"Get started! Butler!"


There was another scream like a pig being slaughtered.

This time it was the left leg of the super male man.

Now both of his hands were disabled.

The calf bone of his left leg was also completely crushed.

You have to know that the housekeeper's pinch was not the soft strength of an ordinary person, but a force of hundreds of kilograms.

""Asshole! Asshole! Asshole!"

The super male cursed and hopped on his remaining leg, trying to attack the housekeeper.

Now he was like a grasshopper with only one leg left.

With super male syndrome, he was stronger than the average person, and his explosive power was terrifyingly high.

Because with this kind of injury, an average person would have fallen to the ground and couldn't get up.

"The other leg."

The butler received Su Ze's order.




The last intact ankle of the super male was kicked and broken.

The super male, whose limbs were completely unable to move, was forced to lie on the ground.

At this time, the woman jumped on the butler from the side like a monkey.

She had a dagger in her hand and kept cursing:"Die! Die! Die!"

This kind of dagger attack had no effect at all.

Instead, he was thrown over the shoulder by the butler and fell to the ground, and the dagger fell off

"I will kill you! I will eat you! I will tear you apart! I will kill you!"

The super male kept cursing, his mouth was already bitten to pieces, mixed with saliva dripping down, his eyes bulged out, like a vicious dog with rabies.

"Okay, housekeeper, tie them up, the mission is complete."

The housekeeper found a rope in the next room and tied the super male man and the woman back to back.

Mission completed.

He took out his mobile phone and contacted the middle-aged woman to tell her that it was completed.

The other party paused for a moment, obviously stunned for a moment, maybe she didn't expect it to be so fast and so smooth.

""Okay, we'll be there right away."

The housekeeper also took this opportunity to leave the shelter.

A car arrived soon, and the glasses girl who had been seen before checked it and nodded.

Then two large trucks were handed over to Su Ze.

The trucks were full of promised supplies.

A complete set of constant temperature control system machines.

A large number of canned food.

Bottled drinking water.

Hundreds of liters of sealed gasoline and diesel.

Commercial computers and network terminal equipment.

The weapons exchanged before were also in this batch of supplies.

Looking at this batch of supplies, Su Ze felt that this was a very worthwhile transaction.

The two robots drove two trucks and returned to Su Ze's shelter.

After returning to the shelter, robot No. 1 had dug out the temperature-controlled room.

This is a room of about 50 square meters.

According to the previous process, wooden boards were laid after excavation.

"Okay, let's upgrade first."

Upgrade target confirmed: Control room wood floor.

Upgrade direction: Control room iron floor.

Upgrade points: 460 points.

Warmth came from my right hand.

The wood floor in the entire control room was also upgraded to the iron floor.

It looked much cleaner.

"Start by simply painting the walls and laying wooden floors on the ground."

""Yes, Master."

The housekeeper led the robots to start the decoration.

Decoration was not a difficult task.

With the efficient action of these robots, it was completed quickly.

Su Ze stood in front of the temperature-controlled room.

The whole room was bright and white.

The floor was also paved with wooden floors.

"Housekeeper, start moving the temperature control machine in."

""Yes, Master."

A series of machines for the temperature control system were moved in.

Central air conditioners, fans, heaters, refrigerators, etc. were placed in standard positions.

The pipes were connected and connected to the entire shelter.

After turning it on, everything worked normally.

Since the entire set of equipment had a wireless network, there was no need to upgrade it.

"Butler, are you connected to your wireless network?"

"Master, already connected"

"Then maintain the most suitable constant temperature of 19"

""Yes, Master."

Suddenly, a cool feeling came from all directions.

The temperature in the shelter gradually dropped to around 19 degrees, and it remained there.

"It feels so much better."

Su Ze stretched his body.

His greatest sense of accomplishment was watching his shelter being built bit by bit.

"Master, should we move the food and drinking water to the warehouse as well?"

"Oh, by the way, there is also this batch of food, move it in."

This batch is nearly 20 boxes of various canned meats.

In addition to some dried fruits, there is also a batch of drinking water.

The shelter's warehouse is almost full.

It seems that we still need to continue to expand the storage room.

Food is secondary now.

First, replenish the materials that the shelter lacks.

So when the time comes, he will keep some of it.

And take out some to exchange for the necessary materials in the supermarket

"Housekeeper, are those commercial computers being moved in?"

"Master, it has been moved to the main control room"


Su Ze rubbed his hands.

Now the main control room has a second brain.

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