The new skills are very important.

Name: Lu Chong

Level: 8th dan of martial arts (88%)

Martial arts: Nine Shadow Steps perfected

Wind-breaking kick perfected

Golden Cicada Clothes perfected (57%)

On April 7, the weather was fine. Lu Chong did not go to school, but went directly to the military camp outside the suburban hunting ground to gather.

"I am just a little bit away from reaching 9th dan of martial arts."

"As for the Golden Cicada Clothes, the progress of training is considerable, but my bonus is almost spent, so I can take advantage of the special training opportunity to make another fortune."

There are only a hundred senior high school students participating in the special training this time, and No. 1 Middle School alone occupies 30 places.

After all, No. 1 Middle School is the best high school in the city.

Lu Chong soon saw Lou Qingqing and Sister Yu beside her.

As for other students who did not belong to Class 5, Lu Chong only knew them by sight, but had not really met many of them.

There were Xiang Yueya and Huang Junyan from Class 1, as well as four students of the eighth dan and eleven students of the seventh dan. One class accounted for more than half of the school's quota.

Lu Chong did not know anyone else, but all the students here recognized him, mainly because he performed too well in the mock exam and was widely publicized.

"Lu Chong, come here." Lou Qingqing greeted Lu Chong enthusiastically.

After a period of close contact, Lou Qingqing had become very familiar with Lu Chong and no longer seemed so shy.

"Hello, Sister Yu." Lu Chong came to Lou Qingqing and greeted Sister Yu politely.

This was a ninth dan warrior, so of course he had to get along well with her.

Sister Yu was still wearing a black suit and big sunglasses that covered half of her face, and she just nodded coldly to Lu Chong.

Lu Chong didn't care. He knew that Sister Yu was actually cold on the outside but warm on the inside. She had never deducted his private tutoring fee during this period.

"What is Sister Yu doing here?" Lu Chong asked curiously in a low voice, approaching Lou Qingqing.

Lou Qingqing blushed slightly, and said a little embarrassedly: "Sister Yu is a little worried about me, so she wants to follow me to the wilderness."

So that's how it is.

Lu Chong understood, and at the same time he also noticed that there were several students here who actually came with masters.

After all, they were entering the wilderness and had to face real strange beasts. It was reasonable for families with conditions to send people to escort them.

Moreover, the special training camp did not seem to prohibit this situation.

For example, Xiang Yueya and Huang Junyan were accompanied by a warrior.

"Lu Chong?"

At this time, a capable male student with a crew cut and wearing a black Zhongshan suit came to Lu Chong and asked.

"I'm Lu Chong." Lu Chong looked at the other party curiously and found that he was not a student of No. 1 Middle School.

The male student had a stern face and took the initiative to introduce himself: "I am Xue Cheng, from Class 1 of No. 3 Middle School."

"The teacher praised you highly, but I want to compete with you again, during this special training, to see who gets more military merits." Xue Cheng said seriously.

Lu Chong then remembered that this Xue Cheng should be the student from No. 3 Middle School who ranked third in the mock exam, a top student of the ninth level of martial arts.

However, Lu Chong was not interested in competing with the other party. What he cared about was how much military merit he could earn by hunting exotic beasts during the special training.

According to his understanding, tasks such as hunting exotic beasts and collecting medicinal materials during special training can be directly exchanged for military merits, which means resources, which is a great opportunity for him to make money.

After all, after the consumption of the first two days, the rewards he received after the mock exam were almost used up.

He had to spend at least 200,000 yuan to complete the practice of the Golden Cicada Cloth.

"I'm not interested." Lu Chong simply rejected the other party.

While they were still competing with each other, I still had to work hard for my livelihood and cultivation resources.


Children of poor families have to grow up early.

But Xue Cheng obviously had no intention of giving up. He seemed to know Lu Chong's family situation very well, and he directly threw out the bait: "If you can beat me again, all my military merits can belong to you."

If you said so earlier, I wouldn't be sleepy.

When it comes to money, Lu Chong became interested and said directly: "Okay, it's a deal."

"What if you lose?" Xue Cheng nodded with satisfaction and asked back.

Lu Chong never thought that he would lose, but he still said modestly: "What do you want?"

"If you lose, I ask you to be Xiang Yueya's private teacher for one month for free, and practice with him for one hour every day." Xue Cheng did not hesitate and stated his request.

Lu Chong was slightly stunned, and couldn't help but look at the person with his back to him in the distance.

Xiang Yueya.

Good, this school beauty of No. 1 Middle School is so good that she can even influence students from other schools.

Fortunately, Xue Cheng is a little more rational than Zhao Longfei, at least he knows what he lacks now.

"No problem." Lu Chong agreed.

Xue Cheng left with satisfaction.

"Lu Chong, if you lose, do you really have to be a private teacher for Xiang Yueya?"

Lou Qingqing, who was eavesdropping on the whole process, came over and asked reluctantly.

Lu Chong laughed, "How could I lose? Don't worry, you pay me so much, I won't be a free private teacher for others."

Lou Qingqing laughed happily, but she felt something was wrong.

The students talked in groups of three or five, and waited in the camp until 10:30 in the morning, and then they saw the instructors of this special training come late.

The special training instructors are no longer teachers from high schools, but real warriors from the military camp.

There are seven instructors in total, all of whom are tall and handsome, and have great momentum.

Compared with high school teachers, these instructors have more of a murderous aura, and they are obviously ruthless people who have truly experienced fighting on the battlefield.

In addition to the seven instructors, there are two big figures present, namely, Colonel Huang and the principal of No. 3 Middle School, Fang Yuan.

With the arrival of these two big men, the students in the camp quickly quieted down and focused on the two.

"Dear students, I am the leader of your special training this time. You can call me Teacher Fang, or just call me Old Fang."

"Hello, Principal Fang."

The students still knew the principal of No. 3 Middle School, whose reputation was second only to Principal Wei, and they shouted loudly one by one.

Principal Fang smiled and pressed his hands, then said: "Every year's special training students are good candidates for the college entrance examination in Guanyun City."

"The reason for organizing special training is to let you truly experience the wilderness fighting, because this is closer to the college entrance examination than the mock exam."

"The seven instructors here are all from the military camp, and they are all real warriors who have fought with monsters."

"At the same time, each instructor has practiced at least one school martial art to perfection."

"Therefore, during the special training, it is most efficient for them to guide you."

"As for the things you need to pay attention to after entering the wilderness, let Colonel Huang explain it to you in detail."

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