"Hmm? The wheat has grown up?"

Su Ze was surprised.

In just a few days, the wheat in his shelter's planting area has grown.

It has almost started to turn yellow.

It will be ready for harvest soon.

"Let's go and have a look."

Xiao Li and Xiao Mu followed Su Ze and headed to the planting area.

For them, that was their favorite place.

Entering the planting area, a burst of fragrance came from inside.

This was the fragrance of plants.

There was a large wheat field in front of them.

It looked quite comfortable.

"This head is big enough."

The seeds had been infinitely upgraded before.

So the ears of wheat are about ten times bigger than normal.

It looks so full.

"It's comfortable, and there's absolutely no need to worry about food."

Xiaoli and Xiaomu like the wheat field very much, and they keep chasing and rolling in it.

"hiss hiss~"

"hiss hiss~"

""Hiss, hiss, hiss~"

Some sounds can be heard from the top floor of the planting area.

These sounds are made by the mutant cockroaches gnawing at the iron plate layer.

Since this is the outermost layer of the shelter, it can be clearly heard.

"Housekeeper, let the robot harvest the wheat in two days."

"Yes, Master."

Su Ze took a deep breath of the fragrance of the wheat field.

He felt refreshed.

These upgraded wheat can grow a crop in just a few days.

There is still a lot of food in storage.

Not to mention these freshly grown wheat.

"Master, regarding the mutant cockroaches, the research inside the National Shelter has made new discoveries."

""Oh? Really? Let's go and have a look."

Su Ze nodded, and took Xiaoli and Xiaomu back to the shelter control room.

The big screen showed the latest research on mutant cockroaches by various countries.

The United States discovered these mutants, whether they were humans or other mutant creatures.

Hunting humans is like hunting other mutants.

The European research laboratory found that these mutants are extreme group life.

The so-called group life means that all creatures except their own group will be hostile.

The Chinese research data shows that these mutant life forms are very sensitive to humans after strengthening their five senses.

This explains why humans in the underground shelter are attacked by mutant rats and mutant cockroaches.

In the future, it is estimated that other mutant creatures will also attack the underground shelter.

"The research speed is really fast."

"Master, the Little Day Country has begun injecting the infection into normal human bodies"

"Have you started human research? You are indeed a country that lives a simple life!"

In fact, all countries are not stupid.

Since this mutation can cause the alienation of normal people, if it can maintain human consciousness while maintaining alienation, then this is not an infectious virus, but a genetic evolution drug!

"The research speed is too fast."

Su Ze watched the butler obtain the research on the infection in various countries through the invasion.

In addition to Xiaoshi, other countries have begun to experiment on animals.

In order to crack the secret hidden in the black snow, it must be said.

Putting aside the bad effects brought by alienation.

If we only talk about the benefits, there are too many.

Strengthening cells; enhancing reproductive function; enhancing the five senses; alienation characteristics.

If these characteristics are extracted, it will be extraordinary.

"Butler, do you think this is easy?"

"Master, it is not easy. At present, the material formation of the black snow is extremely complex."

Su Ze nodded.

The housekeeper was right.

In his research on these mutant animals, he did find that the black snow was different.

This difference was that the inside was completely new and presented in front of him.

The richness of the inside was beyond the reach of human cognition at present.

"Butler, can you analyze this black snow?"

"Master, this is currently not possible."

"If you can't do it, then upgrade it."

This butler has indeed not been upgraded for a long time.

Upgrade target confirmed: robot butler.

Upgrade direction: super intelligent AI.

Upgrade points: 2800 points.

A lot of upgrade points.

As the temperature of the right hand disappeared.

The butler also upgraded from advanced intelligent AI to super intelligent AI

"Butler, how do you feel now?"

"Master, have you upgraded me? My computing power has been greatly improved."

"Yes, an upgrade, a big upgrade. Now let’s see if you can analyze the internal substances of Kuroxue?"

"Master, I tried, but I couldn't do it. Its complexity is comparable to the deep sea, and I can't even get a glimpse of it."

Su Ze exhaled.

Good guy.

Even if the butler is upgraded to this level, it still can't analyze Kuroxue.

