Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 214 The origin of the world collapses and disaster is coming

"What's going on?" Ye Feng felt such a strong warning for the first time.

Although this kind of death threat is not as big as the threat to himself from those seventh-level powerhouses, the panic of God's power is enough to make anyone's heart tremble.

Ye Feng's gaze immediately centered on the Sunset Valley and swept around.

Ordinary mutated animals have no reaction.

But those contracted animals that had reached the fourth level seemed to sense something at this time, revealing some panic and uneasiness.

They looked left and right, as if they sensed danger, but they didn't know where the danger would come from.

"It seems this is not my illusion. Something big must be happening." Ye Feng's expression was more solemn than ever.

He first used his mental power to spread out through his own tree roots, sweeping through Yangcheng City and the surrounding areas.

Especially the Xiaofengshan restricted area, he not only used his mental power to sweep back and forth seven or eight times, but also probed the tree roots in and conducted a careful exploration, but did not find any enemies.

There was no movement at the portal, and it was still impossible to enter.

"This special warning is indeed not a specific enemy." Although Ye Feng had some guesses in his mind, he couldn't help but sigh.

He thought for a moment and tried to activate his ability to control the world to see if he could discover anything.

Originally, Ye Feng just had the attitude of giving it a try, but what he didn't expect was that with the use of his ability, he actually felt a hint of feedback.

"The origin of the world is in turmoil?"

Ye Feng opened his eyes, feeling the vague feedback, and felt an inexplicable feeling of panic in his heart.

Because these things are beyond his understanding.

Of course, although Ye Feng did not know what the origin of the world meant, it did not prevent him from guessing the general situation of the matter.

For some reason, there is something wrong with the origin of the world, which will put ourselves, no, all living things in danger.

"What could be this danger?" Ye Feng frowned, and soon he thought of a possibility.

natural disaster!

His ability to control the world also displays natural disasters, so he can get certain feedback by using this ability to perceive.

"Yes! This is very likely, at least 70% to 80% probability. I just don't know whether the natural disaster is regional or global."

If it was regional, it would be okay, but if it were global, Ye Feng couldn't even imagine what a terrible disaster it would be.

When Ye Feng thought of this, he immediately used his ability to control the world again to see if he could get more accurate feedback.

This time Ye Feng took longer to use his ability. After a full minute, he opened his eyes.

At this moment, his mood was both happy and worried.

Fortunately, he did get new feedback. Worryingly, his previous guess was correct, because the turmoil in the world's origin would indeed cause large-scale natural disasters.

He could even feel that the time left for them was not long, only 3 to 4 hours at most, before the natural disaster would completely break out.

Ye Feng is naturally not afraid of natural disasters. With his current defense and recovery capabilities, he can resist even the most terrifying thunder and lightning in nature.

As for the animals in the Dragon King Palace, with his protection, their survival will definitely not be a problem.

His eyes looked in the direction of Yangcheng City.

Human beings are very fragile in front of nature, especially when they have their own relatives inside.

Of course, with his current ability, not to mention protecting his own family, as long as he pays a sufficient price, he can protect the entire city.

But he had a feeling that the scope of this natural disaster was extremely wide, and it was very likely to affect the whole country, or even the entire Asian continent.

Such a huge area is beyond his control.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng no longer hesitated and immediately possessed the mutated parrot and flew directly towards the government affairs building in the center of Yangcheng City.

The residents of Yangcheng City are no strangers to mutant parrots, but this is the first time that a mutant parrot has flown directly to the Government Affairs Building.

So as soon as he landed, a guard in front of the gate immediately came forward and asked: "Parrot Messenger, what's the matter with you coming here?"

"I'm looking for Bai Yinghui or Liu Zaoxin for something very urgent." Ye Fengyan said concisely.

Hearing what the other party said, the guard's expression changed, and he immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and reported the matter.

Less than three minutes later, he saw Liu Zaoxin running out of the gate in a hurry.

