Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 246 Population explosion, sunset camp

Seeing Ye Feng's agreement, Liu Zaoxin seemed to have been prepared for it, and immediately called the arranged reporter.

The person who came here, Ye Feng, was no stranger. It was Du Gulan who had interviewed him several times before.

"Hello everyone, I am Du Gulan, a frontline reporter. I am very happy today because I can interview the Parrot Messenger again."

"We have only one interview today, and that is the temple issue that everyone is concerned about. I believe that the parrot messenger can give us an accurate and objective answer."

After Du Gulan smiled at the camera and said that, he followed the staff's guidance and walked towards the Sunset Valley.

Since it was not a live broadcast but a recording, she was not in a hurry and watched it while walking.

Seeing the huge mutated animals that appeared from time to time in the Sunset Valley, she was filled with wonder even though she was nervous.

If you didn't look at their appearance and the movements they made when walking, Du Gulan would feel like he was back in the age of dinosaurs.

But before she came, she had been told a lot of things, so although she was shocked, she didn't lose her composure.

Soon she and the photography team arrived at the place where the mutated parrot and Liu Zaoxin were talking.

Of course, the interview did not start immediately. She first submitted the questions she wanted to ask to the mutant parrot.

Ye Feng just glanced briefly and nodded towards the other party, indicating that she could start.

"Parrot Messenger, do you know about these temples and why they appear?" Du Gulan asked.

"have no idea."

Ye Feng's answer made the smile on Du Gulan's face freeze slightly.

"Don't be in a daze, ask quickly, and end it as soon as possible." Seeing that the other party did not continue speaking, Ye Feng couldn't help but urge.

Du Gulan quickly came back to her senses and adjusted her mentality. She stopped beating around the bush and directly asked the most critical question: "Okay, then do you think those temples will bring disaster to us?"

"No, at least there is a 90% chance that it will not cause disaster, because Lord Dragon King did not notice any danger." Ye Feng replied.

He didn't say too much. If something happened in the future, he could find a reason to get over it.

"I feel much more at ease when I hear you say that." Du Gulan made a relieved expression.

She then continued: "Then the last question. Why do those temples suddenly appear? What impact will they have on us after they appear?"

"You have two questions!"

Ye Feng corrected him first, and then said: "That should be an ancient relic, but I don't know what it is used for, because it didn't appear before Lord Dragon King was reincarnated. It was probably from the later period of the War of Gods. product."

Anyway, Ye Feng could just push back everything he didn't understand to the ancient times.

Hearing this answer, Du Gulan nodded in understanding.

At this time, Liu Zaoxin, who was listening on the side, interrupted and asked: "Parrot Messenger, since this is an ancient ruin, are there any ancient creatures in it? For example, Qiongqi."

"There should be no such thing." Ye Feng said while thinking: "The different space where Qiongqi lives is obviously different from this kind of ruins. If there really are such ancient creatures, when I went to investigate before, I guess You can’t get out.”

After hearing this, Liu Zaoxin breathed a sigh of relief.

This interview ended in just a few minutes. After all, they didn't dare to really disturb the mutant parrot.

Half an hour later, this interview video appeared on Yangcheng City’s official website.

The video was very short, only about 5 minutes, but the response it caused was huge.

In less than half an hour, it topped the hot search list.

The number of comments below the video is increasing every minute.

"It turns out that thing is an ancient relic. I was wondering why it was so weird. It appeared and then disappeared every day, and the images became more and more real." Someone said with emotion.

"After watching this video, I feel relieved. Since the Dragon King can't sense danger, it's not a big problem." Someone else said.

"Hey, hey, are you too optimistic? The Dragon King also said that there is a 90% chance that there will be no danger, which means there is still a 10% chance that there will be danger." Someone reminded.

"The one upstairs is only a 10% probability, so stay calm. Even if there is danger, it is equivalent to a few more restricted areas at most. Once the military installs Destroyer hand cannons in batches, it will be able to deal with it."

Ye Feng also browsed the comments online. Indeed, with his speech, the people's nervous and uneasy mood was greatly reduced.

But it doesn't mean that the anxiety and uneasiness disappear.

It just dropped to a controllable range.

Therefore, of course these temples are now known as ancient ruins, and the impact of their appearance is still there.

The biggest impact is naturally the enthusiasm of these residents to settle here in Yangcheng City.

It was a little better in the morning. The number of people entering the city in the morning was still around 10,000.

But in the afternoon, the number actually surged to 50,000.

Yangcheng City officials have continuously appealed to people from other cities not to come because there is no room for it.

Even that afternoon, an announcement was made that reservations were required to enter the city.

From now on, only the first 20,000 people who make reservations every day will be eligible to enter Yangcheng City.

Obviously, this order will doom many people to wait outside.

But this still cannot stop these people from coming.

On every main road heading to Yangcheng City, you can see cars passing by.

Especially the road in front of the Sunset Valley has a serious traffic jam, and the traffic jam lasts for more than ten kilometers.

This situation never happened after the spiritual energy was revived.

It even made the hot search list again.

In the evening, Ye Feng met the anxious Liu Zaoxin again.

"Parrot Messenger, can I hire a group of mutated creatures from the Dragon King Palace from you?" Liu Zaoxin said quickly.

Ye Feng basically knew the other party's purpose of coming, but he still wanted to make sure and asked: "Is it to protect those people who have not entered the city yet?"

"Yes!" Liu Zaoxin nodded and said.

"Can't you just let them in?" Ye Feng asked.

"No, you can't put them in directly. There are too many people in Yangcheng City. It's very difficult for us to maintain order now. If we put so many people in directly, it will definitely cause chaos."

