Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 266 Piranha is a natural treasure (more updates)

At this time, it was not only the 100 mutant hippos that rushed out, but also 50 mutant elephants and mutant rhinoceros following behind them.

These 200 large elite animals formed a thick barrier directly outside the original formation.

What's more important is that this "barrier" can not only withstand defense, they also have super attack power.

Those mutated elephants stretched out their long trunks and rolled them up. With the blessing of nearly 300 tons of power, they could easily crush these piranhas to death.

As for the mutant rhinoceros, what it is best at is hitting, but facing such a small target, this attack method is of little use.

But it's just a matter of dealing with fourth-level mutated creatures. It doesn't have to be that troublesome at all. A kick of 300 tons of force will burst out, and anything can be trampled to death.

Of course, although they attack fiercely, they are not the real main force.

The main ones who really hunt these piranhas are mutant tigers, mutant lions and mutant cheetahs.

These are the top predators, born with super sharp hunting skills. With the blessing of Ye Feng's terrifying attributes, their hunting skills can be brought into full play.

Even when fighting in the water, with their strong physical strength, they can still explode at terrifying speeds, and every swing of their sharp claws and every bite of their sharp teeth can take away the life of a piranha.

After their horrific killings, mutant animals were still able to swim, and the number of piranhas in front of the formation was already less than one-tenth.

And here, there are 50 elite mutant giant pandas waiting for them!

Even if these piranhas can escape even the mutated giant pandas, what can the remaining few do if they swim in front of the animal army?

Wasn't it quickly killed by the rest of the fourth-level animals?

In this way, the entire animal army carried out the crossing operation at an unhurried speed.

At this time, those who were still thinking about escaping before were now staring blankly.

The strength of Dragon King Palace once again refreshed their understanding.

Before, they only knew that those messengers were very powerful, but that power was only on an individual level.

The strength of the animals in the Dragon King Palace has always been quite satisfactory, and they don't seem to be much different from the mutant animals in the wild.

But today's scene undoubtedly told them that their previous understanding was wrong.

There is actually an elite team hidden in the Dragon King Palace, and the strength displayed by this elite team is completely unimaginable.

At least they failed to see where the limits of this elite team were.

In the same state, these piranhas can't even break through their defenses, and every attack they make can easily take away the life of a piranha.

Obviously, the true strength of this group of elite mutant animals is at least level five, and they even feel that they are likely to be level six.

There is no doubt that this once again made these people feel the unfathomable depth of the Dragon King Palace.

Perhaps only Chen Dalong in the field could roughly guess the reason. These mutated animals were probably given power by the Dragon King just like him.

No matter what everyone was thinking, just 10 minutes later, the huge team had crossed the thousand-meter-wide river.

The number of piranhas killed has exceeded 7,000. Even the piranhas that came from behind did not dare to continue attacking the animal army.

Soon, the last mutant animal came ashore.

This time, after crossing the river, although some animals in the Dragon King Palace were injured, none died, and more than 7,000 piranha carcasses were harvested.

Yes, Ye Feng asked his animals to collect all the piranha carcasses.

Because during the battle just now, the fifth-level mutant tiger he contracted went to fight, and when it bit the piranhas, he discovered that the flesh and blood of these piranhas also contained a strange energy.

This energy is somewhat similar to that strange fruit, but its nature is different.

After discovering this, Ye Feng instantly realized that these piranhas were also treasures.

So later on, he even deliberately slowed down his crossing speed, just to attract more piranhas.

But it is a pity that although they were attracted, they were afraid of being killed later and did not dare to step forward.

However, after counting, a total of 7,350 piranha carcasses were harvested, which is not bad.

After the team landed ashore, Ye Feng controlled the mutated parrot to come forward, tore off a large piece of piranha flesh, swallowed it, and began to taste it.

After this flesh and blood enters the stomach, it is digested very quickly, and is quickly transformed into waves of strange energy, which rushes to the limbs and bones.

Then, Ye Feng was surprised to find that the mutant parrot's physical fitness was actually increasing.

You must know that this situation only happened during breakthroughs in the past!

He swallowed the whole piranha into his belly in a few seconds, and then carefully sensed it, but soon the look on his face turned slightly disappointed.

Because the improvement was not that big, a piranha only enhanced his physical fitness by 0.3%.

He thought for a while, then stepped forward and swallowed another piranha.

What made him somewhat gratified was that when he ate the second piranha, this effect still existed, and soon his physical fitness increased by 0.6% compared to before.

