Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 226 The conditions are met and luck comes!

I apologize for causing trouble to everyone. As compensation, I will add another chapter.


Looking at the overwhelming third-order mutated goshawks, the colorful tiger's head shut down for a moment.

When did there become so many third-order mutated animals? And they're all the same species.

At this time, the colorful tiger's expression when looking at the mutated goshawk had completely changed. It knew very well that since the other party could command so many of its kind as subordinates, it could completely go sideways.

At least there is no fourth-level mutant creature that is the opponent of this mutated goshawk. Even the more powerful fifth-level mutant creature can defeat it as long as it is not afraid of sacrifice.

At this time, it no longer had any thoughts of resistance.

Facing such a huge group of mutated goshawks, not to mention its current weak state, even in its heyday, it would be dead.

But at this moment, the fourth-level mutated goshawk high in the sky screamed and left, flying in another direction.

Most of the huge eagle group also left, leaving only about 50 of them, still flying in its direction.

Looking at the approaching 50 third-level mutated goshawks, the colorful tiger's eyes flickered. If it just faced them, it might not be possible to fight, at least it would have a chance to escape.

As long as it can escape this disaster, it can naturally take revenge after level five.

However, what once again surprised the colorful tiger was that these 50 third-order mutated goshawks did not approach it.

Instead, it was hovering at low altitude within a radius of one or two kilometers.

The aura released from their bodies drives other mutated animals and mutated insects away from here.

This scene made the colorful tiger a little stunned. Of course it could see that these mutant goshawks were helping it drive away other mutant animals and create a safe environment for it to break through.

but why?

This simply goes beyond the law of the jungle it understands.

Although the colorful tiger didn't understand why the other party gave away such a precious fruit, he also left his subordinates to help it make a safe breakthrough.

But at this time, it was already in a drowsy state, and every cell in its body was undergoing rapid transformation.

It raised its head and glanced into the distance. When it saw the mutated goshawks, they still had no intention of getting closer. Finally, it couldn't care so much anymore and lay down on the ground and started to break through with all its strength.

In this state, unless it encounters an attack, it will not wake up again until the breakthrough is over.

At this time, Ye Feng, who was conducting remote control in Sunset Valley, had no idea that the beautiful tiger had so many inner dramas.

After leaving 50 mutated goshawks to ensure that the opponent could successfully break through to the fifth level, he no longer paid attention to the opponent's situation.

However, at this time, Ye Feng suddenly felt something was wrong.

This world seems to be particularly close to me.

At first, Ye Feng doubted whether it was an illusion, but soon he was sure that it was not.

You know, now he is using his ability to control the world all the time to maintain the temperature around Yangcheng City, so he has been consuming the power of faith.

At this time, the range for maintaining the temperature has not changed, but the power of faith consumed has been reduced, from 2 million per hour to 1.98 million per hour, which is a reduction of 20,000 points of faith power consumption.

This is not a small amount, because you can save 480,000 points of faith power in one day, 3.36 million points in a week, and 14.4 million points in a month.

So this immediately attracted Ye Feng's attention.

"What's going on? Why is there such a change?" Ye Feng frowned in thought.

And after thinking about it, he found that there was only one possibility, and that was that he had just helped the colorful tiger break through, speeding up the recovery of this world.

"Is it because what I am doing now is in line with the will of the world? Therefore, I have been favored by the will of the world?" Ye Feng speculated to himself.

However, Ye Feng thought about it for too long and wanted to know whether his guess was correct, so he just had to verify it.

Thinking of this, he controlled the mutant goshawk to fly faster.

Not long after, they arrived near the second target.

This is a mutated giant python with a body length of nearly 200 meters. When Ye Feng came, the other person's body curled up into a ball and seemed to be in a state of hibernation.

However, as Ye Feng arrived, the other party quickly woke up, then looked at him warily, and was ready to attack at any time.

