Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 245 Sixth level peak, no shortage of spiritual energy

When Ye Feng finished exploring the temple, it was already close to 10 o'clock in the morning.

At this time, Ye Feng added points, and his evolution points were finally full.

After he gave the mutant parrot the order to return, he directly switched the possessed state back to his body.

"Ding! Please choose the direction of strengthening."

Looking at the system prompt that popped up, Ye Feng chose to increase the toughness of the tree roots without hesitation.

The next moment, 6,000 evolution points turned into huge energy and integrated into his body, and his body began to surge again.

Following Ye Feng's breakthrough, news about him quickly appeared on the Internet again.

And this time, the official website of Yangcheng City directly released the news that the Dragon King's accompanying spiritual plant would break through to the peak of the sixth level.

Obviously, this was agreed upon by Ye Feng and Liu Zaoxin, and it was for the purpose of building momentum.

After all, the first creature in the world to break through to the peak of the sixth level has undoubtedly attracted widespread attention.

And before the next spiritual energy recovery, Ye Feng has no way to make another breakthrough, so this is the last time to harvest the power of faith, and the momentum must be as big as possible.

Sure enough, as news spread on the Internet, and with the help of some marketing accounts, the news spread almost instantly across the entire Internet at an explosive speed.

"I'll go, my previous guess turned out to be true. The mutated iron birch tree is really the sixth level. It's really scary." Someone immediately said with emotion.

"Isn't anyone paying attention to the main point of this matter? The mutant iron birch tree has broken through to the peak of the sixth level this time. Doesn't this mean that the other party's crazy growth in the past few times is actually breaking through the realm?"

"In other words, even if the opponent reaches the sixth level, he can still break through a small realm every day. It is so terrifying! I am only a mid-level first-level evolver, and I am almost autistic." Someone else left a message.

It's just that his words quickly attracted a large group of netizens to complain. After all, evolution potions are only slowly beginning to be promoted now, and the number of people who can become evolvers is still very small.

But complaints are complaints, and they have to face one thing, that is, the mutant iron birch tree can really break through a realm every day!

This is simply unbelievable.

Of course, while these netizens lamented the rapid breakthrough of the mutated iron birch tree, they also gradually had a question.

"Does anyone know why the Dragon King's accompanying spiritual plants have reached the peak of the sixth level, but the Dragon King is still only at the fourth level?" Soon someone posted on the Internet asking this question.

As soon as this post appeared, perhaps because of the curiosity in many people's hearts, it became very popular and even quickly reached the hot search list.

Even the person who posted the message didn't have much hope of getting the answer.

But as the popularity of his post soared, the Yangcheng City official website account actually commented below.

"Because the Dragon King plans to take advantage of this opportunity to cultivate a stronger foundation than before, so that he can make further progress in the future."

"The breakthrough of the companion spirit plant is the guarantee for the rapid increase of the Dragon King's combat power. The two do not conflict."

After getting such an answer, many netizens showed their original expressions.

At this time, Ye Feng was also browsing the web page. The momentum Liu Zaoxin and the others had created this time was indeed quite large, and the effect was quite remarkable.

Because the shock he brings to everyone with his successive breakthroughs will definitely become smaller each time, and the income from the power of faith will also decrease each time.

But this time, as he built momentum, the power of faith he gained increased instead of decreasing.

What's even more surprising to Ye Feng is that this time, many people even abroad are paying attention to his breakthrough, and they also provide a lot of faith.

Ye Feng roughly estimated that now, adding up all domestic and foreign powers, he can gain about 30 million power of faith every hour. If everything goes well, his breakthrough this time should be able to gain 180 million power of faith.

Time is passing by, and it can be said that under the spotlight, Ye Feng has successfully completed the breakthrough and reached the peak of the sixth level.

Host: Ye Feng (World Tree)

Tree height: 8585 meters

Trunk width: 500 meters

Root length: 45,500 meters

Realm: Sixth level peak

Evolution points: 0/6000 points

Special abilities: Devour, Capture, Evolution Fruit, Mental Power, Life Healing, Attribute Transfer

Aura value: 15000/70800 points

Bioenergy: 55800/70800 points

Power of Faith: 1.165 billion points

Looking at the attributes that have reached the peak of the sixth level, Ye Feng is also a little sad.

