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"Brick-breaking Hand, Nine Shadow Steps, Iron Wire Fist, Cloud-piercing Finger, Heart-piercing Kick, plus the Wind-splitting Kick I used before, all of them were perfect!"

In the provincial official live broadcast room, the experts were amazed. His voice was a little dry, "No wonder this student Lu Chong from Guanyun City No. 1 Middle School is so confident."

"With so many perfect martial arts, his strength is unquestionable. He can move freely among these second-level initial stage monsters. , it's all a piece of cake."

At this time, the host also said excitedly: "And it is precisely because of these perfect martial arts that Lu Chong can control them freely and take the positioning device without seriously injuring anyone. Strange beast."

"It can be said that taking the enemy's head is as easy as taking something out of a bag, and it really makes light of heavy things."

While the host was talking, he looked at the expert next to him and asked: "What do you think of the strength of this student Lu Chong? How far can we go? ”

The expert hesitated at this moment, and after careful consideration, he said: “It’s hard to say.”

“I can be sure that among all the candidates from high schools in the province, there is absolutely no other person who can practice so many martial arts to perfection at the same time.”

“But, After all, these martial arts are of the lower-middle human level, and their power is actually very limited. "

"It is very effective against monsters with a lower level than oneself, but it is hard to say if you encounter a stronger monster."

"Like the one in Dragon City No. 5 Middle School Although several top students did not master so many perfect martial arts, they all practiced human-level martial arts, and even earth-level martial arts. "

"And as far as I know, some people have practiced earth-level martial arts to the great perfection, and the power is It is definitely not comparable to human-level martial arts. "

"So, how far this student Lu Chong can go depends on whether he has practiced more powerful high-level martial arts." The expert said confidently.

Not only the provincial official live broadcast In the meantime, there are also Guanyuncheng’s official live broadcast room, including some self-media accounts, all discussing Lu Chong’s strength and potential.

Especially in Lu Chong's personal account live broadcast room, the number of people has reached a new high, reaching 8 million.

These people are also very energetic, staying up late at night to accompany candidates throughout the city in the live broadcast room.

"I have said it before, we Lu Chong from Yuncheng No. 1 High School is definitely a dark horse. Did you see that? It hasn’t been long since he’s already ranked third. ”

“No doubt, he deserves a reward.”

“Not bad, not bad, I also think this kid has The future must be the hope of martial arts for the motherland and bring glory to our Guanyun City. "


However, there are too many people watching Lu Chong's live broadcast, so naturally there will be many doubts.

"This is only the first day, what can we see?"

"And going deep into the hinterland at night, isn't that courting death? What if we are surrounded by more powerful monsters, how can we survive?"

"The college entrance examination also requires tactics. ”

“I think this kid is too aggressive. He has never seen the world and won’t go far.”

“He only knows some human-level martial arts. How can he compare with those students who have practiced earth-level martial arts?”

Almost at the same time , those who knew Lu Chong were watching his live broadcast.

Principal Wei, Principal Fang, class teacher Wang Tong, and even class 1's class teacher Li Chengjun were all watching Lu Chong.

The soldiers escorting the students The instructors and soldiers, led by Colonel Huang, watched Lu Chong's live broadcast.

Many soldiers who had received martial arts instruction from Lu Chong were still cheering for him spontaneously.

However, Lu Chong was naturally I don’t see these discussions or support.

He was now concentrating on sprinting deeper, charging into the area of ​​the second-level second-stage beasts. Wherever he passed, hundreds of beasts roared and swarmed over.

However, Lu Chong's speed was too fast and he didn't want to fight at all.

And his His attack was as fast as thunder, he would move as soon as he touched, never stop, and almost never make mistakes.

By the time Lu Chong rushed through the second stage of the exotic beast area, he had already captured nine more locators.

The score was increased by another 9,000, and Lu Chong The actual combat score directly exceeded 10,000 points, reaching 15,926 points.

His ranking naturally reached the top of the list, leaving the second place Li Qianzhong behind by more than 6,000 points.

At this time, he had already stood in the level 2, level 3 alien beast area.

It was already early morning on the 10th, which was supposed to be the time for the candidates to stay awake, but many candidates were too shocked to rest tonight.

"Where the hell did this young man come from? He's still running around at night. Is he? Aren't you afraid of being eliminated if you walk at night? "


Most of the candidates just complained and envied for a while, and then ignored it.

Because they had no hope of being on the list, let alone competing for the top spot. It was enough for them to just guard their own piece of land, and they would not go to the area of ​​​​second-level alien beasts to compete with Lu Chong.

But those candidates who reached the level of formal warriors were a little confused.

What is this rhythm?

It should be a time for lurking and resting, why are there candidates taking the opportunity to brush up their scores? This is only the first day.

"Let's see how long you can be crazy. What's the matter with rushing to the top of the list on the first day? You were eliminated early and are still not as good as me in the end."

Some warrior candidates quickly balanced their mentality and no longer paid attention to the leading Lu Chong.

But there are also arrogant warrior candidates who can't sit still.

Especially those top students from Longcheng No. 1 Middle School, how can they tolerate such cowardice?

No problem, continue to work at night, and never be completely suppressed by a candidate from a lower city.

As a result, more than a dozen candidates who had reached the level of formal warriors stopped lying dormant and began to hunt at night, entering the second-level exotic beast area.

It is indeed more dangerous at night, and no one shares the pressure, but there are more prey accordingly.

The premise is that you can stand firm in the gap between the second-level exotic beasts, rather than being eliminated early, otherwise the hunter will become the prey.

In this way, the first night of the actual combat assessment became lively, especially in the second-level exotic beast area, where there were continuous battles.

This is probably the so-called internal roll.

However, some warrior candidates soon found that they were led astray.

Because the hunting ground at night is really terrible, often being entangled by a strange beast will lead to the siege of several, or even more than a dozen, strange beasts.

Lu Chong can come and go freely in the herd, but it does not mean that other warrior candidates can do it.

Even if the second or even third-level warrior candidates are facing the siege of more than a dozen second-level first-level exotic beasts at the same time, they will find it difficult to move.

So, when the next day dawned, two second-level martial artist candidates were directly eliminated.

There were three other martial artist candidates who were eliminated without asking for help, but they were also seriously injured and had to rest.

It was not until this time that they calmed down completely. Not all martial artist candidates could do what Lu Chong did.

They were completely distracted by the sudden internal competition among the candidates, which was not worth the loss.

In contrast, Lu Chong's popularity was even stronger, and the number of people in his personal live broadcast room exceeded 10 million, making him the well-deserved number one candidate.

And his ranking was naturally at the top of the list, with a score of 27,926.

Although Li Qianzhong, who was closely behind, also started to brush up his points in the second half of the night, he was obviously not as efficient as Lu Chong, and now he only had 16,689 points.

Not to mention the candidates who came after him, Lu Chong was really far ahead, leaving the other candidates on the top 100 list behind.

"Two hundred and seventy thousand Chinese Yuan, it's not a loss to earn so much in one night."

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