Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 213 The gods reunite and launch a plan to destroy the world!

Seeing the top news, Ye Feng couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"'s not like that! You were slapped to death for making a suggestion?" Ye Feng frowned and clicked on the news.

Inside is a video, of course this is a cut video.

In the video, first, the zoologist took some fruits and went to find the mutated giant ape.

At first, the attitude of the mutated giant ape was very good, and the two started a friendly conversation. Of course, the zoologist mainly made gestures with his hands and said that the giant ape could usually be deceived.

Obviously, its intelligence is really high to a certain level, even no less than that of ordinary humans.

However, as the conversation progressed, the zoologist took out a tablet, played a video of a giant dragon, and then pointed at the giant dragon and gestured, hoping that the mutated giant ape could deal with the giant dragon. .

When the giant ape figured out what the zoologist meant, the expression on his face changed instantly and became extremely angry.

It roared first, then pointed at the dragon on the screen, then pointed at itself, and finally roared and slapped the zoologist.

This zoologist is just an ordinary human being, how could he withstand a slap from a giant ape, and his flesh and blood were immediately mutilated by the slap.

After watching the entire video, Ye Feng couldn't help but fall into deep thought. At the same time, he opened the comments and took a look.

"This giant ape turned against him as soon as he said he would. It's really scary." Someone commented.

"After a rational analysis, I feel that this kind of thing is actually quite reasonable. Think about it, what did they give the giant ape? It was to build a set of armor, and the giant ape also returned the gift and gave it to them A third-level mutated animal corpse.”

"So in the eyes of the giant ape, he followed a reasonable exchange of equal value, but what did the biologist do? He took a basket of fruit and wanted the giant ape to fight with all his strength to deal with the same fifth-level The giant dragon, isn't this a joke? It would be weird if he didn't get slapped to death." Someone commented quite objectively.

"What the person above said is right. If you want to make the other party fight hard, you have to bring out items that make the other party worth fighting for. But then again, what can we humans bring out that can make these mutated creatures worth fighting for? Desperately? Other mutated creatures, unlike the Dragon King, are willing to trade Chinese coins." Someone else soon commented.

And because of this comment, it triggered more heated discussions.

They were all discussing, if such fifth-level creatures could be found in China, could they come up with something that would make the other party fight for it?

After discussing for a long time, many people discovered that unless these mutated animals could collect Chinese coins like the Dragon King, there was no way they could do it.

After all, not all animals will form their own forces. At most, they will gather some of their own kind.

But, should you go and say to them: You go and fight for your life, and I will sell your fellow tribesmen to you?

If you really say this, then the other party will try your best to help? Or just fight you directly?

At the end of the discussion, many people said with emotion: Dragon King is better!

This sentence, among the comments below, even refreshed the screen.

After Ye Feng saw it, he couldn't help but shake his head and laugh.

"However, through this example, we can roughly infer that it is indeed possible for humans and mutant animals to cooperate."

"Even if we can't make them fight for it, at least we can reduce some enemies." Ye Feng whispered to himself.

Of course, he believed that he was not the only one who could see this, but also high-level officials in the country.

As for how they decide, Ye Feng doesn't care too much. After all, this kind of thing doesn't have much impact on him.

Ye Feng quickly glanced at the news from the Americas, and then looked at the news from Africa, Australia, and the Arctic.

Why look at them specifically? It's naturally because of the restricted area.

In fact, three days ago, countries on the three continents that were close to these restricted areas started taking action one by one.

Of course, the European example is here, no one dares to underestimate the restricted area.

But precisely because of what happened in Europe, it was equivalent to directly telling them what method to use to deal with the restricted area is the easiest and most effective.

That is to directly use nuclear bombs to bomb different spaces.

Of course, the amount of work required to do this is huge, and it is not easy to complete it alone.

Needless to say, the African side must have no choice but to ask for help. Countries are also worried that something will happen, and they are all lending a helping hand.

Especially like China, it supported no less than 100 intercontinental missiles in the past. These intercontinental missiles using segmented warheads carried a full 500 earth-penetrating missiles, almost completing the task of "opening the tunnel" .

As for the Australian restricted area, it is mainly supported by the United States.

The Arctic restricted area is naturally dealt with by the polar bear country.

It is worth mentioning that even the polar bear country, which is not afraid of anything, did not dare to drag on this matter and also applied for support.

Of course, what they wanted was earth-penetrating bombs. As for nuclear weapons, they took out their most famous "Tsar Bomba".

This thing is almost the largest type of nuclear weapon known today, and its explosive power can directly reach the equivalent of 5,000 tons of TNT.

In the end, the restricted areas in these three places were successfully resolved.

Especially the restricted area in Africa, with the strong support of China, was the fastest to end.

A lava monster appeared in the restricted area. In less than 10 minutes, a passage leading straight to a different space was blown up, and then five nuclear bombs were immediately dropped into it, and it was over.

The whole process took less than half an hour.

As for the other two restricted areas, although the efficiency was not that fast, they were all taken down steadily. Moreover, none of the creatures that appeared in the restricted area could escape, and they were all killed within the encirclement circle.

Three days have passed. Ye Feng checked the news and found that there was no movement in those restricted areas, and there was no sign of further expansion.

Basically, it can be concluded that the problems in these restricted areas have been solved for the time being.

"However, there was also a nuclear bomb dropped on Xiaofengshan back then! Why didn't it be solved directly? Instead, there was a big war." After reading these international news, Ye Feng felt relieved but also a little uncomfortable. He felt that they were the only ones unlucky. generally.

"Is it because we didn't drop enough nuclear bombs?" Ye Feng couldn't help but guess.

