Due to the attack of the blood lion, more mutant rats gathered from all directions and began to attack the blood lion frantically.

"Butler, who do you think will win this battle?"

"Master, according to speculation, the mutant rat has a greater chance of winning"

"How to say?"

"The mutant rats have the upper hand in terms of numbers. The blood lion is indeed very powerful, but the longer the battle goes on, the more mutant rats there will be."

In the picture, a large number of mutant rats gathered from all directions.

Some of them have jumped onto the broad back of the blood lion and kept biting it.

This reminded Su Ze of the battle between rats and elephants.

Rats are indeed small, but they are the only animals that can defeat elephants.

The battle lasted for several hours.

Although the blood lion became more and more courageous, it could not withstand the increasing number of mutant rats.

Good guy.

It was just like a group of ants.

The blood lion was also bitten and riddled with holes, with blood holes everywhere.

"The advantage of quantity is obvious."

Gradually, the blood lion began to lose strength.

Finally, it fell down.

The mutant rats around it were now hungry.

They rushed over one by one and began to bite it madly.

Although the blood lion was unwilling, it could only watch its flesh being bitten off.

It died.

It died completely.

Under the bites of a large number of mutant rats, the flesh on the blood lion was eaten clean in an instant.

Even the bones were eaten without any residue left.

"These mice seem to be ready to take over the Earth."

There are too many of them.

The black snow has affected their fertility.

Basically, a female mouse can breed a large number of mice in a short period of time.

The growth rate of these mice is even more amazing.

In the end, a large number of mutant mice were formed.

"Master, in fact, in addition to the mutant rats, there is another animal that is multiplying in large numbers under the influence of the black snow."

"What animal?"


"Cockroach?" Su Ze was immediately overwhelmed when he heard the word cockroach. This guy is an immortal cockroach. Even if his head is cut off, he can still live for dozens of days. If the whole world is destroyed, only this thing can survive.

"See what's happening with cockroaches"

"Yes, Master."

On the big screen, 03 cockroaches in the city appeared.

"Is this a cockroach?!"

Su Ze saw this scene and took a breath of cold air.

Is this still the same kind of cockroach?

The cockroaches affected by the black snow have become super large.

They look like the size of dogs.

"This size is too big."

Giant cockroaches.

Different from the previous ones, their bodies have become bigger and darker.

They look quite weird.

A lot.

There are so many of them. They are as numerous as rats.

In a city stadium, a large number of mutant cockroaches gathered.

Many of them are female cockroaches.

These female cockroaches are constantly breeding new baby cockroaches.

The baby cockroaches after birth become alienated cockroaches.

"This reproduction capacity seems to be stronger than that of mice."Mice give birth to hundreds of them.


The number of tiny ant-like cockroaches that this cockroach gave birth to is estimated to be at least thousands or tens of thousands.

""Butler, how strong are these cockroaches?"

The scene starts.

On the streets of the city, a group of cockroaches are facing a group of mutant rats.

The number of both sides is about thousands.

It seems that the battle is about to break out.

The mysterious black snow has affected all life forms, turning them into monsters.

At the same time, it has also caused their group tendency to be very serious.

And this group tendency is to exclude other groups.



The war has begun.

The battle between mutant cockroaches and mutant rats.

The fighting power of both sides is very strong.

In particular, the biggest advantage of both sides is in numbers.

No matter how many groups are destroyed, they will soon be supplemented by a large number of the same kind.

In just a few minutes, the bodies of the same kind killed by both sides have piled up a thick layer.

"This scene, tsk tsk tsk~"

Even well-equipped soldiers would probably choose to turn around when facing this kind of monster. It

's too tragic.

It's a complete hand-to-hand fight.

Although the mutant cockroaches are smaller than the mutant rats in size, they are not inferior to the mutant rats in strength.

In terms of agility, the cockroaches are still better.

In this way, in terms of comprehensive combat power, the cockroaches are stronger than the mutant rats.

As a result, the mutant cockroaches quickly slaughtered the mutant rats.

The thick layer of mutant rat corpses became a delicious meal for the mutant cockroaches.

"This mutant cockroach is indeed powerful."

