took out a bottle of primary evolution potion from the space ring.

Ahead is the range of Lincheng Refuge.

After entering the Lincheng Refuge, the evolution potion cannot be easily exposed at 830, and the awakening will also attract the attention of the Super Power Bureau.

So Su Yu chose to give the medicine to Wei Ange here.

After all, it is my own woman,

And through the action of oracle tokens,

Be 100% true to yourself.

Su Yu can't use the primary evolution potion, so it's better for Wei Ange to drink it.

"Drink it, it can help you wake up."

"The sooner you wake up, the easier it will be to gain an advantage in the future."

Wei Ange took the evolution potion,

She could clearly feel the surging power in this evolution potion.

"Thank you, Su Yu big brother.

Wei Ange's voice trembled a little, her eye circles were red, she knew the preciousness of this potion.

"It's okay, you are a member of my dawn organization, you can be regarded as a veteran."

"Is that all?"

Wei Ange glanced at Su Yu resentfully, and then took the primary evolution potion.



Wei Ange fell into a mysterious state,

Su Yu protects the Dharma from the side,


Su Yu saw a group of awakened people speeding past in the distance, and the leader was an extremely beautiful woman.

【Name: Sun Ying】

[Strength: Tier 2 Awakened]

[Introduction: A ruthless femme fatale, she has the ability to disguise herself, and also has the ability to refine people into puppet warriors!]

[Weaknesses: 1: She hides her identity, and if her identity is exposed, the superpowers will kill her.

2: Her puppet ability is afraid of thunder. 】


hide identity, disguise,

No wonder the Bureau of Superpowers is so eager to get information about Sun Ying.

Su Yuyi smiled,

He found the bargaining chip.

Immediately afterwards,

Su Yu heard Sun Ying's roar:

"Damn it! It was clearly detected that there was a treasure chest, why did it disappear there!"

"Who is the one step ahead of us!"

"Damn it!"

Hearing this, Su Yu couldn't help raising his eyebrows,

Isn't this what you did yourself!

It seems that I really did the right thing,

Otherwise, the things in those treasure boxes might not be taken away by Reincarnation Cult.

ps: Thank you dads for your monthly ticket rewards,

Ask for self-determination!.

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