Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 265 Crossing the River

Hearing what Zhang Ji said, Ye Feng was a little surprised, "Can you tell me the reason?"

"The number of strange fruits we collect is limited. At most, half of our team can be upgraded to the fourth level."

"At that time, even if we can finally get through, we will definitely suffer heavy casualties."

"Instead of doing this, it's better to go directly with you. Once we get there, we won't go deep. We will just rest where we are, and then let the rest of the team break through and improve their strength before making other plans."

At this point, Zhang Ji paused and said with a firm tone: "As for the dangers we will encounter when heading to the middle area, we have naturally considered this, but now that we are here, we are aware of the dangers."

Hearing what the other party said, Ye Feng couldn't help but nod.

Indeed, if the other party decides to go to the middle area, this approach will undoubtedly minimize losses.

"Okay, then you can follow our large force and cross the river together! After we get there, we will conduct a large-scale sweep. You can stay in the place where we have swept through and break through. It should be much safer," Ye Feng said. .

"Thank you very much." Zhang Ji quickly said gratefully.

Ye Feng waved his wings and signaled them to follow the mutated giant panda, and then continued to command the animal army to make final adjustments to the formation.

Soon the large army continued to move forward, and at the front was the largest mutated elephant.


As the army of animals advanced and approached the river, the movement here also attracted the piranhas in the water.

They came to the shore and were ready to go.

The mutated elephant with rough skin and thick flesh showed no fear at all and stepped into the water with one foot.

Those piranhas that had reached the peak of the fourth level also immediately launched an attack, and their fangs were really extremely sharp.

Even the mutant elephants with rough skin and thick flesh were bitten to pieces in an instant, and some even had a large piece of meat ripped off.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, "The attack power of these piranhas' bites has definitely reached the level of early level 5. Otherwise, it would be impossible to break through the defense of the mutated elephant so easily."

Although the attack power of these piranhas was a bit beyond Ye Feng's expectations, everything was still within control.

I saw these mutated elephants enduring the pain, and then plunged their huge trunks more than 40 meters long directly into the water.

The flexible trunk wrapped around the piranhas that were still biting them, then pulled them up hard and threw them behind them.

Following these mutant elephants are mutant tigers and mutant lions.

These forest kings and grassland kings have already raised their sharp claws and exposed their fangs.

When he saw a piranha swinging towards him, he pounced on them before they even hit the ground, and gave them a few claws in the air.

But a scene that surprised Ye Feng appeared again.

Although it only attacks with claws, whether it is a mutant tiger or a mutant lion, their attack power is unstoppable.

Facing a normal fourth-level mutated creature, even if it cannot disembowel the opponent with one claw, it can at least cause serious injuries.

But at this time, the sharp claws attacking these piranhas only scratched the fish scales on their bodies.

"This defensive power is probably comparable to those of the fourth-level mutant creatures that are best at defense." Ye Feng was a little surprised.

This kind of fourth-level mutant creatures is the top existence in terms of attack power and defense power. If it is a one-on-one situation, it is estimated that there are really not many fourth-level mutant creatures that can beat them.

But unfortunately, this is not destined to be a fair contest.

The piranha that was thrown into the air never landed. When these mutant tigers and mutant lions waved their claws to attack, they would give an upward force to make the piranha fly again.

At this time, five or six tigers and lions surrounded the piranha, waving their claws constantly, and after dozens or hundreds of attacks, it was equivalent to killing it alive in the air.

However, this was a bit too time-consuming, so this group of mutant tigers and lions quickly changed their fighting methods.

They will still use their claws to attack at the beginning, but after causing a large enough wound on the opponent's body, they will bite them at the right time and end the opponent's life directly with their sharp fangs.

In this way, piranhas were pulled out of the water one by one by the mutant elephant and thrown behind them, and then quickly killed.

Of course, the only cost of doing this is that these mutated elephants will be constantly bitten, and injuries will soon appear on their thighs.

But it doesn't matter. As long as they are injured to a certain extent, these mutant elephants will retreat, and then the mutant giant panda or mutant big yellow dog will step forward and use their life healing abilities to quickly treat their injuries.

Especially the mutated big yellow dog, which moves quickly, is simply the best medic on the battlefield.