If we only talk about the combat power of the group, the mutant cockroach is even more powerful.

And the most important point is that the reproductive capacity is far greater than that of the mutant rat.

"Hmm? What is that?"

Su Ze narrowed his eyes and looked carefully at the bodies in the cockroach corpses.

Those bodies were moving at this moment.

These were cockroaches with short legs and broken arms, and some without heads.

Something surprising happened.

The wounds of these cockroaches were healing.

They were healing at a very fast speed.

"This healing ability is indeed powerful. It won't be long before these wounds will grow new trunks. Basically, cockroaches are invincible."

Plus the powerful healing ability.


Cockroaches are really invincible.

"Housekeeper, check if there are any mutant cockroaches nearby and get some cells to study."

Su Ze saw such a good research subject and of course wanted to study it carefully.

"Yes, Master, we have found a cockroach leg on the surface."

The picture shows a cockroach leg not far from the shelter.

It may have been left behind after fighting with other mutants.

"Get it in"

""Yes, Master."

The housekeeper sent a robot to bring back the cockroach leg.

After disinfection, it was placed in the Biological Research Center.

Su Ze began to study it.

"It's really different."

Su Ze couldn't help but sigh when he saw the active cockroach cells.

It's the same black snow, but the biological impact is completely different.

Compared with the mutant mice, the mutation of the mutant cockroaches is more rapid.

The reproductive capacity is improved.

The five senses are improved.

Even the surface layer of the skin has become a powerful cell.

This kind of cell has a natural defense against extreme high and low temperatures.

It's like wearing a piece of clothing that can freely adjust the temperature.

"This is too scary."

It can only be said that cockroaches are very, very powerful.

It seems that they have also mutated into a perfect creature in order to cope with the collapse of the world this time.

It can indeed be called a perfect creature.

These mutations make the cockroaches stronger.

So that they can survive in this world.

Everything is for survival.

The mutation caused by the black snow this time has given the cockroaches the wings of evolution.

"The powerful Xiaoqiang"

"Master, a large number of mutant cockroaches have been detected attacking the national shelter."


These mutant animals seem to be quite unhappy with humans.

They keep attacking human shelters.

Previously, it was mutant rats that launched the attack.

Now it is mutant cockroaches.

The surveillance video of the national shelter.

A large number of troops wearing thick protective clothing and carrying heavy weapons rushed to the areas where the mutant cockroaches broke into.

In fact, these areas are the holes dug by the mutant rats before.

Along these holes, the mutant cockroaches also began to prepare to attack humans.

"These cockroaches also know the location of the human shelter."

Swish! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)



It is estimated that at least hundreds of thousands of mutant cockroaches entered.


The war began.

Human heavy weapons faced the attack of the mutant cockroaches like a tide.

It was really one batch after another.

Even if their bodies were beaten to pieces, the mutant cockroaches still kept attacking forward.

In the face of this terrifying attack, the soldiers in the national shelter could only fight and retreat at the same time.

There was no other way. There were too many cockroaches. Occasionally, some soldiers had their protective clothing torn open by cockroaches, and they would be immediately taken to a safe place for disinfection. The current route of infection is still unclear. But they cannot be contaminated with the blood of these mutant animals. It seems that the air cannot be transmitted. The skin cannot touch the black snow. These are all from Su Ze's own observations.


Even so, a large number of soldiers were still infected.

They were infected very quickly.

Before other medical staff had any reaction, they began to mutate all over. The surrounding soldiers had no choice but to turn their guns around and kill these monsters who were once their comrades.

Gradually, the heavy firepower in the hands of the reinforcements suppressed the attack of the cockroaches.

After leaving a large number of corpses, the first wave of the cockroaches' attack ended.

"This battle is simply amazing.

It's like watching a super science fiction movie.

"Compared with the mutant rats, the mutant cockroaches are the most terrifying."

The mutant rats are not as fast as the mutant cockroaches. There are not as many of them as cockroaches.

The body's healing ability is also better than that of the cockroaches.

The national shelter began to clean up the bodies of the cockroaches.

A large number of researchers in white coats collected the bodies of the cockroaches.

It can be seen that they also want to get the bodies for research.