The height of the tree increased again by 1,500 meters, reaching 8,585 meters.

What kind of concept is this?

You must know that Mount Everest is only 8848.86 meters, which means that compared with Mount Everest, the difference is only more than 200 meters.

At this time, the people in Yangcheng City looked at the huge tree and felt like they were looking up at the mountain. They could not even see the whole iron birch tree because the height of the tree crown was already above the clouds.

Of course, Ye Feng actually doesn't care much about his height. The only thing that can truly reflect his combat power is the tree roots.

The current root length of 45.5 kilometers makes Ye Feng quite satisfied.

And with this breakthrough, he strengthened the toughness of the tree roots. Now the defensive power of his tree roots should be top-notch among sixth-level creatures.

If you use the ability of attribute transfer again and let your subordinates fight those dragons at the peak of the sixth level, they will definitely not be so helpless.

At least it can withstand several attacks from the flame dragon's breath head-on.

With such a defensive power, as long as it is paired with a few fruits of life, even a mutated sparrow can probably fight two or three giant dragons alone.

Of course, other aspects have also been enhanced. For example, his mental perception range has been expanded to 25 kilometers.

Of course, it's actually more than that, because his mental power can be extended through any part of his body.

As long as his mental strength matches the length of the tree roots, the longest distance can reach 70.5 kilometers.

If he wants it, not to mention Yangcheng City, even Yonghe City and Yunshang City next door can detect it.

As for the scope of controlling the world, it is even more exaggerated. The farthest distance can now be extended to 300 kilometers away. If he wanted to, more than half of the entire Donghai Province would be within the scope of his control of the world.

Even Tianhe City, where the temple appeared, is also within the scope of his control of the world.

After discovering this, Ye Feng felt a lot more relieved. If something went wrong over there, now he at least had some means to deal with it.

Of course, there is more than one place where temples appear. Five have been discovered in China alone.

As for the number worldwide, the number is even more exaggerated. According to the latest statistics, a full 85 temples have been discovered.

And that's probably not all.

So if there were really any big problems with these temples, he wouldn't be able to take care of them at all. Being able to deal with one would be a good thing.

After completing the breakthrough and taking a look at the extent of his strength improvement, the first thing to do next is naturally to harvest spiritual energy.

Ten minutes later, Ye Feng will harvest aura from all the trees within a radius of 45.5 kilometers, centered on himself.

Looking at the amount of spiritual energy coming in, although Ye Feng was prepared, he was still a little excited. On average, he could get 177,450 spiritual energy points per hour.

So at the end of the day, there are 4.2588 million points of spiritual energy.

Being able to harvest more than 4 million points of spiritual energy in one day was something Ye Feng had never thought of, and this was not the limit.

Because when he reaches the peak of the sixth level, he can still add more points until he reaches the bottleneck. By then, the length of the tree roots can be extended to 6,000 meters.

At the end of the day, the harvested spiritual energy may be close to 5 million points.

Of course, there are also areas of distress.

As the roots of his trees extend, in order to allow these trees to have a better growing environment and absorb more spiritual energy, the range of his temperature control must be expanded.

Now the diameter of the extension of his tree roots has reached 91 kilometers, covering most of the Dongling Mountains.

To control the temperature in such a wide range, he now consumes 2.3 million points of faith power every hour, and the power of faith consumed in one day is 55.2 million points.

This was because he had been recognized by the will of heaven and earth and cut it in half. Otherwise, to maintain this range, the power of faith consumed in one day would exceed 100 million.

"Fortunately, my current power of faith has reached 1.165 billion. Even if I don't make any money, I can still maintain it for 21 days."

"If we take into account the power of faith provided by subsequent residents, it shouldn't be a problem until the end of this cold disaster." Ye Feng muttered.

Of course, if that doesn't work, it's okay to narrow the scope a little. As for how to do it, it depends on the income from the power of faith.

After harvesting the spiritual energy, Ye Feng checked the news again, and then began to continue cultivating his spiritual power.

