Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 227 Everyone goes out and encounters trouble

Bai Yinghui was naturally happy to hear what Ye Feng said.

If the air force strength of the Dragon King Palace was not that good before, then after all the animals in the Dragon King Palace broke through to the third level in the past two days, the overall strength has soared several times.

In terms of air force capability alone, it is no less than that of some small countries.

Soon, the two discussed it and formulated a simple plan.

The flying brigade from the Dragon King Palace and the elite troops sent from Yangcheng City acted together.

The reason for this is mainly because if they want to quickly search for the target, they need to use a casting-net method.

Ye Feng can only contact the mutated animals contracted with him, but his subordinates cannot contact them directly.

In other words, if he scattered all these flying animals to look for targets, even if he found them, there would be no way to contact them immediately.

So this requires the use of military communication equipment.

After Ye Feng and Bai Yinghui's discussion, 1,000 mutated goshawks, 1,000 mutated black crows and 1,000 mutated bats will all be dispatched by then.

Yangcheng City will also send 3,000 evolvers carrying communication equipment. They will ride on these mutated birds and be responsible for real-time communication.

Needless to say, mutated goshawks, even mutated black crows and mutated bats, after breaking through to the third level, have a wingspan of 15 meters. In this case, it is absolutely easy to carry a human. things.

Of course, this is not without difficulty.

Since the mutated birds have been dispersed, it is not an easy task to ensure that they are obedient and will not harm the humans riding on them without supervision.

If they are still at the second level, Ye Feng is not sure that they can do it, but the mutated creatures that have broken through to the third level have intelligence comparable to that of a four or five-year-old child, and they can communicate.

So Ye Feng first brought these mutated birds to the Sunset Valley, and let his contracted animals conduct friendly communication (threat) with their own men.

During this process, Ye Feng will also release the fifth-level peak pressure to cooperate, making them all tremble.

After the big stick, naturally comes the sweet date.

Next, Ye Feng gave each mutant bird an aura fruit, and told them that after successfully completing the mission and returning, they would be rewarded with an additional 10 aura fruits.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Feng has gradually figured out the technique of using his mental power to communicate directly with these animals.

So he and his contracted animals, one is a good guy and the other is a bad guy.

After nearly half an hour of education, after every mutated bird on the scene had chirped to express that they would obey orders, Ye Feng actually let them go out to perform their tasks.

At Yangcheng City Airport, 3,000 fully armed elite soldiers are waiting here.

Each of them is a veteran of hundreds of battles, but this time they are a little unsure about their mission.

Because whether this task can be completed successfully or not, actually has nothing to do with them. They are only responsible for contact.

And they were only in the middle stage of the first level. They had no ability to resist when facing the third level mutated creatures.

It can be said that as long as they fly into the sky with these mutant birds, life and death are not under their control.

But even so, no one complained, and no one flinched. They just lined up in a neat queue, waiting in the cold wind.

Finally, a large group of mutant birds appeared in the distant sky. Even with the size of these mutant birds, the entire airport was unable to accommodate them all at once.

The mutated parrot flew down first and asked Bai Yinghui, "Are you ready?"

"You can leave at any time." Bai Yinghui said directly.

"Okay!" Ye Feng nodded, and then issued an order through his contract.

The leading mutated goshawk in the sky let out a high-pitched cry, and the group of mutated goshawks hovering in the sky landed first.

Many people swallowed secretly as they watched the third-order mutated goshawks that fell to the ground and stood upright more than 20 meters tall.

However, following Bai Yinghui's order, the soldiers of the first regiment, who had been prepared for a long time, went straight out of the queue and walked over first.

Facing a behemoth that is two realms higher than yourself, no matter who it is, a kind of fear will instinctively arise.

But these soldiers can do it, overcome this instinctive fear in their hearts, quickly climb on the back of the mutated goshawk, and take out tools from their combat backpacks to secure themselves.

Then he took out the navigation device and a strong flashlight.

This is another thing they do, act as guides to guide these mutant birds to their destinations.

As for the way of guidance, the direction they shine with the strong flashlight in their hands is the direction in which the mutated birds fly.

These are all things Ye Feng and Bai Yinghui have discussed long ago.

Soon, with a high-pitched eagle cry, the first batch of mutant goshawks that landed at the airport took off, followed by the second and third batches.

They were divided into three groups, and the backs of all the mutant goshawks were filled with people.

Then there are the mutant black crows and mutant bats.

They are much smaller, and each batch can land almost 1,000 of them, so the following speed is also much faster.

But it took nearly half an hour to get all the 3,000 soldiers waiting here at the airport onto the back of the bird.

Bai Yinghui and other military generals stood silently at the airport and watched them go away. They didn't look back until they were out of sight.

"Parrot Messenger, that's the temporary command post we set up over there. Let's go there together!" Bai Yinghui invited.

Although they can know their location and situation through the satellite communicators on the soldiers, if something unexpected happens, such as the mutant birds not cooperating, they need to let the mutant parrots coordinate.

"Okay!" Ye Feng nodded and walked over directly.

This temporary camp is spacious and large enough. In fact, it was specially built for the mutated parrots.

At this time, there were more than a dozen screens on it, and each screen had dense green light spots, which all represented the locations of the soldiers.

According to the plan, the mutated goshawks are relatively powerful, and each of them can be divided into a group independently. As for the mutated black crows and mutated bats, five will form a group, and a total of 1,400 groups will be divided.

If everything goes well, all objects that need to be investigated can be screened in one go.