"What's so urgent about Parrot Messenger? Is there something strange happening in the restricted area?" Liu Zaoxin asked nervously.

In his opinion, there were not many urgent matters that allowed the mutated parrot to come over in person, and he could not think of anything else besides the restricted area.

If it is really a trivial matter, with the power that Dragon King Palace currently has, it will not be something that cannot be handled by itself.

"It's not a restricted area, but it could be worse." Ye Feng said in a serious tone.

"This..." After hearing this, Liu Zaoxin felt his mouth taste bitter. It had only been a few days of peaceful life, but why was he in big trouble again.

Without waiting for the other party to ask questions, Ye Feng said directly: "Just now, Lord Dragon King suddenly felt a warning of danger, and then he used his magical power, and finally discovered that the origin of the world was in turmoil."

"Next, horrific natural disasters will break out across the country, and even across the entire Asian continent."

Hearing this, Liu Zaoxin was slightly startled, because he felt, it seemed, it wasn't that serious?

Natural disasters happen every year, and they have relatively rich experience in dealing with such things.

Ye Feng could see that the other party didn't seem to pay attention to it. He said in a more serious tone: "Don't think of this matter too simply. This is not a normal natural disaster, but a natural disaster caused by the original turmoil. It is not you at all. Nothing compared to those I’ve encountered before.”

Listening to the serious tone of the other party, Liu Zaoxin was stunned for a moment, and then he instantly became serious.

yes! If it were just an ordinary natural disaster, why would it be worth the parrot messenger's personal trip to warn him so solemnly?

"What specific disaster is it? When will it happen? What plans do we need to make here?" Liu Zaoxin asked quickly.

"Lord Dragon King doesn't know what kind of disaster it is. It could be a storm, it could be hail, it could be a flood, it could be an earthquake, it could be a tsunami."

"But no matter which one it is, it will become extremely terrifying, and the time for these disasters to occur will not exceed four hours at most."

"As for what plan you want to make." Ye Feng paused and said in a complicated tone: "Actually, I want you to inform people across the country so that they can take advantage of these last moments to spend time with their families."

After hearing Ye Feng's last words, Liu Zaoxin suddenly felt a chill running down his tailbone and straight towards Tianling Gai.

After Ye Feng finished speaking, he stopped staying and flew away. He had already said what needed to be said, and it was up to the other party to decide what to do next.

Bai Yinghui, who arrived in a hurry, first glanced at the mutant parrot flying away, and then at Liu Zaoxin, who was standing there blankly. His heart suddenly sank. He strode over and asked in a deep voice.

"Old Zhao, what's going on? What did the parrot messenger say?"

Liu Zaoxin immediately repeated the mutated parrot's words exactly as they were said.

When he heard the mutant parrot's last words, even Bai Yinghui, a military general, suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

"Then let's not be stunned and take action immediately." As a soldier, Bai Yinghui calmed down faster and said in a deep voice immediately.

"Action? Then what should we do?" Liu Zaoxin seemed to have not yet come out of that emotion, and asked in a daze.

"First, the city immediately enters a state of emergency and directly implements military control."

"Second, immediately give an order to all businesses, factories and schools to let everyone go home, not only to reunite them, but also to be able to manage directly as a family unit after the disaster occurs."

"Third, you immediately go to the TV station to give a city-wide speech to prepare all citizens and pack food, water, medicine, etc. in case of emergency."

"Fourth, let all departments prepare for rescue. Whether it is rescue supplies or rescue personnel, they must be in place now, and our military will also cooperate."

"Fifth, this matter must be reported immediately. Since this is a disaster for the whole country and even Asia, other cities must be prepared."


Bai Yinghui was talking one by one, and at this time Liu Zaoxin also came back from his trance.

After listening carefully, he also added two details, and then the two of them immediately split up and took action.

In less than five minutes, the entire Yangcheng City heard the piercing air-raid sirens.

