Commercial computers have higher configuration than personal computers.

With a few large screens, it is most suitable to be placed in the main control room.

"Master, the internal network terminal facilities have been laid out."

Su Ze nodded.

Now in addition to the wireless network, the shelter also has its own local area network.

The purpose of setting up the local area network is to prevent the satellite from falling or being interfered with after the world collapses.

At least the network inside the shelter is normal.

"Okay, now let's upgrade this commercial computer."

Upgrade target confirmed: commercial computer.

Upgrade direction: advanced AI function.

Upgrade points: 400 points.

Upgrade successful.

Now this commercial computer also has the same advanced AI function as the butler.

"Now, butler, your second brain is this business computer, start taking over now"

"Yes, Master, I have taken over.

"OK, now let's display all the shelters on the big screen."

""Yes, Master."

The big screen showed everything in the shelter now.

Shelter area: 350 square meters.

With the continuous excavation of the robots, the total area of the shelter increased by 200 square meters in just a few days.

Of course, this is just the beginning in Su Ze's plan.

More space will need to be expanded in the future.

More functional rooms will be built.

"Butler, also display the real-time temperature"

"Yes, Master."

The big screen shows the current temperature at the bottom of the shelter: 18.9.

All the rooms currently connected to the network are also displayed on the big screen.

The temperature control room is normal, showing green.

"Butler, connect the external camera"

""Yes, Master."

The screen showed the outside of the shelter.

This was the screen of the six cameras hidden around the gate.

There was also a screen between the first and second gates, where the motorcycles were placed.

There were two cameras here.

If someone entered, the butler could find out immediately.

After connecting to the Internet, the butler could monitor the entire shelter at all times.

Even if a fly flew in, the butler would be the first to find it.

""It's finally tangible."

Seeing that the shelter has taken shape,

Su Ze was very happy.

Now the shelter is also being implemented step by step according to the design.

It won't be long before the conceptual shelter will be fully presented in front of us.

At that time, it can be truly called a shelter.

""Housekeeper, let the robots start digging the power room."

The power room is very important.

The entire shelter needs electricity to maintain.

In the design, the power room is a special power supply room of about 100 square meters.

As the shelter expands, the demand for electricity will also increase.

""Yes, Master."

Robot No. 1 immediately started digging with the micro-excavator.

The soil excavated now will be specially collected.

These soils will be mixed with black soil and some nutrients will be added to become soil for planting areas.

Su Ze lay down on the sofa in the main control room and stretched comfortably.

With these robots as labor, he doesn't have to do anything. He can give orders while lying on the sofa.

"Butler, let a robot prepare lunch."

""Yes, Master."

A robot put on an apron and started cooking.

Of course, its cooking skills were not inferior to those of a five-star chef.

All the information about cooking was downloaded by the butler in just one second.

Since these robots and the butler were shared, the butler also became a five-star chef. At the same time, the robot No. 1, which was working on the micro excavator, also became a five-star chef.

"Now, I finally freed my hands.

Although cooking is not a problem for Su Ze

, it is best if there is someone else who doesn't have to do it.

There is no need to wash the dishes, just put them down after eating.

After a while, a fragrance wafted out of the kitchen.

"It's really chef-level, the taste is really good."

Originally, Su Ze didn't care much about eating.

As long as he didn't starve to death, he could just make do with canned fruits and other things.

Now with this chef robot, under limited conditions, he can also eat good food.

Several dishes have been placed on the table.

A small green vegetable.

A can of single-cut beef mixed with tomato sauce.

It smells good.

A pot of fragrant rice.

Su Ze felt that he hadn't had a proper meal for a long time.

Today is okay.

Let's eat.

The taste is quite good.

It meets his appetite and the quantity is just right.

He didn't eat too much, about 80% full.

It seems that the butler has also studied this aspect

"From now on, cooking will be done by robots."After

Su Ze finished eating, he didn't have to wash the dishes.

Robot No. 1 started washing the dishes.

The lights started flashing again.

"It's going to be overloaded again."

Su Ze exhaled. It

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