In the blink of an eye, a day passed.

Early the next morning, Ye Feng possessed the mutated parrot and flew directly towards Tianhe City.

He wanted to go over and see for himself whether the temple would still appear today as he had guessed.

"Parrot Messenger, why are you here?" When he saw the mutated parrot falling from the sky, Zhao Sheng had a look of surprise on his face.

"Nothing, I just came to see if the temple will appear again today." Ye Feng replied casually.

We already had the conversation yesterday, and there is nothing to say now.

Naturally, Zhao Sheng would not let the mutated parrot stand here and wait. He immediately invited Ye Feng to rest in the tent.

After Ye Feng declined, he asked people to bring a lot of fruits.

Ye Feng didn't refuse this time. On the one hand, he refused one after another, which would seem a bit unkind.

On the other hand, the fruits that the other party brought over were all produced on mutated fruit trees.

Ye Feng was also curious and wanted to taste it.

He ate a watermelon first. The mutated watermelon was two or three times larger than before, and it was sweeter. More importantly, Ye Feng also felt some aura from these fruits.

If ordinary people eat it, they can probably improve their physical condition slightly. If they eat it regularly, there is no problem in extending their lifespan.

Then he ate lychees, longans, mangoes, etc., all of which contained spiritual energy.

Ye Feng inquired and found out that the price of these mutated fruits was at least 10 times that of ordinary fruits.

This means that most of the plants now have mutated. In the past, even if they were hundreds of times more expensive, they would still be worthless.

The two parties just chatted for a while, and the topics they talked about basically revolved around the changes in people's lives after the spiritual energy was revived.

Soon, the time was approaching 9 o'clock in the morning.

In the past two days, the temple appeared at this time.

So Ye Feng stopped talking, stood up, and just stared at the area in front of him.

Originally, there were many plants growing in that place, which was considered part of the forest here, but now the plants there have shown signs of turning yellow, and some of the weak ones have even died.

Obviously these are phenomena caused by the emergence of the temple.

Just as Ye Feng was staring there, a temple suddenly appeared in the woods.

There was no warning at all, it was like it popped out of thin air.

Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, Ye Feng couldn't help but speed up his heartbeat when he saw that the temple still appeared on time.

His attention quickly focused on the temple.

After comparing it with the memory in his mind, Ye Feng's eyes froze slightly.

The temple was certainly clearer than yesterday.

Ye Feng walked in without much hesitation.

This time he had just passed through the gate and stood on the square, and he had already felt the attraction of the palace in the distance.

"As expected! This place is gradually changing from illusion to reality."

He also became more and more curious about what would happen when the temple turned from virtual to real.

Of course, there was no answer to this kind of speculation, so after confirming it, he didn't stay long and quickly returned to Sunset Valley.

It was already the third day since the temple appeared.

On the first day, people only mentioned it occasionally, but it appeared again on the second day. It had already gained a certain amount of popularity, but it was overshadowed by the news about the Dragon King.

But now it appeared again on the third day, and there was overwhelming news on the Internet.

And this kind of news cannot be hidden at all, because there are such temples all over the world.

This kind of thing naturally caused a certain amount of panic.

After all, not long ago, they experienced a terrifying earthquake, followed immediately by this fatal cold disaster.

Disaster relief work is still going on in many places!

Everyone is worried that the emergence of these temples will herald the arrival of another disaster.

Therefore, as soon as Ye Feng's front foot came back, Liu Zaoxin came to the door again with his back foot.

Hearing the request made by the other party, Ye Feng was a little surprised and said: "What? You want me to give a speech?"

"That's right! I also hope that you, the mutant parrot, can represent the Dragon King and send out a news to talk about the temple, so as not to make everyone feel uneasy."

Liu Zaoxin said very politely, and finally he added, "Of course, the price is negotiable."

Ye Feng thought for a while, then nodded and agreed without much hesitation, without even mentioning the price.

He didn't want to disrupt the order because of something that didn't happen. He didn't think about others, but he also had to think about his family.

What's more, according to his judgment, the appearance of these temples is not necessarily a bad thing.

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