There was nothing to say. After Ye Feng dropped a fourth-level evolutionary fruit, he flew away directly.

When he returned a moment later, the mutant python had swallowed the evolutionary fruit and was about to break through.

Seeing Ye Feng's return, the mutant giant python was extremely vigilant, but Ye Feng ignored it and let out a high-pitched eagle cry towards the mutant goshawks following behind him.

After conveying the order to protect the mutated giant python, they continued towards the next goal.

At the same time, Ye Feng switched the possessed state back to his body, and then carefully sensed it.

At this moment, he was feeling a little nervous and anxious, because whether this guess was correct or not had a great impact on him.

This uneasy mood did not last long. After only three minutes, he felt again that the affinity between this world and it had increased a bit.

At the same time, the consumption of his control of heaven and earth was further reduced.

While maintaining the original range, the consumption of the power of faith has been reduced from 1.98 million to 1.96 million per hour.

"It's true." At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes were bright.

Next, he can help 32 mutant creatures break through. If each mutant creature can reduce his power of faith consumption by 20,000 points, it can also reduce his consumption by 640,000 points.

At that time, he will only need 1.32 million points of faith power per hour to maintain his current range.

At the end of the day, the power of faith consumed was only 31.68 million, which is equivalent to saving 16.32 million points of power of faith every day.

What a huge number this is!

Moreover, Ye Feng also has a feeling that if he really promotes the process of spiritual energy recovery with his own hands, then he will have greater benefits when the spiritual energy is revived for the fourth time.

Thinking of this, he couldn't sit still, so he asked the mutated parrot to stay in Yangcheng City for a long time, waiting for news from the other party.

The military was indeed very helpful. Half an hour later, they sent him new information. In the Tianshan Province next door, two more mutated creatures that had reached the peak of the fourth level were discovered.

There was nothing to say. Ye Feng immediately let the mutated goshawk fly over with the evolutionary fruit.

But now the distance is getting longer and longer, and the mutant goshawks can't keep up with their own speed.

However, there is a solution. Just let them divide into two groups and rush to two different places.

In this case, he only needs to wait for one batch of mutant goshawks, and the other batch of mutant goshawks may even arrive earlier than him.

In this way, Ye Feng started working as a courier.

It took nearly 12 hours to fly over almost all the great rivers and mountains in China.

At the same time, he also helped a total of 19 mutant animals, breaking through to the fifth level.

Now, his consumption of maintaining the temperature around Yangcheng City has been reduced to 1.62 million points of faith power per hour.

However, Ye Feng was not very happy at this time, because he had just learned from Bai Yinghui that the search in China was almost over.

In other words, the progress of this rapid search will soon slow down.

While he was thinking about this, Bai Yinghui came out again and handed a tablet directly to Ye Feng.

He pointed to the map above and said: "A white wolf at the peak of the fourth level was found in this area of ​​HLJ."

Ye Feng lowered his head and asked the other party to enlarge the map. After writing down the location, he asked: "Is there anything else to do next?"

"There are no more in China, and all suspected areas have been searched," Bai Yinghui said.

"Then how will you search next?" Ye Feng asked directly the key point.

"Some nearby small countries actually have a pretty good relationship with us, especially now that they also need coal. We have reached some agreements and obtained information on their domestic mutant creatures. We have also obtained permission to enter their territory for investigation. "Bai Yinghui said.

Hearing this, Ye Feng's eyes immediately lit up, "In other words, the remaining 14 mutated creatures can be found soon?"

"Uh... not really." Bai Yinghui was a little embarrassed, "You know, those small countries have a limited area, and the number of mutant creatures in their countries is not very large."

"So based on the information they provided and what our satellite detected, a total of 76 fourth-order mutant animals were found."

"But according to our speculation, among the 76 that have reached the peak of the fourth level, only about 10 of them have relatively prepared information. As for the remaining 4, it can only depend on luck."

