The more people there are, the more points they can earn.

Lin Ye himself couldn’t even imagine how many points a copy of this number of people could earn in one wave…

According to Lin Ye’s analysis, with a scale of 1 million people, there might be a certain chance to break through the ordinary aircraft carriers of the Destroying Fleet.

But facing the 11 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers of the Eagle Sauce Country, they are still no match.

Even if Tianmu raised the number of challengers to 1 million, Lin Ye didn’t feel any threat.

Of course, this is based on the estimate that these 1 million people have the same combat power level as the challengers in the previous copy.

According to Lin Ye’s early judgment, the average combat power of this world should be the level of Blue Star S1 in the previous life.

But there is a big premise, that is, this average level is measured by the dungeons that Lin Ye participated in, as well as the challengers that appeared in his own dungeons.

If the number of dungeon challengers is increased to 1 million, some deviations will inevitably occur!

It is possible that a lot of LV3 or even LV4 high-level combat forces will be involved.

Lin Ye feels that it is still a bit unsafe. The unsafe point is that the Eagle Sauce in the current Raging Sea is not the peak complete Eagle Sauce.

At that time, in order to launch the Raging Sea dungeon as quickly as possible, Lin Ye’s design for the Eagle Sauce country actually only had naval power and hegemonic dominance in economy, politics, public opinion, etc.

Therefore, Raging Sea has always been only the first version, not the complete version.

At this level, it is definitely more than enough to deal with ordinary challengers from the Azure Star.

But now that Tianmu has raised the Raging Sea to the national war level of 1 million people, Lin Ye doesn’t mind letting the world experience the complete Eagle Sauce.

Experience the true value of the “Five Constant Virtues”!

Since Tianmu is playing this way, Lin Ye doesn’t need to be shy.

Just flip the table, there’s nothing to say!

“Tianmu, I want to upgrade my copy of Raging Sea, is that okay?”

[Dear designer, Tianmu supports all designers to upgrade their own copies to achieve a better copy experience! ]

[As long as the designer can ensure that the modification can be completed before the next copy is opened, all operations related to copy improvement can be allowed. ]

After Tianmu’s affirmative answer, Lin Ye didn’t want to delay for a minute and directly entered the creation space.

In this world, he would never do anything that was not safe.

If you want to do it, do it without any mistakes!

It just so happens that now there is the dual blessing of the design acceleration privilege and the acceleration card, the construction speed of the copy is extremely fast, and there is a chance to complete all the designs before the next copy is opened.


After entering the “Creation Space”, Lin Ye began to transmit information directly to the system.

In addition to the naval power, Eagle Sauce also has the world’s strongest air combat force.

The Eagle Sauce has 500,000 active air force troops!

5,000 manned aircraft!

Among them, there are 200 bombers, 2,000 fighters, 180 helicopters, 140 reconnaissance aircraft and early warning aircraft, and 10 special operations aircraft!

200 unmanned aircraft!

It also has 2,000 air-based cruise missiles!

And 600 intercontinental ballistic missiles!

All air forces are divided into 4 large forces, strategic forces, tactical forces, aerospace forces and special operations forces!

At the same time, add an expeditionary task force! Directly put the Eagle Sauce configuration into a wartime state! And set this task force as the highest commander of the Eagle Sauce Air Force!

In the previous life, Lin Ye was a member of the Dragon Country Research Institute. As the saying goes, knowing yourself and knowing the enemy, you will never be defeated in a hundred battles.

In recent years, the Dragon Country has been competing with the Eagle Sauce openly and secretly, and it can be said that it has studied the composition of the Eagle Sauce Air Force quite thoroughly.

So now it is also easy to pass this information to the Creation Space.

The rationality and logic of everything are beyond doubt!

Even if Lin Ye does not fully understand some of the design drawings, as long as the basic design logic can be explained clearly, the God-created Space can basically be derived.

After a while, one plane after another was built at lightning speed from the Eagle Sauce aircraft manufacturing plant.

In the vast sky, countless F-16 Fighting Falcon fighters are like dense swarms of bees, hovering above the Eagle Sauce’s airspace.

These fighters are known for their unique appearance and powerful

Its combat effectiveness has become an iconic presence in the Eagle Air Force. Not only are they one of the longest-serving and most numerous fighter jets in active service, they are also highly regarded for their outstanding performance.

The F-16 Fighting Falcon is known for its high maneuverability and combat flexibility, and can easily complete various complex tactical maneuvers. It can demonstrate outstanding performance in both air-to-air combat and air-to-ground strike missions.

Then one after another, silver F-15 Eagle fighter jets soared into the sky and soared into the sky.

The aircraft are equipped with state-of-the-art weapons systems, including fully equipped Eagle air-to-air missiles, AIM-120 advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles, and Seahawk anti-ship missiles. These powerful firepower equipment give the F-15 Eagle fighter unparalleled attack capabilities.

50 B-2 Phantom bombers disappeared directly into the blue sky.

This is the stealth strategic bomber that Yingjiang is most proud of, and it is also one of the most advanced strategic bombers in the world!

It is specially used to destroy important strategic targets such as enemy command posts, arms and ammunition depots, radar defense systems and logistics facilities.

