A tall man was walking through the night with a little girl on his back.

A few kilometers away from Wanjiang Resort Hotel, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

He looked toward the sky.

There was a faint light in the distance.


"Uncle, Bao'er is so hungry!" the little girl woke up and said in a daze.

The man frowned slightly, but immediately opened his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Okay, uncle will take Bao'er to eat."

"Yeah." The little girl nodded, "Bao'er just needs to eat a little bit and he'll be fine."

"Uncle knows."

The man took the little girl and walked towards the hotel.

After a while, they arrived at the hotel entrance.

"Hey, you actually built such a strong defense?" The man was a little shocked.

Of course, it was impossible for ordinary people to climb over such a thick wall, but the man was obviously not an ordinary person. He jumped over it and headed towards the main building of the hotel.


But before he walked in, he saw a group of people playing cards outside by the moonlight.

It could be vaguely seen that these people were wearing workers' uniforms, and one even wore a safety helmet.

This picture was still very impactful, and the man couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Hey, how did you get in?" A worker was facing the man, couldn't help but put down his cards, and asked the man.

Men don't dare to be careless.

People are evil these days, and you may think the other person is just ordinary, but maybe they are some kind of master?

After all, being able to occupy such a hotel and build a circle of defense projects, can this group of people be ordinary?

He smiled and said: "My name is Xie Jun, and this is my niece Lin Miaomiao. We would like to stay here for one night, and it would be best if they can give us some food."

"That's right." All four workers nodded, "Then you have to find an employer."

"My boss?" Xie Jun was stunned.

"Yes, our boss family is very good."

"He saved us and let us live here and take care of three meals a day."

"I'll help you notify the owner, but you have to wait. After all, the elevator is out of service now, and I have to climb up."

The four workers all said very enthusiastically.

Xie Jun smiled and said, "I'll trouble you then."

"It's okay!" The workers were very simple.

One person went up to inform, while Xie Jun took Lin Miaomiao and sat down in the lobby, looking towards the stairs from time to time.

He was so curious, what kind of person was the owner here?

Finally, footsteps sounded.

Then he saw a young man walking over.

He is really young, like someone who has just graduated from college, but his eyes are sharp and firm, as if he can see through people's hearts.

Fang Ming looked at Xie Jun.

This must be a person with supernatural powers, otherwise it would be impossible to climb over the wall with a little girl.

"Hello!" Xie Jun stood up immediately, "My name is Xie Jun, and this is my niece Xie Miaomiao - the little girl is hungry and sleepy, so I took the liberty to break in. I hope you can let us stay for one night. , if I can give you some food, that would be really appreciated.”

Xie Jun?

Fang Ming was shocked, was it that Xie Jun?

——Among the force-sensitive type of supernatural beings, Situ Yuan is naturally the most famous, known as the God of Strength, but Situ Yuan is not the only one who is famous for this kind of supernatural beings, and there are several others who are also very brilliant, but slightly worse than Situ Yuan He's not as famous as Situ Yuan.

It's like any sports competition. Most people only remember who the champion is, but they don't know the runner-up and third runner-up.

Under Situ Yuan, there are seven or eight outstanding people with force-sensitive abilities, and Xie Jun is one of them.

However, is this Xie Jun Bi Xie Jun?

After all, Fang Ming had only heard of Xie Jun's name in his previous life.

Fang Ming said calmly, "My name is Fang Ming——are you a force-sensitive type of supernatural power?"

"How do you know?" Xie Jun showed shock.


Although there may be another person named Xie Jun, they are all supernatural beings, and the supernatural powers are still the same... It must be the same person.

Fang Ming smiled and said, "Guess."

You can guess it casually, which is amazing.

Xie Jun looked at Fang Ming, as if he saw a monster in his eyes.

"Okay, you can stay here for one night - you can find a room on the third floor and below. If you want to eat, you go to 3022 to find a young couple, and say that I asked you to go, and let them give you and the little girl Get some food." Fang Ming said.

Unexpectedly, the little girl said in a childish voice: "I'm not a little girl, my name is Miao Miao, lovely Miao Miao!"

Fang Ming laughed, and said, "Okay, Miaomiao little beauty."

As long as it doesn't involve issues of principle, he is still a very kind person.

Xie Jun thanked him again, and took the little girl upstairs.

Fang Ming is pondering.

Xie Jun is a fierce man.

You must know that a large part of the reason why Situ Yuan was able to become a representative of the force-sensitive evolutionary is that he is from the coastal area, and he has obtained the evolution fluid early on, and has a first-mover advantage. On the contrary, Xie Jun is from the inland area. He never had the chance to get the evolution fluid.

Therefore, when it comes to talent, Xie Jun may not be inferior to Situ Yuan.

——Those people who stood at the top in the previous life, in fact, have similar talents, and there is not much difference in strength.

He remembered that Xie Jun was also a solo traveler in his previous life, and the reason why he became famous was because he was targeted by the "Qiangqi Gang" and insisted on pulling him into the gang. After several times of entanglement, Xie Jun finally let him go alone Just wipe out this power.

Fang Ming didn't intend to establish influence. First, he had no desire for power. Second, he was lazy and didn't want to control the eating and drinking of a large number of people. But what if he just formed an alliance with others?

For example, Xie Jun.

With this overnight stay plus a meal, he can definitely win over Xie Jun, and he can win him over for whatever he wants to do in the future.

Return favors?

Hehe, he gave Xie Jun some food from time to time, isn't that enough for Xie Jun to owe him favors again and again?

So, he was the only one who sent Xie Jun, how could Xie Jun have the nerve to ask him for help again?

Besides, in the previous life, Xie Jun didn't seem to have any enemies, just a Qiongqi gang, and Xie Jun alone wiped it out.

The most important thing is that Xie Jun has a very good reputation.

Fang Ming stayed downstairs and waited. After a while, Zhou Dao and his wife came down and went to the kitchen to get busy. Then Xie Jun came over with the little girl and thanked Fang Ming again.

"You are Welcome."

Fang Ming smiled, glanced at the little girl, and said, "Your combination is a bit strange."

Xie Jun couldn't help sighing, showing pity, and said to Lin Miaomiao, "Miao Miao, go play there for a while."

He pointed to a corner of the hotel lobby, where there was a children's playground, which was not big.

Lin Miaomiao walked over obediently.

Xie Jun then said: "Her father and I are both soldiers. During a mission, her father died to save me! Therefore, I visit their mother and daughter every year. This time when I asked for leave to see their mother and daughter, the road happened to be There was a catastrophe."

"I rushed to the mountain city. Fortunately, their mother and daughter were fine, but just a few days ago, I went out to find food, and their mother and daughter were kidnapped!"

He suddenly showed a strong killing intent.

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