If the butler is upgraded again, the upgrade points required are not enough at present.

"We can't rush to analyze the black snow, we have to take our time."

Su Ze's super-intelligent AI robots can't analyze it.

Not to mention the researchers in other national shelters.

In terms of scientific research level, these people are undoubtedly top-notch.

But why is the butler better?

The main reason is that the butler (aebe) downloaded the technology of these researchers through the Internet.

At the same time, it is not enough to download it for one country.

Countries do not share these black snow research technologies.

In the butler, all the technologies have been integrated together for research.

This is why Su Ze said that if the butler has no way here, then other countries will have no way either.

"Human experiments in the country of Xiao Ri Zi begin"

"Let's see."

Now other countries are basically conducting experiments on animals.

Now Japan has begun conducting human experiments.

"Yes, Master."

On the big screen, the butler hacked into the internal research department of Xiaorizi Country through the internal network.

The researchers have extracted the alienated liquid of Hei Xue.

The research object is a human who seems to be unconscious.

This human is dirty and unconscious.

The researchers in white coats injected the alienated liquid of Hei Xue into the human body.

All the researchers stared at the instrument.

The instrument can clearly see the impact of the alienated liquid.

First, it invaded the brain tissue.

All the brain tissue cells responsible for thinking and judgment were affected.

This effect is similar to being cleared.

Then it began to take effect inside the cells.

Blood clots began to appear on normal humans.

These blood clots quickly spread to every corner of the body.

Alienation began.

Su Ze saw this scene.

He thought of the research scenes of the previous biochemical crisis.

It was exactly the same as what happened at this moment.

Soon they paid the price for their ignorance.

After being infected by Hei Xue, the alienated people suddenly attacked the surrounding researchers.

All these researchers were killed in an instant

"This destructive power far exceeds that of other mutant animals.

Compared with the alienated humans, the fighting power of mutant rats and mutant cockroaches is not enough.

Fortunately, there are not many alienated humans.

A large number of soldiers arrived and started fighting.

"The speed and strength of this alienated human have been greatly improved."

Looking at the alienated human on the big screen in front of him, he kept shuttling back and forth.

His movements were sharp, fast, and powerful.

He could easily crush a soldier's head.

Dozens of soldiers' heads were crushed by him.


Send more troops, I need combatants, I need combatants.

" The commander in charge of commanding the battle shouted at the intercom at the top of his lungs.


The mutant appeared in front of the commander, looking at him with scarlet eyes.

Then he bit his head.

The commander fell down.

But soon he stood up again.

He was no longer the same person as before.

He was a mutant.

The black snow infection had been transmitted to the commander through the mutant.

Or the former commander.

Because now he is just an mutant.

He has completely lost the thinking of a normal person.

Or now he is a walking corpse.

An alien who only knows how to kill other humans.

"More and more humans are infected."

It can be clearly seen on the big screen that the number of soldiers who were attacked is increasing.

There are about 20 to 30 people.

Except for some dead soldiers, the remaining few soldiers came back to life.

They have become several alienated people.

"This is so scary, there are so many monsters here now! Real monsters! Ah~~~"

The Japanese self-defense soldiers kept shouting.

Then they fell one by one.

This was simply a one-sided massacre. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Because there were too many alienated humans, the other soldiers and fighters could not stop them at all.

If the research center was not in a closed state, it is estimated that there would be alienated people on the streets of the shelter now.

"So, if things continue like this, will the entire national shelter be infected?"

Su Ze squinted his eyes and looked at the big screen carefully.

This is also very likely to happen.

Because mutants can cause healthy humans to be infected.

After infecting healthy humans, these humans will become mutants and start attacking other normal humans again.

"What the master speculated is very likely. Among the mutant life forms, humans are the most infectious."

Su Ze nodded.

He had seen about this kind of infection before.

Infection through biting is similar to infection through saliva.

But maybe blood can also be infected.

Nails can also be infected.

After the infection, it can become an alienated person in just a few minutes and continue to infect other healthy humans.

In this way, one person spreads ten people.[]

The news spread from ten to a hundred.

It kept spreading.