Listening to the numbers coming out of the opponent's mouth, Ye Feng also knew that it was not easy for the opponent to achieve this level. He probably found all the fourth-order mutated creatures in these countries.

But it is a pity that there are very few mutant creatures of the fourth level, let alone those that are required to reach the peak of the fourth level.

But this is still not the answer Ye Feng wants to hear, "Then if we are unlucky and screen all the remaining mutant animals and still don't get 14, what are you going to do?"

"Then the only option is to take risks." Bai Yinghui said.

"Huh?" Ye Feng looked over in surprise, waiting for the other person's next words.

"During the day today, our country's satellites are almost always in action, and the targets they are searching for are mutant creatures from other countries."

"Fortunately, perhaps because of the cold disaster, carnivorous mutant animals are basically trying to find ways to store food, and the fourth-level mutant animals are making a lot of noise, so we have already locked in many targets. "

"If there is really something missing, we will risk sending stealth reconnaissance planes to search these places." Bai Yinghui said.

"Okay, then I have no problem. Hurry up and start searching for those neighboring countries that agree to cooperate!" Ye Feng urged.

Bai Yinghui nodded, turned around and walked back to the headquarters. In fact, during this conversation, he also discovered that the mutant parrot seemed a little anxious.

This also made him quite curious, but he was too sensible to ask anything.

Next, Ye Feng became even busier.

Because the mutated goshawk needs to fly farther, many times a fourth-level peak mutant creature is found in this country, but the next one found is already from another country.

In this case, it would take two or three hours just to travel.

Ye Feng took a look at the sky. It was already 8 o'clock in the evening, and the sky was completely dark. Coupled with the day's cooling, the entire southern region, except Yangcheng City, had dropped to minus 15 degrees.

As for the northern regions, it is approaching the mark of minus 30 degrees.

More and more animals and plants are dying, which also means that there is less and less time left for Ye Feng.

Faced with this situation, Ye Feng had to mobilize the contracted mutant bats, mutant black crows and two mutant sparrows.

Of course, it is actually a bit dangerous to send them out. It is better around Yangcheng City, but as long as you go out, you may encounter other fourth-level mutant birds, and the combat power of my subordinates is not very strong, and conflicts are very likely to occur. Eighty-nine will lose.

But the good thing is, they all have subordinates.

When 1,000 third-level mutant bats or mutant black crows gather together, the fourth-level mutant birds will definitely not dare to mess with them.

Even if it is a fifth-level mutant bird, it must be carefully considered.

However, even if the mutated sparrows reach the third level, their combat effectiveness is at best comparable to that of ordinary second-level birds, so their subordinates cannot suppress the situation.

Therefore, Ye Feng separated half of the third-order mutated goshawks to escort them.

After fighting for most of the night, when the time came to 4 o'clock in the morning, the investigation team from China finally screened all the fourth-level mutated animals in several cooperative countries.

However, the number of fourth-level peak mutated animals they found was even less than expected, only 8.

In other words, there is still a difference of 6.

At this time, Bai Yinghui, who appeared in front of Ye Feng again, didn't look very good.

"Parrot Messenger is very sorry. I didn't expect that the information provided by these countries would be so discrepant." Bai Yinghui said apologetically.

"This is not your problem, and there is no point in worrying about these things. I want to know your next plan. Which country do you plan to search for?" Ye Feng asked directly.

Blaming the other person won't solve anything, they need to move on.

"Asan Kingdom!" Bai Yinghui said: "Their land area is not small, and they are neighboring countries. They are the key targets of our satellite. During the day, they have already locked many targets."

"Our stealth reconnaissance planes have already passed towards those locations. I believe that within eight hours at most, we will be able to find the remaining mutated animals that meet the requirements."

"Eight hours?" Ye Feng murmured in a low voice.

He felt the dropping temperature outside again, shook his head and said, "Eight hours is too long."

"Next, our Dragon King Palace's flying brigade will also join the search team."

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