Then from the loudspeakers installed by the military throughout the streets, a deep and upright male voice came out, "Please pay attention to all citizens, an emergency notice is now issued. Just 10 minutes ago, the Dragon King sensed a great change in the world. Within four hours, a horrific natural disaster will occur.”

"So, from now on, the whole city will enter a state of military control. All citizens will immediately put down the work at hand, return home, and prepare all necessary supplies, including food..."

Listening to the content on the radio, many people felt a little confused.

However, this situation did not last long. After they came to their senses, they did not immediately take action, but started talking about it.

Some people even doubt the authenticity of this incident because it all happened too suddenly.

But soon, not only the broadcast, but also text messages from the municipal department were received on their mobile phones. When they opened the official website of Yangcheng City, they could also see a brief speech from the mayor, which was also about this natural disaster.

All this proves that what was just broadcast is true.

Moreover, many people on the street saw troop carriers driving out of the military camp. Every once in a while, a soldier with a loaded gun would jump out.

In addition to normal equipment, the opponent will also hold a loudspeaker in his hand to tell everyone that military control has now been implemented, and all people should immediately follow the instructions to go home and prepare supplies.

Only then did everyone realize that this was not a joke, and they immediately started to take action. Many people even started to panic.

There was no way, the noise caused by this was too great, and the military looked as if they were facing a formidable enemy, no less than when they faced the mutant insect crisis.

But despite the panic, nothing happened.

Because the military strength in Yangcheng City has gradually expanded to 70,000. Although it is not a sufficient number of troops, it is definitely more than enough to maintain public order.

And there are nearly 50,000 soldiers here, all of whom have experienced the mutant insect crisis and the battle in the restricted area. Although their training time is still short, after seeing blood, they already have a calm motivation in them.

Under their guidance, everyone quickly got off work or school and rushed home.

It can be said that this will directly cause a surge in traffic volume on the streets during rush hour.

Although there will be slow driving, there will be no congestion.

Because a traffic accident does occur, soldiers will arrive at the scene within a minute to deal with it. Moreover, this kind of handling is not to resolve the dispute. They just scan the scene with a battlefield recorder and then immediately drive away.

As for the rest, we will wait until this disaster is over. If anyone has any objections, they will be detained on the spot.

Martial law, this is no joke.

At the same time, there are also people who want to go to places such as shopping malls, markets, or pharmacies to make purchases. However, when these people go there, they find that none of these items are available for purchase and have become military-controlled materials.

All these materials will be purchased directly by the government at market prices. After natural disasters, if anyone needs them, they will be distributed free of charge.

After a series of measures, the situation in Yangcheng City has not become chaotic, and as more and more people return home, order will naturally get better and better.

On the contrary, the Internet has become more and more lively, and the news after the implementation of military control in Yangcheng City can be seen on almost all social media.

# Because of natural disasters, 15 million people were sent home directly #

# What kind of natural disaster is it? Will the military take the highest level of response measures? #

# A guess made by the Dragon King directly stopped a city. Is this correct? #

With the emergence of such news, the popularity has directly gone out of the circle.

After all, in the past month or so, Yangcheng City has become more and more famous, especially the restricted area incident during this period, which has focused the attention of the whole world.

It is no exaggeration to say that every move of the Dragon King will be watched by countless people with magnifying glasses.

Today's matter was too big, and no news was disclosed in advance. The sudden military control really confused many people.

Naturally, some people will also question whether the military is too arbitrary in doing this, and whether it needs to conduct an investigation first.

Soon there was a quarrel on the Internet because of different opinions.

At the same time, there were more than a dozen old people sitting in a conference room in the capital city that was not too big. Each of them was a big shot with real power. Every decision they made could affect the trend of the country.

But at this time, they were all sitting together with solemn expressions, somewhat undecided about the matter in front of them.

What was placed in front of them was the latest intelligence sent from Yangcheng City.

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