Healthy humans had no ability to resist these alienated people.

The only real threat to them was heavy firepower.

These heavy firepower weapons could be fired directly to beat these alienated people into pieces of rotten meat.

"Blockade! Block this place quickly! Block this place completely!" The chief of the Self-Defense Forces gave the order.

Soldiers with heavy machine guns and mortars were scattered around the laboratory.

And now, because there were too many mutants in the laboratory, they had basically been abandoned.

Soon, a mutant ran out of the laboratory.

Da da da!

Da da da!

Da da da!

The heavy firepower weapons that had been prepared long ago bombarded the mutant and smashed it into pieces.

"This trouble will probably take a long time to solve."

Su Ze couldn't help but sighed.

"Butler, have the alienated humans on the surface begun to attack human shelters?"

"Master, not yet."

Su Ze nodded.

Not yet.

But it doesn't mean there won't be in the future.

Since mutant rats will attack human shelters, it is normal for mutant humans to attack shelters.

"This is also a huge hidden danger."

You know, there are a lot of humans on the surface now.

Or alienated people.

"Butler, are there still normal humans on the surface now?"

"Master, we are investigating."

The satellite images are constantly retrieving images from all countries around the world.

The images are all human beings.

However, they have been affected by the black snow and turned into aliens.

Although some humans are hiding in the house, the house cannot isolate the black snow.

So they have all been infected and turned into aliens.

"The surface of the earth is really uninhabitable now, unless the influence of the black snow disappears, or humans find a way to treat the infection, which is impossible in the short term."

At this time

"What is that?"

Su Ze saw humans walking in the picture.

These humans were wearing thick protective clothing.

They looked like astronauts.

"This is the surface of the US national shelter, which means these people have already stepped onto the surface. They are really brave."

Wearing protective clothing can indeed isolate Black Snow.

But what cannot be isolated is the attack from other mutant animals.

The appearance of these humans heading to the surface quickly attracted the attention of other mutant animals.

These are groups of mutant rats.

There are a lot of them.

There are almost hundreds of them.

It can be seen that they all belong to the same group.

It is very likely that they were born by a female rat.

After Black Snow's mutation, the reproductive capacity of the female rat was greatly enhanced.

It is easy to give birth to hundreds of rats in one litter.

The growth ability of mutant rats is even more amazing. They will grow into the appearance of adult rats within a few days.

These mutant rats surrounded the people wearing protective clothing.

"These people were holding petri dishes, and it seemed that they were also experts in collecting black snow material on the surface."

However, Su Ze soon denied his idea.

Because these people took out guns.

They might be soldiers who were sent to the surface to collect research objects.

The mutant rats rushed towards these soldiers.

Da da da!

Da da da!

Da da da!


Although some mutant rats fell down.

But more mutant rats pounced on them.

There was no way.

There were too many of them.

A dozen soldiers with live ammunition fought against these mutant rats.

The combat effectiveness was simply incomparable.

The most important thing was that these mutant rats were too terrible.

Even when facing the weapons in the hands of these soldiers, they had no fear at all.

In other words, Su Ze had never seen fear in the eyes of these mutant rats.

They were like extremely hungry rats. A lion pounces on its food.

A soldier was knocked to the ground by a mutant rat.

The thick protective suit on his body was torn off.

Then other mutant rats pounced on him and began to gnaw on him.

The mutant rats' terrifying teeth easily tore open the man's stomach.

The intestines and stomach flowed all over the floor.

The other mutant rats began to eat non-stop.

The scene really made Su Ze smack his lips.

A normal human was eaten clean in just a few seconds, without even a hair left.

The result of the other soldiers' counterattack was just a few mutant rat corpses.

In the end, all the soldiers were killed. There was nothing left on the ground except a few pieces of torn protective suits and bloodstains on the ground.

"This mutant rat is too strong in combat."

Su Ze shook his head.

From his current observation, it is not only the mutant rat that is strong in combat.

Other mutant animals are also very strong.���Afraid

"Hmm? That's the injured mutant rat from before!"

Su Ze saw on the big screen that a seriously injured mutant rat had crawled up.

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