At this time, everyone is staring at the screen. In this temporary war room, there are hundreds of correspondents, who will regularly question each soldier to understand their real-time situation.

Ye Feng watched this scene silently.

When a quarter of an hour passed and everything was still in normal condition, he couldn't help but secretly let out a sigh of relief.

To be honest, even after half an hour of training, he was only 70 to 80% sure at best that he could make these mutated birds obedient.

He has even been prepared. If any mutated bird disobeys, he will directly let the mutated goshawk kill it on the spot, using bloody methods to shock it.

But fortunately, it seems that we don’t have to go that far yet.

"Everything is normal for the Parrot Messengers. According to their flight speed, if everything goes well, the flight formation will leave the country and enter the territory of Asan Kingdom in an hour and a half."

"If things go more smoothly, it may even be possible to find all six targets within two hours." Bai Yinghui said with some emotion and some sadness.

Only the Dragon King Palace can do this kind of thing, because no country has the ability to dispatch 3,000 planes at a time to search.

Ye Feng nodded after hearing this, "I hope everything goes well!"

Time passed slowly, and soon an hour passed.

Those with faster flying speeds have basically entered the range of Asan Kingdom and are flying towards their goals.

By this time, Ye Feng was already relieved.

After flying for such a long time, and the mutant goshawk king, who is the leader, is not around, but none of the mutant goshawks have taken the initiative to escape, so the possibility of them escaping later is slim. .

In fact, if it is a normal situation, although the vast majority of mutant goshawks will not escape, there are always some of the thousands of mutant goshawks that are more wild and untamable, and it is normal for dozens of them to escape.

But the problem is that the cold disaster has now entered. After leaving Yangcheng City, the temperature outside has reached minus 20 degrees.

Even if they have reached the third level, they will still have a hard time in this low temperature environment, and it is not even easy to have enough food.

They already have a certain amount of wisdom. As long as they think about the environment of the Dongling Mountains and then look at the ice and snow outside, even if they have any thoughts of escape, they will be extinguished instantly.

And as the mutated goshawk brigade entered the territory of Asan Kingdom, the headquarters became really busy.

"The mutated creature reported at marking point No. 0356 is in the mid-fourth level and is not the target."

"The mutated creature reported at mark point No. 1532 is only at the peak of the third level, but it is relatively large and is not the target."

"The report number is..."

Soon, the correspondent Mingming loudly reported after answering the call, and the staff around them would quickly record and then summarize the information.

The information obtained by the staff will also be updated in real time on the large projected screen for the convenience of viewing by generals and mutant parrots.

Here in Asan Country, because they did not obtain accurate intelligence, they marked several times more suspected targets than other countries. The workload can be said to be extremely huge.

Seeing that nearly 50 suspected targets had been eliminated in just five minutes, the officials in Yangcheng City couldn't help but sigh at the high efficiency of the Dragon King Palace Flying Brigade.

If they only rely on their reconnaissance planes, whether they can rule out five suspects in five minutes is a question.

What's more, the only ones searching now are the mutant goshawk brigade. After the mutant black crows and mutant bat brigade arrive later, the efficiency can be improved to another level.

However, everyone's good mood gradually disappeared as time went by.

Because they searched for nearly 200 targets, but they didn't even find a fourth-order peak mutant creature.

From time to time, they would glance at the mutated parrot standing not far away and staring at the big screen. They would inevitably feel a little worried, and the atmosphere in the venue became more and more serious.

However, Ye Feng was not in any mood at this time.

He really didn't believe that he couldn't find 6 mutant creatures that had reached the peak of the fourth level in the Asan Kingdom with such a large land area.

This serious atmosphere did not dissipate until the 20th minute, when the first fourth-order peak mutant creature was discovered.

And good things come in pairs. Only three minutes later, they found the second peak fourth-level mutant creature.

The next thing is simple. The 50 nearby mutated goshawks gather towards the target area. They used to protect the opponent's safety when they broke through.

Then among the three contracted animals carrying the evolution fruit, whichever one is closer will be sent over first.

In the next half hour, two more mutated creatures that reached the peak of the fourth level were discovered one after another.

At this point, as long as we find two more peak fourth-level mutant creatures, we are done.

In the entire Asan Kingdom, half of the target area has not been searched. As long as it is not too unlucky, there will definitely be no problem in completing the mission after sweeping this area.

Things seemed to be moving in a good direction. After another 5 minutes, they found the fifth target, and now only the last target was left.

But at this time, several soldiers sent back emergency communications.

After the correspondent learned the information, his expression changed instantly and he quickly ran to Bai Yinghui to report.

"Sir, there is a special situation. The mutated rhinoceros numbered 95 has a fifth-level mutated golden eagle nearby. It should have come out to search for food, and has focused on the mutated rhinoceros that is breaking through."

"Just now, there has been a conflict with a nearby mutant goshawk team. In a short period of time, our mutant goshawk has caused 2 deaths and 1 injury. At the same time, the soldiers above also died."

Not only Bai Yinghui, but also Ye Feng's face changed when he heard this.

"How many mutated birds are there within 100 kilometers of that area?" Ye Feng asked directly.

At this time, a staff officer nearby heard this question and answered on his behalf: "If you don't count the 50 mutant goshawks in the field, there are 65 mutant goshawks, 84 mutant crows, and 72 mutant bats nearby. "

Hearing just this number, Ye Feng's heart sank. He looked at Bai Yinghui and said: "My troops can't stop it at all, not even with the nearby Goshawk envoys. According to the agreement, it's your turn to dispatch fighter jets to assist. ”

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