The pre-exam special training organized by the Education Bureau can be said to have taken great efforts.

Led by Principal Fang Yuan of No. 3 Middle School, the military camp masters guarding the Guanyun base served as instructors, and military soldiers escorted them into the wilderness.

In particular, the seven instructors sent by the military were real martial artists who were carefully selected, and each of them was proficient in at least one campus martial arts.

Opening the Monument Hand, Nine Shadow Steps, Iron Wire Fist, Piercing Cloud Finger, Poking Heart Kick, Sticking to the Mountain, Eagle Claw Kung Fu, everything is available.

With such conditions, the 100 students who joined the special training can completely find the corresponding instructors to learn the required martial arts according to their own situation.

Colonel Huang didn't say much, just introduced some things to pay attention to in the wilderness, and then left alone.

Although the students were asked to enter the real wilderness, they were actually near the base, and there were soldiers in the barracks to support them at any time, so that nothing would happen to the students.

"Let's go!"

With the order from Principal Fang, one hundred students boarded the military vehicles that had been arranged long ago, bypassed the hunting ground, and pulled to the fortress on the edge of the base.

This is the first line of defense of the Guanyun City base. Not only are there heavy walls as high as 100 meters, but there are also several layers of energy light walls. There are heavy soldiers patrolling the walls all year round.

Their camp this time is on the wall, where they eat and live with the soldiers stationed here, and go out of the city with the officers and soldiers to perform various reconnaissance, hunting and other tasks.

"Students, only after experiencing real wilderness fighting can you become a warrior who wins glory for the country."

"This is also the most important course for you after entering university."

"Of course, you can still get shelter at this stage, mainly for experience and knowledge."

"Every year, the actual combat assessment of the college entrance examination will be changed to a different hunting ground, so you should take advantage of this opportunity to contact more exotic beasts and improve your ability to respond."

"When you are not on a mission, you can practice on your own in the fortress camp, and practice martial arts with the instructors."


After Principal Fang emphasized the rules of special training again, he handed the students over to seven instructors.

However, before leaving, his voice came into Lu Chong's mind, "Student Lu Chong, come to see me after class in the evening."

Sound transmission!

This is an ability that can only be possessed after reaching the realm of martial arts.

Lu Chong was a little confused as to why the principal of the third middle school, whom he had never met before, wanted to meet him alone.

"Classmates, I am Cheng Dongye, a seventh-level warrior, proficient in the stone-opening hand."

"I am Lian Yunfeng, a sixth-level warrior, proficient in the Nine Shadow Steps."

"Liu Ziqiang, a sixth-level warrior, proficient in the mountain-sticking backing."


After Principal Fang left, the seven instructors from the military department gave a brief self-introduction in turn, especially the basic campus martial arts that each of them is good at.

It has to be said that the military department is really full of masters. Just a station in a third-level base city can easily gather masters who are proficient in various basic martial arts.

You know, it is not easy to gather such seven teachers in the 108 high schools in Guanyun City.

Of course, the theoretical knowledge and martial arts of the teachers are still beyond the ordinary soldiers.

For example, the head teacher Wang Tong, as far as Lu Chong knows, although he has not practiced any school martial arts to perfection, these seven martial arts are all in the subtle realm.

"In the next month, we will take you to experience the real military camp life, temper your will, and let you get close to real exotic beasts."

"Pay attention, it is no longer the kind of house-playing game in the hunting ground, and what you see are no longer exotic beasts that have lost their fangs after being kept in captivity."


After another sharp lecture by the instructors headed by Cheng Dongye, the students were taken to their resting place.

Each student was assigned a tent, and the escorts brought by the students could also stay in the camp, but they had to obey the arrangements of the instructors.

After a day, the students had a preliminary understanding of the fortress.

After dinner, when other students went back to rest or practice, Lu Chong came to Principal Fang's residence alone.

"Come in."

Before Lu Chong knocked on the door, Principal Fang's voice came out.

Lu Chong pushed the door open and saw Principal Fang, who was wearing a long gown and had a kind face.

"Hello, Principal Fang." Lu Chong saluted politely.

"Well, don't be so reserved, just call me Teacher Fang."

Principal Fang looked at Lu Chong with a smile and continued, "It seems that Old Wei didn't tell you."

"It's like this. You performed very well in the hunting ground, so I proposed to your principal Wei that I pass on my self-created Tiger Roaring Skill to you."

"After all, our No. 1 Middle School and No. 3 Middle School are both in Guanyun City. During the national college entrance examination, we still have to face the outside world in a united way and compete with other bases."

Principal Fang's words were very beautiful, but Lu Chong did not believe them completely. He felt that a more reasonable explanation was that Principal Wei had secured a new martial art for him.

However, no matter what, Lu Chong, who was in need of martial arts, was still very interested in the so-called Tiger Roaring Skill.

"Thank you, Teacher Fang."

Lu Chong asked curiously, "I wonder what grade this Tiger Roaring Skill is?"

Principal Fang said with some pride, "It's a human-grade top-grade, so-so, just a little bit stronger than your principal Wei's Golden Cicada Clothes."

When Lu Chong heard this, he was immediately refreshed.

Human-grade top-grade, this is already the strongest martial arts that can be practiced below the warrior.

Unexpectedly, this unprepossessing and misleading Principal Fang could actually create such a martial art.


Principal Fang then said a little embarrassedly: "Of course, in terms of actual combat power, the Tiger Roaring Skill may not be stronger than the Golden Cicada Clothes."

"My Tiger Roaring Skill is quite special. It focuses not on attacking, but on refining the spirit." Principal Fang said confidently.

"Refining the spirit?" Lu Chong was a little surprised, because he had only heard of this martial art but had never seen it.

"It's not as mysterious as you think. It's actually a martial art that trains your mental will and improves your nerve reaction." Principal Fang changed his words.

It's not that he is modest, but this kid will definitely ask Lao Wei for advice when he goes back, so he should stop bragging.

Only true and false can fool this kid.

"Mental will, nerve reaction..." Lu Chong thought of the previous simulation test.

In that test, Lu Chong found that his nerve reaction score was not outstanding, and it could only be said to be average.

"I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to find a martial art that can improve my nerve response so soon."

Lu Chong was secretly delighted, "Principal Wei really understands me."

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