In this way, the huge army of animals slowly entered the river and kept pushing forward.

But soon, Ye Feng discovered something was wrong. Based on what he had observed before, there were at most a thousand piranhas in this section of the river.

After they entered the river, they killed more than 500 piranhas. Logically speaking, there should not be many piranhas left.

But now these piranhas are becoming more and more aggressive, and their numbers are increasing instead of decreasing.

Ye Feng immediately switched his possessed state to the mutated goshawk, then flapped his wings and flew directly to the front, using his super vision to observe.

Soon he discovered that there were many piranhas in the lower reaches of the river, rushing in this direction.

And he also discovered that these piranhas would enter an excited and bloodthirsty state whenever they came into contact with river water soaked in blood.

"So these piranhas are all attracted by blood?" Ye Feng frowned slightly.

After a round of inspections, the number of these piranhas actually increased to four to five thousand, and as the blood spreads down the river, more piranhas may be attracted.

Not only Ye Feng discovered this situation, but Zhang Ji also discovered it.

There are life detectors in their power armor. Through the detectors, they can find that there are a large number of life forms downstream of the river, coming towards them.

In this case, it would be absolutely false to say that they were not nervous.

At this time, in their communication channel, some people began to discuss nervously.

"Everyone is talking about what to do. Now the number we have detected has exceeded 4,500, and according to the model's calculations, in the next 10 minutes, this number may surge to more than 10,000. The army of Dragon King Palace can stop it. ?" Someone said in the communication channel.

"It's really hard to say! There are only over 10,000 fourth-level mutant animals here in the Dragon King Palace, but they are all in the early stage of fourth level, but these piranhas are all peak fourth-level animals. If the numbers are close, they will probably fight. No win." Someone immediately answered.

For a moment, a tense atmosphere permeated the entire team, and some people even suggested whether to retreat. After all, the animal army in the Dragon King Palace has not yet completely entered the water, so it is safe for them to retreat.

"Shut up, everyone. If anyone doesn't believe in the Dragon King Palace, you can leave the army now. No one will stop you, but don't disturb the morale of the army here, let alone hold back." Chen Dalong's low voice sounded in the communication channel, and instantly Let everyone quiet down.

On the one hand, other cities do not know as much about Dragon King Palace as Yangcheng City.

On the other hand, when he was on his way, Chen Dalong showed his super strength.

During the most dangerous time before, they had encountered a fourth-order peak mutant black bear. Everyone originally thought it would be a fierce battle.

But Chen Dalong rushed over single-handedly and was able to directly suppress the mutated black bear and fight. The battle was over in just ten seconds, but he was not injured at all.

In terms of realm, there may be some people in this team who are comparable to Chen Dalong, but in terms of combat effectiveness, they are far inferior.

So he is undoubtedly the strongest person in this team. When he opened his mouth, the others fell silent.

And the next development of things really allowed them to see the strength of Dragon King Palace.

After exploring the situation, Ye Feng immediately switched the possessed state to the mutant wolf king, and then let out a roar.

Through the Wolf King's mental power, he directly transmitted his orders to the minds of every mutant animal.

In an instant, 500 elite animals who had been recharging their energy inside the formation emerged from the crowd.

It is indeed difficult for other fourth-level mutated animals to deal with these peak fourth-level piranhas. You have to fight more to win.

But for these 500 elite animals whose attributes were blessed by Ye Feng, these were just fourth-level mutant creatures and did not pose any threat at all.

The fastest ones are the 100 mutant hippos that are good at water.

When Ye Feng chose them, he was also worried that he would encounter water combat situations after entering the ancient ruins. Unexpectedly, he would use them now.

After these hippos mutated, their combat capabilities in the water were greatly enhanced, and their flexibility was not comparable to that on land.

Relying on the blessing of terrifying power, the speed they explode in the water is no slower than these flexible piranhas.

To deal with these piranhas, they only need to open their big mouths and take one bite. The powerful bite force and thick and long teeth can directly bite these piranhas in half.

And with the blessing of Ye Feng's attributes, his super defense power is completely unafraid of the attacks of these piranhas.

So just after these 100 elite mutant hippos rushed out, the pressure on the defense line was instantly reduced by more than half.

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