Work overnight.

Fang Ming said with emotion, the golden waist and iron kidney are not bad!

I can stand it.

He is hugging the fragrant and sensual big honey, these two days he is particularly fond of big honey, there is no way, the object of lust in the dream when he was young, now that the real person has come out of the dream, he naturally has endless things to do energy.

I have to go out and collect some materials today.

Before the catastrophe, he didn't do anything with reinforced concrete, it was really unnecessary.

Because these things are not like food that will go bad, so put them away, who is afraid that they will not be able to compete with him?

The point is that he hadn't thought about winning a hotel before, but now that the plan has changed, the amount of reinforced concrete he needs has also skyrocketed, and the reserves are completely insufficient.

Let's go.

Fang Ming walked out of the hotel and walked on the street.

Zombies are the most common on the street, but occasionally survivors can be seen walking cautiously, avoiding zombies, and looking for supplies in the store.

Before the zombies appeared, although the mountain city was already in chaos, it was not completely chaotic, so the canteens, supermarkets and the like were still open under the strict order of the government, but they were no longer selling things, but distributing supplies, with a set time and a limited amount per person .

Now it is completely in a state of chaos, how can anyone go to work to distribute supplies?

I took it all by myself.

Fang Ming discovered that some people had figured out the characteristics of the zombies, and even smeared the blood of the zombies on their bodies, and hung the flesh of the zombies, so that they could greatly cover up their own smell.

Human wisdom is infinite.

Pushing, pushing, all kinds of ghost ideas popped up.

Fang Ming smiled and continued to move forward.

Before long, he came to the building materials market.


There are only a few zombies here and there, and he can easily deal with them all.

Even, Fang Ming still "couldn't bear" to do it.


Because now these zombies have evolved one after another after more than 20 days, becoming level 1 zombies.

——Of course, one after another, if all of them become level 1 zombies at once, even if Fang Ming has a lot of superpowers, he will have to flee. He will spend the rest of his life in this poor country, and he will not dare to fight at all.

There is no chance of winning at all!

The more zombies killed now, the more it will naturally affect the number of level 1 zombies, which means the reduction of corpse beads.

Fortunately, there are not many zombies here, and the mountain city has a population of 30 million people. The current number of zombies is at least 27 million, which is enough to produce a large number of level 1 zombies.

Fang Ming collected materials layer by layer.

There are not only reinforced concrete here, but also many other materials. Fang Ming took them all away, anyway, the different space is big enough, and it can't be filled no matter what.

There are 6 floors in this building materials market, and Fang Ming quickly received the top floor.

However, the stairs to the top floor were blocked.


His heart moved, is there any survivors?

He pushed hard, and all kinds of materials blocking the door fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

At this time, people on the sixth floor also ran over when they heard the movement.

Seven big men.

There are two people who are still naked.


They are not sleeping and being awakened and unable to get dressed, but they are interrupted while doing errands.

Fang Ming walked in generously.

"What the hell, we worked so hard to block the passage, and you destroyed it all!" A man pointed at Fang Ming and cursed, holding a steel pipe in his hand.

It's so easy to find a weapon here.

Fang Ming ignored it and just walked forward.

"Grass!" The man cursed, rushed towards Fang Ming, and smashed the steel pipe in his hand.

Fang Ming just pretended not to see, his pace didn't change, and he didn't hide at all.

Is this man a fool?


When the steel pipe hit it, there was a crisp sound, which caused the steel pipe to rebound, and the seven people were shocked to find that Fang Ming's head turned golden, as if it had turned into a lump of gold!

How can the steel pipe smash the gold, isn't it?

The attackers were stunned and backed away in fright, but their hands were still tightly grasping the steel pipe.

"He's not a human, he's a liquid metal robot!" One person suddenly yelled, "I've seen it in a movie. In the future, there will be a robot made of liquid metal, which can switch the whole body freely."

Are you an idiot? How can the plot in the movie be taken seriously?

No one paid any attention to him, but the man was still shouting, looking very excited: "I understand, in the future, there will be intelligent robots who betrayed humans and sent this liquid metal robot back to the present to spread the zombie virus and wipe out most of the humans. It is responsible for its elimination.”

Hey, logic genius, it actually makes sense!

Fang Ming walked forward, while the seven men retreated. Regardless of whether Fang Ming was a robot or not, who wouldn't be afraid of the weirdness he showed before rushing towards him?

Coming to the door of a room, Fang Ming looked in through the open door.

There was only a simple bed inside, and on the bed lay a woman, naked, with her limbs spread out, her face was completely numb, she just stared blankly at the roof, like a walking dead.

Fang Ming shook his head. In the last days, ordinary people are completely props, enslaved by supernatural beings, and the worst is ordinary women, who are ravaged by ordinary men, some even worse than dogs!

Here is a microcosm.

This woman has obviously become a tool for men to vent.

When he went on, there was another room, a bed, and a woman, but further on, there was only a bed without a woman.


There are only two women here, but there are seven men, it is impossible to tell them apart.

what to do?

Everyone take turns.

So just now Fang Ming only saw two naked men.

No wonder.

Fang Ming took a deep breath. It was the same in the previous life, and it is still the same in this life. Could it be that he still expects to live a new life and suddenly become a noble person?

The end of the world, huh, isn't it just so depressing and dark to the point of despair?

Everyone unite and help each other, and work together to make it through?

How can it be!

Fang Ming didn't think about being a savior, but he wanted to kill these scumbags.

——At least there are minimum rules in the settlements established by the strong.

Do you want to play with women? Yes, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. You take out food, and they will pay with their bodies. It is a fair trade!

If they are capable and don't want to sell themselves, at least you can't be violent in the settlement.

After going out, then everyone will live in peace.

But here, women have been reduced to complete venting tools.

Even, Fang Ming suspected that when the food was gone, the seven men would eat the two women!


Not at all, cannibalism was too common in previous lives.

"You, don't come here again!" The seven people had already retreated to the end of the corridor, their bodies were leaning against the wall, and there was no way to retreat.

Fang Ming smiled, and a strange light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, the seven men looked at each other and suddenly embraced into a ball.

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