The more you go, the more you will be rewarded.

At this time, Lu Chong has come to the Level 2, Stage 4 Alien Beast area, where the number of alien beasts has obviously decreased.

But Lu Chong calculated that one alien beast in this area is worth 4,000 points, which can be said to be less in quantity but more in money.

Although he has been running all night, Lu Chong is still in high spirits and not a bit sleepy.

After reaching the warrior realm, even if you stay up for three days and three nights, it will not affect your mental state.

What's more, Lu Chong has practiced the Golden Bell Cover and Tiger Roaring Skills, so his body and spirit are relatively outstanding.

"Let's start the sweep from here. I think those beasts in the periphery can also block other candidates for a while."

Lu Chong thought to himself, and stopped rushing forward. Instead, he used his sharp five senses to actively look for the traces of the four-stage beasts in this area.

His plan was simple, that is, starting from here, he would catch all the beasts in one fell swoop and turn them all into his own points.

Oh no, to be precise, it was money in his pocket.

After the beasts in the deep of the hunting ground were cleared, he would go to the periphery to sweep those beasts with low scores but large numbers.

In this way, he could score and make money more efficiently.

This scene fell in the major live broadcast rooms, and finally made many people who were on edge breathe a sigh of relief.

They really felt like they were there, and they were afraid that Lu Chong would rush to the deeper part and be eliminated early.

In that case, it would really disappoint the audience and make their passion go down the drain.

"It seems that he has some self-knowledge. A warrior of the fourth stage can fight against a beast of the second stage of the fourth stage. He is also on par with the beast of the second stage of the fourth stage."

"And it happened to be daytime, so he was not afraid of being surrounded by beasts of the same level. This classmate Lu Chong still has some brains."

However, after a day, they found that they still underestimated Lu Chong.

In the territory of the second stage of the fourth stage beast, this warrior of the fourth stage Lu Chong was still pushing all the way, and there was almost no enemy.

Moreover, I don't know how he did it, but he could accurately find most of the hidden beasts in a short time and defeat them.

When the night fell on the 10th, Lu Chong actually harvested 32 locators and won 128,000 points again.

The total score was 155,926.

Is this still a human?

How would Li Qianzhong, who only had more than 50,000 points behind, think?

It was also on this day that even the official live broadcast room of Huaxia began to notice Lu Chong and opened a split lens for him.

For a while, Lu Chong's live broadcast room attracted a large number of viewers from other provinces, and the number of viewers soared again, reaching more than 20 million.

"Wow! There are actually strong people in the high school of Hedong Province. Is it because the other competitors are too weak?"

Some viewers from other provinces discussed it. After all, getting 150,000 points in one day is still too outstanding.

Even if you look at the examination halls across the country, Lu Chong's current score can be included in the top ten.

Although the examination halls and competition environments in each province are different, the actual scores still have a certain objective reference value.

Especially on the first day, there are not many candidates in the country who can get so many points.

There are even official accounts of key martial arts universities that have entered Lu Chong's personal live broadcast room and started to pay attention to this candidate who is about to apply for admission.

Once the college entrance examination is over, the scores of the candidates will be released, and then it will be time for major universities to compete for people.

At this time, Lu Chong did not stay any longer, but went straight to the fifth-stage exotic beast area at nightfall.

Although the locator of the fourth-stage beast was not completely cleared, other candidates had already arrived. Lu Chong did not want to confront them head-on and waste time.

There were also some beasts that were good at burrowing underground. They would not show up in a short time, and Lu Chong had no time to wait.

He wanted to continue sweeping during the second night of the practical test.

With the cultivation of a fourth-stage warrior, he entered the territory of a second-level fifth-stage beast, and it was at night.

Lu Chong's move immediately attracted heated discussions. This was too crazy. Did he really think that the beasts in the hunting ground were just decorations?

Because many people from other provinces had poured in, the audience in the province began to support Lu Chong instead, and did not want Lu Chong to fail at this time.

But they could do nothing but watch Lu Chong continue to rush around. They could only hope that Lu Chong would not be eliminated.


Not long after Lu Chong entered, he was blocked by a huge silver wolf.

When the strange beast saw Lu Chong, it naturally did not hesitate and attacked fiercely.

Before the wolf's claws arrived,

Silver arcs of light had already spit out of the mouth of the Howling Moon Silver Wolf, slashing towards Lu Chong.

This is the characteristic of a second-level alien beast. Like a formal human warrior, it can perform an out-of-body attack similar to the earth-level martial arts.

Although the alien beasts do not understand what martial arts are, they have the bloodline ability born after mutation. They are not as exquisite as the earth-level martial arts, but their power should not be underestimated.

Facing these arcs that can break gold and jade, Lu Chong did not face them head-on, but for the first time used the perfect state of the Swift Wind Step to avoid all the arcs.

As his figure moved, he had already arrived at the top of the Howling Moon Silver Wolf, and with a split wind kick, he directly stepped on the suspended silver wolf to the ground.

So what if it is a fifth-level alien beast?

When Lu Chong was in the military camp, he was only a second-level warrior, but he could fight the chief instructor of the seventh-level warrior to a draw, and that was without using earth-level martial arts.

Before the silver wolf could get up, Lu Chong had easily taken away the locator on the other side, turned into a whirlwind, and disappeared.

However, before he left for too long, he heard the sound of wolf howling from all directions.

"Oh no! It's a pack of wolves." The audience was more nervous and sensitive than Lu Chong.

"Lu Chong was careless. Wolves are social animals and are naturally proficient in tactics. He was ambushed."

"It's reasonable to defeat a level 2, level 5 silver wolf. But being ambushed and surrounded by a pack of wolves, how could Lu Chong have a chance to escape?"

"Alas, this is the disadvantage of night operations. If there were other candidates to share the pressure at this time, it wouldn't be like this."


At this time, Lu Chong was counting in his heart, "One wolf, two wolves, three wolves..."

"Eighteen Howling Moon Silver Wolves, that is 144,000 points, 1.44 million Chinese yuan.

Great, he just likes the pleasure of counting money.


With a roar, pairs of green eyes emerged from all directions, staring at Lu Chong who was standing alone in the middle.

As the roar fell, the wolves seemed to have received an order, collectively opened their big mouths full of fangs, spitting out arcs of light, densely covering Lu Chong.

There was no gap for Lu Chong to escape from the sky and the ground.

Even if he had a more flexible body, he could not escape from the airtight arc of light.

Many viewers in the live broadcast room exclaimed and called on the authorities to rescue as soon as possible.

Failing the exam is a small matter. If the examinee is really eaten by a strange beast, it will be an accident.

Even if there is an amulet, it can only last for a few minutes.

However, these discussions soon came to an abrupt end. Hundreds of millions of viewers stared at Lu Chong in the live broadcast screen in disbelief.

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