"Butler, what's the situation with other national shelters? Did Xiaoqiang launch an attack as well?"

"Master, do you need me to hack into the internal network of national shelters in other countries?"


"The invasion is complete."

The housekeeper's invasion of the network was still completed in an instant.

At this moment, the internal scenes of national shelters in other countries appeared on the big screen.

This is the picture monitored by the camera in real time.

The national shelter in the United States was also attacked by mutant rats and cockroaches.

Groups of soldiers gathered inside to clear it out.

Compared with other national shelters, there are more cockroaches appearing here.

It can be said that the traces of cockroaches appeared in almost all locations.

Some even ran into the national shelter and began to attack the residents.

After losing the lives of more than a dozen residents, this mutant cockroach was eliminated.

"What about other countries?"

The next scene that appeared on the big screen was the Little Japan Country. There were even more mutant cockroaches here. They were so dense that you couldn't see the end.

Most of them had already started to build nests on the surface.

Especially on Mount Fuji, there were even more cockroaches.

This place had basically become a cockroach nest.

They had also begun to attack the national-level shelters underground.

Due to poor internal management, a large number of mutant cockroaches had appeared in them.

The soldiers were also anxiously trying to eliminate them.

But there were too many.

Groups of survivors fell to the ground, being gnawed by cockroaches.

Their intestines, stomachs, etc. , has flowed all over the ground.

The blood dyed the ground red.

It turned this place into a hellish existence.

This is the most tragic underground shelter Su Ze has seen so far.

No matter what the other shelters are like, even if mutant animals enter, they can be easily eliminated.

But because of the shortage of soldiers here in Xiaorizi, they can only transfer troops from other places.

But when they were transferred, the people here had already been eaten up.

The Xiaorizi country is still okay.

At least there are soldiers to defend themselves.

And those national-level shelters that have no combat effectiveness are miserable inside.

For example, the inland country bordering the Huaxia country,���Ancient country.

When building the shelter here, they had basically exhausted all the manpower and material resources.

Therefore, it can only be used as an underground shelter.

As for the living conditions inside, they are too poor.

There is almost no defense except some old-fashioned guns.

Therefore, after the mutant rats launched the first wave of attacks on the underground shelter, it had already fallen.

Then the cockroaches also entered it.

"It has become a nest of mutant rats and cockroaches."

Su Ze couldn't help but sigh.

Because this is the case here now.

The result of having no defense is to be eaten up.

There are very few survivors left.

Most of them have hidden inside a sunken stone wall.

A large number of mutant rats and mutant cockroaches are still trying to launch an attack, trying to eat them up.

It seems that this is also the case in other places.

You know.

The population of Menggu Country is about 3 million.

According to this situation, it won't take long before everyone will be eaten up by mutant rats and mutant cockroaches.

This is the result of having no defense.

"You still need to have the ability to defend yourself."Su Ze was glad that he had prepared early.

Now his shelter was like a solid fortress.

No mutant could get in.

"Master, a large number of cockroaches are gathering."


So the target this time is my shelter?

On the big screen, mutant cockroaches gathered from all directions.

Soon they reached the top of the shelter.

It seemed that there were quite a lot of them.

At least nearly 10,000 of them.

"Master, should we dispatch the drone matrix?"

"No, it's a waste of bullets."

Su Ze waved his hand.

The bullets in the drone matrix are not unlimited.


, in this situation, he just needs to stay in the shelter and do nothing.

More than 10,000 mutant cockroaches began to attack the shelter.

In terms of digging ability, these cockroaches may not be as good as those mutant rats.

But they can reasonably use the passages left by the mutant rats before.

Therefore, a large number of mutant cockroaches appeared around the shelter again.

There was no way to start.

In front of them was a thick iron layer.

Even if their mouths were ground, it was impossible to bite through the iron layer.

Like those mutant rats.

These mutant cockroaches began to gnaw.

They wanted to bite through the iron layer of the shelter.

But the result was that the big teeth in their mouths broke one by one.

"Bite, let them bite."

Su Ze felt a sense of security.

This was the shelter he had worked so hard to build.

These mutant cockroaches still refused to give up. They kept gnawing on the iron plate, trying to bite through the thick iron plate.

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