The vehicle drove for about five or six hours and arrived at the national shelter in the province.

This is a super-large national underground shelter built on the plain.

Basically, half the size of a city was dug underground.

There is a thick layer of cement and reinforced concrete on the surface of the shelter.

This layer protects the shelter like a bulletproof vest.

It is said that there is such a cement layer around the shelter.

A four-lane road extends diagonally into the shelter.

A large number of cars are coming in and out.

Most of them are military vehicles.

The work is to transport materials on the surface to the national shelter underground.

Now it is not only Su Ze.

Whether it is a national shelter, a family shelter, a team shelter, or a personal shelter, they are like ants, constantly moving surface material resources into the underground shelter. At the end of the lane, a huge double-opening iron door appeared.

The width of this iron door is nearly 20 meters.

It is as thick as the vault door.

The whole door is painted with a layer of military green paint.

It carries the solemnity of the army.

The gate is divided into three entrances.

One entrance is for large trucks.

The entrance next to it is for small vehicles.

On the far right is a passage for people to enter.

Every vehicle entering will be strictly registered at the entrance.

For example, name, phone number, reason, and so on.

And the other party will be contacted for confirmation.

In short, entering the national shelter is quite strict.

Originally, Su Ze was still a little worried about the housekeeper.

After all, it is not a real person.

A robot swaggers in like a human.

It will definitely cause panic.

Then the robot will be detained at that time.

That would be more trouble than gain.

The other party of the transaction this time only left a series of numbers.

It means that as long as you enter and report this number, you will be released immediately.


The gatekeeper took a look and immediately waved his hand, letting them pass safely.

He didn't even ask a single question.

After entering the gate, there was still a four-lane road.

It was like a long and narrow tunnel.

There were tall street lamps on both sides of the tunnel.

The street lamps emitted bright lights.

In this way, after driving the truck for about ten minutes, we arrived at the national shelter.

The interior was the same as the exterior, with crisscross passages everywhere.

Each passage led to different destinations.

Some were commercial areas.

Some were residential areas.

Some were sports areas.

And so on.

Su Ze entered a passage according to the address left by the other party.

This is the residential area for ordinary people.

The so-called residential area is actually a room dug out inside.

Each room is different according to the number of family members.

If there are many families, the area will be relatively larger.

The layers of houses are dug into the wall, and they look like pigeon cages.

Seeing this scene, Su Ze couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He used to be a member of this pigeon cage.

Of course, the conditions are not to be mentioned.

But at least there is no problem with life.

Life here is not as good as on the surface.

There are street lights on the streets.

The street lights make it particularly bright.

It is bright enough to feel like light pollution.

Although the surface has been simulated as much as possible, it is underground anyway.

There is always an inexplicable sense of claustrophobia.

People here rarely smile. They are like zombies, with depressed faces and no expression.

According to the analysis of psychologists, it is said that this depression will last for more than 100 days.

This is underground shelter syndrome, also known as moving depression.

It will be normal after three months.

It is like a dog that was originally running unscrupulously in the sun.

Suddenly, it was chained.

It needs time to adapt.

After a while, after passing through the residence of ordinary people, we came to an underground building complex.

These building complexes are different from the rooms dug out before. These are construction rooms.

Rooms are specially built underground, just like the surface.

But the quality is relatively not that good.

It looks like a combination of various boards.

Of course, it is much better than the ones dug out.

The design here is just like the ground.

There are street lights, streets, green plants and the like.

They are illuminated by fluorescent lights.

The growth situation is not optimistic.

Each one looks wilted.

But it is better to have it than not.

It is not like the gray feeling of ordinary residential areas before.

"There are different levels of people here."There are also different buildings among the rich people.

Some buildings are obviously made of more exquisite materials.

They are thicker and look more solid.

Of course, they are all white on the surface.

"Master, we are here."

According to the address given by the other party, we came to a gate.

There was a special guard at the gate.

The guard seemed to have been informed, so he opened the gate immediately.

The houses in this community are better than those outside.

The whole is three-story.

It is built in the style of a villa.

However, in order not to appear abrupt, it is still pure white.

The materials are exquisite, full of heaviness, and it looks very solid.

There are gardens in front and behind.

It looks like a leisurely town.

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