The new machine is still in production, but the production is still in progress.

The navy, army, air force, nuclear weapons, all arms and weapons are being produced in full swing.

Everything is arranged properly, and the rest is left to time.

Based on the current abnormal production speed, Lin Ye roughly estimated that it would take less than a day to complete the full version of [Raging Sea], and it would basically take half a day to complete.

In other words, all modifications can be completed before the restart of Raging Sea.

In the previous wave of operations, Lin Ye can be said to have transferred the essence of the entire Eagle Sauce to the Creation Space, and it is inevitable that he is a little tired.

He directly exited the Creation Space.

From now until the restart of the copy tomorrow, he decided not to make the copy first.

If you can take a break from your busy life, you should give yourself a holiday.

Lin Ye sat on the soft sofa and turned on the projector in the villa hall, preparing to watch some TV programs to entertain himself.

In fact, the entertainment and leisure of the Blue Star is relatively boring. Most of the entertainment programs on TV are based on military themes. Whether it is songs or movies, they are basically inseparable from guns and cannons.

Occasionally, there will be a little leisure program, and the content is nothing more than finding which settlement men are more suitable for marriage, and which ethnic group’s offspring have better copy design talents.

Just when Lin Ye was about to watch a reality show called “I am a Gunner”, the phone rang again.

As Lin Ye expected, it was Zhao Jianyu’s call.

“Mr. Lin Ye, Dean Ding Chang asked me to remind you of something…”

On the phone, Zhao Jianyu’s tone became very gentle and polite.

The address to Lin Ye also changed from you to you.

It can be seen that watching the two openings of the raging sea has a great impact on her.

“Mr. Lin Ye, you must be extra careful next time. If possible, please check your copy and fix the loopholes.”

“I just read the announcement of Tianmu. Your copy has been upgraded to a capacity of one million challengers. This capacity of the copy is beyond our imagination!”

“Your copy has exceeded the second copy by more than a hundred times! Such a capacity of challengers has too many variables.”

“According to our experience, there will definitely be some high-level challengers joining your copy tomorrow! Because the third day is the peak period of copy challenge!”

Zhao Jianyu said a lot of things tirelessly, but Lin Ye’s answer was only one sentence.

“Thank you for your reminder. Don’t worry, Mr. Ding Chang. I have confidence in my copy.”

Lin Ye said that this so-called peak period mentioned by Zhao Jianyu is understandable.

Generally, if a copy cannot be conquered for two days, it is likely to attract many experts to join in the fun on the third and fourth days.

Some experts make guides to pass the level, and then sell them to earn more points for themselves.

Another part is just for fun, since the points are endless anyway, just to experience life.

But Lin Ye doesn’t care about these at all.

Because he knows his own copy best, there is no so-called loophole at all.

Half a day later, the Raging Sea will usher in the real complete body.

By that time, let alone one million, even if ten million people come, he will still be confident.

Some people are willing to join in the fun, so just come.

The Raging Sea welcomes them at any time.

“By the way, Miss Zhao, I asked you to help convey the things to the residents of Longteng Settlement before, I hope you can help me convey them again.” Lin Ye continued.

“Make sure all the Daxia people know that once they enter the Raging Sea, don’t hesitate, surrender and submit at the first time!”

“Don’t have any fluke mentality, curiosity kills the cat.”

“That’s it, Miss Zhao, I have other things to do.”

After saying that, Lin Ye hung up the phone directly.

Beep beep beep…

Listening to the echo in the phone, Zhao Jianyu sighed helplessly.

Lin Ye is still as confident as ever, even a little conceited and arrogant.

But these are also reasonable things.

Now Zhao Jianyu no longer has any doubts about Lin Ye, and only has a kind of admiration from the heart.

It is the most basic psychology of admiring the strong.

Lin Ye is a figure in the top 50 of the hero list. Which of the high-level people on the hero list is not arrogant and conceited? !

In terms of talent, many people here may not be as good as Lin Ye. You must know that Lin Ye is

Upgraded from LV0 to LV3 within a week!

This upgrade speed has long broken the world record. It can be said that he is a rare genius in dungeon design.

Compared with him, Ito Hidetaka, who was regarded as a genius by the Dahe tribe before, is just a firefly compared to the brilliance of the sun and the moon!

If such a genius is not conceited, then who else is qualified to be conceited…

However, Zhao Jianyu still felt a little sorry because Lin Ye hung up the phone too early.

In fact, she wanted to tell Lin Ye about the mechanism of the sky curtain. For the dungeon designers who can reach the TOP50, the sky curtain will provide better resources for their settlements.

Lin Ye himself may not know that now the entire Tenglong settlement is enjoying the benefits brought by Lin Ye.

Zhao Jianyu just wanted to say thank you to Lin Ye.

Lin Ye continued to fiddle with the TV. Just a moment ago, he found that all the programs on TV had changed.

“I am a Gunner” was originally a good show, but now it has become a news interruption.

[Blue Star Federation Channel 1 reports to you that the Raging Sea, designed earlier by the Daxia genius designer Lin Ye, has ended its second opening! This time, the result is still no one survived! ]

The screen is playing a slice sample of his own copy of Raging Sea, and the camera just falls on the scene where Ito Hidetaka is pushed into the sea.

Lin Ye is somewhat helpless and can only switch to another TV station.

[Longteng Star TV reports to you that due to the influence of Lin Ye’s Raging Sea copy, a large number of reporters from other settlements have come to Longteng Settlement one after another, causing serious traffic paralysis. All residents of this settlement, please pay attention to traffic on the road and travel in an orderly manner. ]

[Dahe Red Sun Co-Prosperity TV reports to you that today, the people in the settlement spontaneously held a three-minute silence to mourn the Dahe students who were unfortunately wiped out in the Raging Sea… Some people claimed that this was Lin Ye’s deliberate revenge on the people of the Dahe tribe as a Daxia tribe! 】

【The experts in the copy research claimed that the points gained from the second opening of the Raging Sea had far exceeded the record of the points gained by the copy designers in a single time. Lin Ye is undoubtedly the most terrifying points harvester in the world. 】

【Earlier, a large number of Dahe copy designers submitted reports to Tianmu, believing that the setting of deducting 5,000 points from a challenger in a single time in the Raging Sea violated the fairness and rationality of the copy… This would quickly cause the points system of the Azure Star to collapse! 】


Lin Ye switched several TV stations in a row, and all of them showed slices of the Raging Sea.

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