"Thanks to the help of Dragon King, our Yangcheng City has become the most important industrial city in the entire Donghai Province."

"So large quantities of supplies, especially defense supplies, must be produced every day and shipped to the entire province and even the country."

"If the order inside becomes chaotic and the factory cannot operate normally, then the people affected will not be tens of thousands of people, but probably hundreds of thousands or even millions of people." Liu Zaoxin quickly explained.

Ye Feng nodded clearly, thought for a moment and then asked: "Then where do you plan to place these people?"

Liu Zaoxin immediately said: "In the open space next to the city wall, we will provide tents and the like for them to live in."

"After this night, we will persuade them to return. If necessary, we will even send a team to escort them for free."

Ye Feng fell into deep thought. In fact, he had switched the possessed state back to his true body, and then glanced at the congested motorcade on the road.

Originally, these people who were stuck on the road were relatively calm during the day, but as the sun gradually set, they became a little less calm.

Because at night, that’s when many predators are out.

Although this is the territory of the Dragon King and mutated animals will be restrained, mutated insects are not within this restricted range.

Because there are too many mutated insects, they cannot be restrained even if they want to.

Most of the people here are just ordinary people. Even mutated insects are a fatal threat to them.

When everyone is nervous and anxious, they will naturally start to pray.

In this case, the power of faith they generate is even hundreds of times more than usual.

At this time, there were probably more than 20,000 people on the road, but the amount of power of faith they generated was no less than that of more than 2 million people.

Moreover, Ye Feng's comparison targets are still the residents of Yangcheng City. If compared to other cities, the ratio will be even more exaggerated.

Thinking of this, he had already made his decision.

Switching the possessed state back to the mutated parrot, Ye Feng said directly to Liu Zaoxin: "If you arrange them near the city wall, they will crowd near the city gate every day, waiting for appointments to enter the city, which will cause harm to your traffic. It’s a big inconvenience!”

Liu Zaoxin was slightly stunned after hearing this. He didn't quite understand why the other party suddenly mentioned this, but he still nodded.

After all, this is already the best way.

"Let's do this! Send some tents here and let them camp in the open space not far away. If it's nearby, our Dragon King Palace can easily protect them," Ye Feng said.

If these people are left behind, in such a close situation, they will naturally rely on the Dragon King and provide them with a steady stream of faith.

Moreover, Yangcheng City has traffic restrictions and only allows 20,000 people to enter every day. By then, the number of people living here will naturally increase, and the power of faith he will harvest will be even greater.

"Uh..." Liu Zaoxin didn't expect that Ye Feng would make such a suggestion.

And is such an offer a good idea for him? Of course it was good, and he didn't want a bunch of people blocking the city gate.

So after a brief pause, he immediately reacted, nodded and said, "Okay, thank you very much for your help. But if more people come later, I'm afraid there won't be that many people living in that open space!"

Ye Feng waved his hand and said, "It's not a problem. I'll just have someone clean it up. There must be enough space."

When the time comes, he only needs to clear away all the tall weeds and bush bugs. As for the trees, he can stay. After all, this will not hinder the tent establishment.

The key is that the terrain should be gentle, and the place over there is just right.

Hearing what the mutated parrot said, Liu Zaoxin had no problem. Of course, the two parties still discussed some details, such as how to protect the lives of these residents to a greater extent.

Water, electricity, and mobile toilets all need to be arranged.

Of course, these things are mainly arranged by Liu Zaoxin, and Ye Feng just needs to send animals over to cooperate.

In the motorcade, everyone who was still nervous and anxious suddenly heard a sound coming from high in the sky.

"I am the Parrot Messenger. Everyone, get off the car now, take your luggage, and hike to the 'Sunset Camp'."

"You don't have to worry about safety on the road. Our Dragon King Palace will be responsible for it. Once you get there, just follow the arrangements of the staff in Yangcheng City. You can stay here temporarily until you successfully make an appointment to enter the city."

Ye Feng controlled the mutated parrot and flew back and forth in the sky, repeating these words.

The people who were originally nervous and anxious immediately felt at ease after hearing this.

They all got off the car with their luggage, and then looked around. They could see the mutant dogs looming in the woods on both sides.

They serve as peripheral warnings and can not only drive away other mutant animals, but also most mutant insects.

Of course, there are many mutant insects and they are small in size. It is relatively easy to find a chance to pass through the defense line formed by mutant dogs.

So Ye Feng waved his hand and sent out another army of nearly 50,000 mutant insects.

The strength of the mutant insects under Ye Feng is absolutely crushing, because the mutant insects he sent out are all at least third level in strength.

Moreover, they are all third-generation or even fourth-generation mutant insects, and their strength is much higher than those of the same realm.

Of course, when these people saw the appearance of mutant hornets and red fire ants the size of footballs, they were all shocked at first.

But later, when they learned that these mutant insects also belonged to the Dragon King Palace, they felt an unparalleled sense of security.

After all, although those mutant dogs look very powerful, they are few in number! They are also afraid that there will be situations that they cannot take care of.

But now these mutated insects are different. Almost everyone can be surrounded by a mutated insect for personal protection, which maximizes the safety factor.

And those mutated fire ants can also help carry luggage.

You know, even ordinary ants can lift 400 times their own weight, let alone these mutated third-order ants.

They can even lift 10 tons of weight and help these people carry their luggage with ease.

Liu Zaoxin also quickly arranged for staff to come over.

So as long as Ye Feng brought these people to the "Sunset Camp", half of the work would be completed.

He doesn't even need to keep an eye on the subsequent patrolling and guarding work. The third-level mutant animals already have considerable intelligence, and they will execute it themselves after the instructions are clearly explained.

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