"I'll go!" Fang Ming almost died of nausea, and fired more than a dozen ice arrows in a row. Zhang Dongsheng couldn't stop it, and was immediately shot into a hornet's nest.

You really disgust me!

How shameless!

Fang Ming thought about it again, oh, it seems that what he said just now was ambiguous, and Zhang Dongsheng misunderstood.

——He was looking at Zhang Dongsheng's ability, and Zhang Dongsheng thought Fang Ming wanted his "body".

Fang Ming stretched out his hand, and suddenly, there was another warm current.

The gravity ability is available.

By the way, what attribute does gravity belong to?

Soil system?

Or space?

Oh, not space - he already has the space ability, so it is impossible to get warmth from Zhang Dongsheng.

So it should be soil.

Fang Ming left immediately.

Now that he has absorbed three abilities in one breath, will it be painful X3 later?

Get ready now.

It is too easy to find a place where no one is around now, and Fang Ming quickly entered the state.

Boom, the pain hit.

Not as exaggerated as X3, but still very uncomfortable.

"Ugh!" Fang Ming beat the floor, bang, smashed through it, and fell from the top floor to the sub-penthouse. Then he couldn't help the pain, and continued to smash through, smash through, smash through, and dropped all the way from the top floor to the first floor. It can be seen how much pain he has endured.

Fortunately, the time has not been extended, it is still half an hour.

"Hey, although this saves time, it really hurts."

"Is it that long-term pain is worse than short-term pain?"

"Uh, I still choose to hurt a few more times, at least I can bear it."

However, he should not have many painful opportunities.

Because although there are many kinds of abilities, there are many types, but there are only a few major categories.

For example, firing fireballs, ejecting magma from the mouth, and turning the whole person into flames are all different abilities, but they are all classified as fire attribute abilities.

Fang Ming can only loot once.

But what kind of abilities he will have depends on his luck - after evolution, he will have more abilities, but what exactly is also depends on luck.

"By the way... when can I break through to Level 1?"

He has absorbed the evolution fluid for 37 days.

In his previous life...he didn't reach level 1, and the luckiest supernatural user only got 24 evolutionary liquids, and he didn't rely on evolutionary liquids to complete the evolution to level 1, so Fang Ming didn't know how many evolutionary liquids In order to rush to level 1.

The point is, he now masters more and more types of abilities. Is this a shared ability?

It shouldn't be, otherwise why can he absorb three servings of evolution fluid every day now?

The strange thing is that there are not three or three types of his abilities, but there are three, which makes him very puzzled.

It doesn't matter, as long as it can become strong, everything can be thrown aside.

"What ability did I get?"

With a thought in Fang Ming's mind, a pencil suddenly floated up on the desk not far away.

Gravity ability.

Fang Ming used anti-gravity on the pencil to make it float.

He stretched out his hand, turned the palm of his hand, and the pencil fell immediately, and it fell at a super fast speed.

Bang, the pencil hit the ground and was smashed to pieces immediately.

Fang Ming understands.

"Whether it is gravity or anti-gravity, both can play an excellent role in combat."

"No wonder Zhang Dongsheng was able to compete with Situ Yuan in his previous life. This ability is indeed powerful."

"However, Zhang Dongsheng is too good-for-nothing. If it were me, I would never lose to Situ Yuan."

This ability can not only be used to directly damage the enemy, but is actually more effective when used as an assist.

Just imagine, if the opponent hits you with a blow, but he exerts the influence of gravity, the attack will be deflected, or if you hit him with a punch, his center of gravity is lost, and he stumbles and falls to the ground. Then where will the punch hit?

"I can even play Situ Yuan to death."

But what was the result of the previous life?

Zhang Dongsheng was killed by Situ Yuan and became one of the stepping stones for the opponent to become the "God of Power".


Fang Ming shook his head. There are no useless people, only useless people!

"What about the other two abilities?"

"Wood element, healing!"

Fang Ming looked surprised. He had the ability to attack and heal, but he lacked the ability to heal. Now this shortcoming has been made up for.

"Metal, wood, water, and fire, I have four attributes of the five elements."


He blew out a stream of breath from his nostrils. Although it was colorless, if anyone smelled it, they would find it slightly sweet.


Fang Ming laughed loudly, this was another big move that killed people invisible.

Moreover, it was mass destruction.

"The settlement of Zhang Lun, the poison king in his previous life, was attacked by a large zombie wave. Although Zhang Lun eventually died in the battle, he poisoned tens of thousands of zombies in that battle, including many large zombies of level 1 and level 2. It can be seen that the poison attribute is different It can be scary.”

But there is one disadvantage of this ability, that is, it does not distinguish between friend and foe.

Except for Fang Ming himself who is immune, all other targets will be poisoned equally.

"So, this is a skill for a lone wolf."

"If Zhang Lun had not built the settlement, but had been alone, he could have maximized his ability from the beginning without taking into account the people in the settlement, and the results might have been different."

For Fang Ming, where can this ability be used?


One day he will go to the depths of the sea. Then the corpse monsters and sea monsters in the sea will attack from all directions, and poisoning is the best way to deal with them.

Don’t be afraid of accidental killing, everyone within a certain range of me will die!

Today’s trip to Dongsheng Group can be said to be perfect!

All the required abilities are available.

"What abilities do I still lack now?"

"Earth element."

"Thunder element."



Earth element abilities are very common, but the abilities of the other three elements are extremely rare. As far as Fang Ming knows, there was only one person in the mountain city in the previous life who had the lightning ability of the three elements, and that was Yang Taiqi, who was known as the "Thunder King". A level 3 boss cannot be compared to a pawn like Fang Ming who has not even reached level 1.

But words of light and darkness are extremely rare across the country.

——How did you communicate in your previous life?

Four months after the disaster, technological experts from all over the country successively produced communicators, which restored communication across the country and even the world and shared a lot of news.

But it is only the 40th day after the disaster, and it is still very early for the emergence of communicators.

"go home."

Fang Ming was satisfied and returned to the hotel.

It doesn't matter if the chef can't be found, there are plenty of ready-made dishes in the space.

After dinner, Liu Yuqi and the three girls started betting again.

Is anyone coming to the hotel today?

——As long as you get to the door and find a way to get in.

Since no one came yesterday, all three girls were escorted today and someone came.

In the end, they all won.

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