There were two gasoline generators in the batch of supplies we got earlier, and they came in handy now.

"Butler, add a set of generators to generate electricity"

"Yes, Master."

A set of generators started to work.

The originally dark room suddenly became bright.

"Master, gasoline and diesel can be used for a month at the current consumption."

Due to the increase in generators, energy consumption has increased a lot.

Especially there are three micro excavators, which are all oil tigers.

The future expansion of the shelter depends entirely on these three oil-guzzling tigers.

Although a lot of gasoline and diesel have just been obtained.

Now it seems that energy needs to be taken seriously.

But this energy is really not easy to get.

This thing has immediately become a resource for competition after the news of the collapse of the world.

First of all, the country opened up its own reserve resources to supply national shelters.

The gasoline, diesel and the like on the market were immediately traded by the dignitaries in exchange for food and drinking water.

There is very little energy in the black market, and even if it appears, it will be snatched up immediately.

Of course, Su Ze does not need to go to the supermarket every day.

With a butler, it is much easier to find these material resources.

Many people post on the local shelter forum to reach the purpose of the transaction.

"Steward, see if anyone on the forum wants to exchange energy"

"Yes, Master."

Soon, the housekeeper got some news.

But it was not about energy, but about the outside of the shelter.

"Master, there is movement outside the shelter."

There is movement?"

Su Ze looked at the surveillance screen.

There was indeed something going on.

A tabby cat was wandering in front of the shelter gate.

The cat seemed to be lost. It was wandering around and meowing. It was just a wild cat.

Su Ze estimated that the cat would leave on its own in a while.

Unexpectedly, the cat began to sniff around at the entrance of the shelter.

Finally, it lay down.

It seemed that it also regarded this place as its home.

"This cat has a connection with the shelter, so I'll take you in."

Su Ze opened the door and brought the cat in.

He opened a can of meat and gave it to it.

This cat really seems to have a connection with the shelter. It was quite affectionate with Su Ze.

It didn't even eat the can of meat, but just lay in his arms like it was lying on the grass, rubbing against it from side to side, and looked quite happy.

"Let me give you a name. Since you are a tabby cat, let’s call you Xiaoli."

""Meow meow meow! Meow meow meow! Meow meow meow!"

Xiaoli called out happily, as if he liked the name very much.

While touching Xiaoli, Su Ze asked the housekeeper:"Housekeeper, how is the energy situation?"

"Master, I found an energy exchanger who offered to trade food, preferably canned food."

"Do you think the exchange is appropriate?"

"Master, I think it is very suitable. According to what they said, the oil they provided is of very high quality and in large quantities. We also have a lot of food in our shelter, so we can use the extra food to exchange."

"Well, then I agree to the exchange."

Since we got a lot of food from the last Chao Xiong incident, we will keep some of this food for ourselves and take out the rest for exchange.

"Master, the other party sent the exchange location, which is in a national-level shelter."

In a national-level shelter?

This is the first time.

Is there anyone in a national-level shelter who needs to exchange resources?

Under normal circumstances, there is at least no shortage of food in a national-level shelter.

It's just that the quality and variety are not that good.

It can barely guarantee that you won't starve to death.

"Master, the exact exchange location is the private shelter area in the national shelter."

Su Ze nodded.

He had heard of this area.

The so-called private area in the national shelter is actually similar to a six-story residential area with some villas built inside.

These villas are larger, with better living conditions and greater rights.

However, it is said that these villas require special applications.

Ordinary people do not have this qualification.

"Butler, prepare the materials to be exchanged."

""Yes, Master."

Several robots carried the supplies onto the vehicle.

The exchange supplies here included canned food, some fresh vegetables grown in the shelter, rice, noodles, and other basic foods. The total exchange volume was about one-fifth of what Su Ze currently had in the shelter.

"Master, it's ready."

"OK, let's go."

""Meow meow meow! Meow meow meow! Meow meow meow!"

The little fox cried out reluctantly.

""Xiao Li, take care of the house."

The small truck took Su Ze and the housekeeper to the national shelter.

This was his second time to the national shelter.

The first time was to deal with the upcoming collapse of the world. He moved in as an ordinary person.

He lived there for a day and then ran away.

There were many reasons.

He still preferred to be a little free.

For this little freedom, he had to pay a lot.

For example, he had to build his own shelter bit by bit.

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