Because in these restricted areas, at least three nuclear bombs were invested at once. As for the Arctic restricted area, although only one nuclear bomb was invested, one "Tsar Bomb" is worth the power of 10 normal nuclear bombs.

But Ye Feng also knew that it was useless to dwell on this now.

So he stopped thinking about it, turned off his phone, and continued to practice.

Compared with 5 days ago, Ye Feng's mental power now has improved a lot, and it is probably comparable to the 70% power of Tianyun at the same level.

Although this speed of progress cannot be compared with Ye Feng's rapid progress in the first two days, Ye Feng is quite satisfied.

Because he knew that his guess about the self-created method was correct. As he continued to explore again and again, he had carved out a path of his own.

He believed that as long as he continued on this path, his mental strength would one day be able to match or even surpass Tianyun.

Just when Ye Feng began to practice, in a different space on the earth, seven figures that were stalwart, huge, cold, or evil, gathered together again.

As soon as everyone appeared, Qiongqi wanted to speak, but soon he discovered that something seemed wrong with everyone in the room.

The aura on their bodies has weakened. Of course, it is normal for the aura to weaken. After all, everyone has deprived some of their original power, so it is abnormal that the aura has not weakened.

But the expressions on the faces of these people in the field were not very good-looking, as if... they had suffered a big loss that day?

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Qiongqi asked immediately.

At this time, the others looked at each other and discovered this.

"So, everyone's domain has been attacked?" Seraph Adams was the first to ask.

"That's right! Those human weapons are so damn powerful. They can actually burst into the eighth level of peak power, and there are several of them at once."

"Fortunately, the little tiger mentioned it before. I kept an eye out and immediately released my self-imposed state when I felt the crisis. Otherwise, it would be really dangerous to be hit by this thing." The lava giant said with some fear.

Qiongqi: "..."

It suddenly felt a little pricking. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have reminded these guys.

"Luo Ya, why does your breath feel so weak? Could it be that you were injured?" Adams asked the Ice Girl with some concern.

After he mentioned this, the other people's eyes couldn't help but fall on the ice girl, and they suddenly found that its aura was really much weaker, even worse than the previous Qiongqi.

"You can't be so stubborn. Go try the power of those weapons! I don't even dare to do that." The lava giant on the side couldn't help but say.

At their level, they are extremely sensitive to danger. Basically, when a nuclear bomb is aimed at them in another space, they have already sensed the danger.

If Qiongqi hadn't been a little confused at the beginning, wondering if he had sensed something wrong and missed the best opportunity to dodge, he wouldn't have been hit.

Ice Girl Luo Ya rolled her eyes at the other party angrily, "It seems that I am more unlucky than you. The power of the weapon that attacks me in another dimension has reached the ninth level."

"Although I dodged it immediately, an explosion of that magnitude can already affect the stability of the different space. In order to stabilize the different space, I can only deprive part of the original power to strengthen the different space."

The real power of the alien space is that as long as you close the portal, no one can enter.

But that's just a small space. A strike from a ninth-level powerhouse can destroy heaven and earth, and naturally it can also destroy different spaces.

When everyone in the audience heard this, their faces showed surprise.

They had thought before that if humans continued to develop like this, the other side would be able to produce ninth-level weapons sooner or later.

But they never expected that humans had already figured it out, but they had never encountered it before.

At this time, many people in the field were secretly glad that the portal was closed in time, otherwise they would be aggrieved if their own different dimensions were damaged.

"Naga, why don't you seem to be fine at all?" Adams asked the fishman in the corner again.

When he first came in, he took the first look at everyone. The Ice Girl's aura was the weakest, while the Naga's aura was the strongest.

"Humans live on land, and the alien space I am in is in the ocean, so it has not been discovered by humans yet." Naga simply explained and said nothing more.

He was the only one in the field who had not been targeted by humans. He was also afraid that if he said too much, he would attract public anger.

But even so, everyone instantly cast their eyes with envy and hatred.

"Okay, let's stop chatting. Now that everyone is ready, let's start the world annihilation plan now! Then everything will be back on track." Qiongqi immediately brought the topic back.

"Okay!" After hearing Qiongqi's suggestion, everyone nodded immediately.

Even Chi You remained silent at this time and began to perform magic tricks.

At this time, a light ball suddenly appeared in this strange space. If someone looked carefully, they would find that the shape of this light ball was exactly the same as the earth.

Everyone immediately stepped forward, then silently stretched out their hands and pressed them on the ball of light.

At the same time, in nine different spaces on the earth, the true bodies of these ancient powerful men emerged with an extremely terrifying energy.

After this energy appeared, it penetrated into the different space, and then followed the different space as a springboard, directly going deep into the origin of the world.

And in the strange space where their spiritual thoughts gathered, fine cracks appeared one after another on the surface of the light ball that represented the origin of the world.

In this process, everyone is cautious, because what they want is to destabilize the origin of the world, not to destroy the origin of the world.

Therefore, it is quite difficult to do so, and there is no room for carelessness.

After a full hour, everyone took back their palms with relief.

"It's finally done." Seeing that his goal was finally achieved, Qiongqi smiled without lingering, and his figure disappeared after a moment of illusion.

Not only him, but also the other people's figures were blurred one after another. What he did just now took a lot of mental energy, and they all needed to go back to recover.

More importantly, with the launch of the world-destroying plan, these creatures in the Land of Resurrection are no longer anything to be afraid of.

And next, their real opponents are each other who have just worked together.

Let's see who can return to peak condition faster in the next period of time.

Ye Feng naturally knew nothing about what happened in this strange space.

However, an hour ago, he had an uneasy feeling, and as time passed, this feeling became stronger and stronger.

Finally, at this time, he clearly felt that the world was about to change and a catastrophe was coming.

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