Chen Gang smiled confidently, and said to Meng Jinning: "Beauty, this kind of little white face is a silver-like pewter gun head, which is useless! You can follow me from now on. I will make you delicious and spicy. Besides, I am not good at that." Very strong, guaranteed to kill you!"

Meng Jinning grinned and looked at Fang Ming: "Honey, can I kill him?"

Fang Ming shrugged: "Whatever you want."

Meng Jinning walked towards Chen Gang: "You still want to sleep with me just because you are so frustrated?"

She was dressed in leather, with a perfect and hot figure showing curves, long legs, slender waist, and round buttocks, which made Chen Gang's eyes straight.

It's too good!

"I'm not qualified to sleep with you?" He said proudly.

"Only my husband can sleep with me!" Meng Jinning snorted, and then killed Chen Gang.

So fast!

Chen Gang couldn't help being startled, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to block, bang, a fist had already hit his arm, fortunately he metalized his arm in time, otherwise this punch could completely break his arm.

Even so, he was still shocked by the terrifying power of the punch and slipped a few steps back.

His expression suddenly changed.

What a terrible power!

Blood was already oozing from his arm.

But he is clearly metalized.

Because his metallization is only a part, the skin at the "border" between the metallization and the non-metallization is directly split, making his blood overflow.

How can it be so strong?

The point is, this is only a woman's shot.

What about the man?

Is it stronger than a woman?

He might not even be able to beat one, but what about the two?

will die!

Thinking of it this way, Chen Gang was immediately discouraged.


Where there is life, there is hope!

Moreover, he can make a comeback if he is alive, either by waiting for him to be stronger, or by uniting with other superhumans, there is always a chance to take this hotel down.

"Haha, misunderstood! Misunderstood!" He laughed dryly, "I'm joking with you! This is Boss Fang, right? Okay, I admit that this hotel is your site, goodbye!"

No, you can't go!

Lin Xiuer was in a hurry.

I have already jumped backwards, but you left suddenly?

then what do I do?

There are no people inside and out!

But will Meng Jinning let him go?

"It's already here, what are you doing in such a hurry?" She smiled, and quickly chased after her, punching out her fists.

Chen Gang became angry from embarrassment, and swung his right hand, but it turned into a sword.

No matter how powerful you are, if I cut off your hand with one sword, how can you still fight with me?

Meng Jinning grinned, withdrew her hand like lightning, and then kicked it.


Chen Gang was immediately kicked in the lower abdomen, and his whole body flew out, spurting blood again and again.

Meng Jinning chased after her while shaking her head: "It's too weak, and it can only rely on supernatural powers. The fights are completely at the level of street gangsters. I fooled you with just a false move."

Chen Gang fell to the ground, kneeling on the ground, vomiting blood continuously, he couldn't help being shocked, it turned out that Meng Jinning expected that he would use superpowers to fight back, but in the end it was just a feint, the real killing move was kicking.

He was completely led by the nose.

Seeing Meng Jinning approaching, if he was to be kicked again, his internal organs would probably be shattered.

He couldn't care less about his face, he was already kneeling anyway, and quickly lowered his upper body: "I'm convinced! Don't kill me! I'm willing to submit to you as my younger brother!"

Meng Jinning looked at Fang Ming: "Husband, a dog with super powers, do you want to take it into the nursing home?"

Fang Ming chuckled: "This is not a dog, but an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. It will only covet you and will bite back at any time."

"Oh." Meng Jinning nodded, stepped a little, and killed Chen Gang.

"You forced me to do this!" Chen Gang yelled, got up from the ground, and wanted to fight Meng Jinning desperately.

But what is he fighting for?

Meng Jinning has used at least 10 copies of evolution fluid, how much more evolved than Chen Gang?

What's more, she came out of the mysterious security department, even if she didn't work in the field, the training she received was not comparable to that of Chen Gang.

Naturally, it is one-sided.

Chen Gang was kicked to death!

"Cut the weeds and eradicate the roots, leaving no future troubles." Fang Ming said flatly.

"Understood!" Meng Jinning walked towards the eight younger brothers again.

Those younger brothers were all frightened, they didn't realize it until they saw Meng Jinning walking over, and hurriedly left.

However, in front of Meng Jinning, who is both strong and sensitive, could they possibly run away?

Only by being slaughtered one by one!

Fang Ming found Chen Gang's body and picked him up.

As expected, a wave of heat hit.

He threw Chen Gang out of the window, and his gaze was on Lin Xiu'er.

Lin Xiuer knelt down in fright.

Who would have thought that Chen Gang, who is also a supernatural being, would be so vulnerable?

Not to mention killing Fang Ming, even Meng Jinning can't beat him!

"Master, I was confused for a moment, please forgive me!" As she said, she took off her clothes, obviously wanting to fight with her body again.

If he wins the fight, not only can he resolve the crisis, he can even become one of the hostesses of the hotel...

Fang Ming sneered, picked her up, and threw her out of the window.

"Ah—" The scream pierced the night sky.

Fang Ming's face was cold, the last thing he could tolerate was betrayal.

——I gave you food and drink, but you surrendered to the enemy?

Don't kill it and keep it for the New Year?

Then, he left immediately.

He went directly downstairs, entered a grove in the hotel, and waited for new abilities to be generated. During this stage, he would be in great pain and his combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced.


He let out a muffled grunt, only feeling that some kind of change was taking place in his body, and this brought great pain to his body.

Fortunately, it only lasted half an hour.

Fang Ming stood up, and with a thought, his entire upper body turned golden.

"It's much stronger than that black boss."

"However, it still hasn't reached the point where the metal covers the whole body."

"In this case... I still have a flaw."


"The internal organs are still not completely metallized, which means that even if I am metallized, my internal organs may still burst due to the shock when I receive a very heavy blow."

"Hehe, but don't be too demanding, after all, I can't even be considered a level 1 supernatural being."

Fang Ming suddenly had a whim.

"Aren't I a golden gun that won't fall now?"

He tried it at once, then shook his head.

It’s okay to become a golden gun, or it’s okay to not fall, but I don’t feel it at all!

Alas, everything has pros and cons.

Forget it, at least he got a new ability, and all the abilities he got now have not reached level 1.

You know, after reaching level 1, new changes can be produced.

Fang Ming walked back to the hotel, took a shower first, and then, hehehe.

The golden gun can't be used, so let's go to the head office of the golden kidney and iron kidney.

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