Professional anus removal makes the enemy hard to detect!

Of course, the scariest thing is that this bomber can also be equipped with nuclear warheads! While ensuring the strategic nature, it also has the lethality to kill fish and kill nets.

This stealth bomber is very expensive to build, costing $3 billion each.

However, in the creative space, these are all free, so naturally the more the merrier!

Of course, since we want to perfectly recreate Yingjiang’s air force, we can’t do without Yingjiang’s biggest air killer, the F-22 Raptor!

This is the true core of the Eagle Air Force, with unparalleled maneuverability and supersonic cruise capabilities, as well as incredible stealth performance.

The weapon system of the F-22 Raptor fighter jet is completely digitally designed, and it can carry out precise strikes against enemy targets no matter how extreme the combat environment is.

As soon as Lin Ye thought about it, the order for 500 F-22s was directly given to “Shenchuang Space”.

These top aerial units alone are not enough for Yingjiang to become an aerial overlord.

The reason why the Yingjiang Air Force is strong, in addition to its abnormal combat effectiveness, is that its core point is its military bases covering the world!

These military bases ensure that Yingjiang’s aircraft can be strategically deployed anywhere on the earth.

Lin Ye clicked lightly on the earth online.

Ramstein, Sousterborg, Heraklion, Ankara…

Military bases belonging to Yingjiang have sprung up on this virtual planet.

After the Air Force is completed, the Army will naturally be indispensable.

Although Yingjiang’s army system is not comparable to that of the Dragon Kingdom’s army, it is definitely one of the best in the world.

Set up 1 million troops for the Eagle Army! There are 500,000 active duty troops, plus 300,000 reserve troops, and 200,000 National Guard troops.

Divide all active duty military personnel into 10 Army divisions.

One armored division, one cavalry division, five infantry divisions, one mountain division, one airborne division, and one air assault division.

Equip another 2,000 main battle tanks M1A3!

10,000 armored combat vehicles!

3,000 artillery pieces!

1,000 anti-aircraft missile launchers!

1,000 anti-tank missile launchers!

2,000 mortars!

1,000 M270 multiple rocket launchers!

There is nothing special about an army like the Army. It just advocates that the more the better! And this is not the real main force of Yingjiang. If you want to experience the terror of the army, you have to wait until the copy [Great Wall Watch] comes out.

Therefore, Lin Ye did not invest much energy in the army.

The army and air force have been basically deployed.

When all the equipment is completed, the complete Yingjiang is basically 90% complete.

The remaining 10% is the most critical part.

This is also the reason why the Wuchang can be called the Wuchang.

That is the manufacture of nuclear weapons!

In fact, nuclear energy has been used in the 11 nuclear-powered submarines before.

But there is a big difference between nuclear power and nuclear weapons.

A key difference here is that the atomic bomb in nuclear weapons uses a fast neutron fission system, which requires a high concentration of fissile material as a charge.

Nuclear reactors are designed to completely use nuclear fuel, so they use slow neutrons.

To achieve fast neutron fission, highly concentrated uranium-235 must be used. At least 90% is required! Therefore, how to purify uranium is the key to whether nuclear weapons can be produced!

These are very profound sciences. Even Lin Ye cannot understand them.

I really understand.

You should know that the detonation of an atomic bomb may require the efforts of a whole generation of people to achieve it. Lin Ye alone cannot master this knowledge.

But with the God Creation Space, he only needs to know the principle.

There are three ways to purify uranium, electromagnetic isotope separator, gas diffusion method and Soret effect.

Lin Ye didn’t know which one was the most effective, so he directly submitted all three methods to the God Creation Space and let the God Creation Space try it by itself.

After about an hour of calculation, the God Creation Space gave an answer.

[Congratulations to the designer, the manufacturing principle of nuclear weapons has passed the Tianmu review, and now you can use nuclear weapons in your copy! ]

“Very good!” Lin Ye couldn’t help but sigh.

Nuclear weapons are the foundation of the Five Permanent Missions. Not only [Raging Sea] needs it, but also [Winter is Coming] and [The Great Wall Watch] later also need the blessing of nuclear weapons.

Now Lin Ye has developed it all at once, and he is also waiting for the hard work, so as to save some trouble later.

Lin Ye began to transmit information to the God Creation Space.

100 nuclear reactors slowly rose on the land of Eagle Sauce.

In fact, Lin Ye had never seen such a thing in reality. He had only seen the model in a game called Red Alert in his previous life.

At this moment, seeing the nuclear reactor come out in his own copy, Lin Ye actually had an indescribable sense of security.

In this day, he asked the God Creation Space to create 10,000 atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs for Eagle Sauce.

This is the real guarantee of the raging sea and the reliance of Lin Ye!

In case the raging sea is really conquered by the challengers, these 10,000 nuclear bombs will all be dropped on the island of Japan.

Let all challengers feel a wave of world nuclear peace.

Feel a wave of big mushroom smoke and long nuclear sunset!

At that time, let alone the island of Japan, the entire Earth Online will be shrouded in nuclear terror and will directly enter the end of the world.

This trump card is to ensure that the raging sea can never be completely conquered.


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