Although the amplitude is still very small, if it can continue to improve, then these piranhas can be called a panacea.

But he soon thought that the place where these piranhas were located was not even in the core area, and he felt that this possibility was unlikely.

Of course, this kind of thing would be known after a little testing. He immediately called over two mutant tigers, one at the third level and one at the fourth level.

Ye Feng used his claws to push the two piranhas over and let them eat them now.

At the same time, he switched the possessed state to the mutant wolf king, then mobilized the other party's mental power and began to explore the two mutant tigers.

As they ate the fish, Ye Feng quickly detected that their physical fitness was rapidly increasing.

Especially the third-level mutated tiger, the speed of enhancement is extremely rapid. Almost every bite of fish meat can increase the physical strength by 1%.

When the opponent eats the entire fish, the body's basic strength increases by at least 30%.

As for the fourth-level mutated tiger, his physical fitness also increased by about 3%.

"It's really like this. The special energy contained in the bodies of these fourth-level piranhas is limited. So the lower the level, the less special energy is needed to strengthen the body, and the more exaggerated the improvement."

Ye Feng was not stingy and sent two more piranhas over to let them continue taking the food.

But he soon discovered that the physical quality of the third-level mutated tiger would no longer change even if he continued to take fish.

"Is a 30% increase the limit?"

Ye Feng set his sights on the fourth-level mutated tiger, which quickly ate another piranha, and its physical strength also increased to 6%.

This time, Ye Feng gave the opponent 8 piranhas in one go.

The fourth-level mutant tiger has a body length of more than 40 meters. It only takes three or four bites to eat a piranha that is more than three meters long.

In addition, its intelligence is not low, and it understands the huge benefits of these piranhas to the body.

As if it was afraid that the mutated parrot would regret it, it showed off what real wolfing was, and in less than a minute, it killed all the piranhas.

The physical strength of this fourth-level mutant tiger has also increased by 30%.

Ye Feng immediately pushed another piranha over, but this time after the other party ate it, his physical fitness never increased.

"Sure enough, these piranhas can only improve physical fitness by 30% at most, but this improvement is exaggerated. After all, it is an all-round improvement." Ye Feng couldn't help but mutter.

If his body comes to devour it and improves his physical fitness by 30%, then each tree root can explode with 390 tons of power, and the overall improvement is still very large.

Of course, the stronger he is, the more piranhas he needs to take. According to the level of his contracted animals, he must take at least 100 piranhas to complete the improvement.

Thinking of this, he immediately began to get busy, dividing these piranhas among a group of men.

At this time, Zhang Ji came over and couldn't help but ask: "Parrot Messenger, are these piranhas treasures?"

The mutated parrot's behavior had long since caught their attention, but just now the other party was testing it, so they didn't dare to come and disturb it. Now that the test seemed to be over, Zhang Ji couldn't help but come over to ask.

"Well, these piranhas are indeed good things. After taking a sufficient amount, your physical fitness can be enhanced by about 30%." Ye Feng said directly without hiding anything.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Ji's eyes suddenly widened, and the people eavesdropping not far away began to breathe heavily.

The physical fitness is increased by 30%. This effect is not comparable to the previous strange fruits.

This is simply a treasure of heaven and earth.

After Zhang Ji came to his senses, he quickly asked: "Parrot Messenger, can you..."

"No!" Before he could finish his words, Ye Feng interrupted directly, "We don't even have enough for these piranhas, so don't even think about it."

He was not joking. Each of his fifth-level contracted animals needed to take 100 pills.

Even if you don't count the mutant king cobra, there are 26 contracted animals here, which would require 2,600 piranhas.

In addition, Ye Feng also plans to assign piranhas to the 500 elite animals he cultivated to improve their strength.

Even if they are all at the fourth level, they only need 10 to reach the upper limit, which still requires 5,000, adding up to a total of 7,600.

He only harvested a total of 7,350 piranhas this time, so it was really not enough and it was not an excuse.

"This..." Zhang Ji didn't know how to speak for a moment.

Ye Feng looked at him, then at the people behind him, and raised his voice and said, "There are still a lot of piranhas in the river. After we leave, you can just find a way to hunt them."

"Don't count on anything. I'll help you. Since you want to compete for opportunities, you should be prepared to die."

After hearing what Ye Feng said, many people felt their faces burning.

They also discovered that, unconsciously, they were almost dependent on the Dragon King Palace.

But if everything can only be done by relying on the Dragon King Palace, then who are they? A vassal of the Dragon King Palace?

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