Although Lin Yi connected the entire dungeon plot together, there were still many doubts that could not be resolved.

Say nothing else.

His two hidden missions "The Truth Behind the Snake God Ceremony" and "The Secret of Eucalyptus and Bear", both of which have not prompted to complete the mission so far.

Even though they have already read the entire plot line, there is no movement in the mission.

Lin Yi has two guesses.

One is that the task needs to be completed when the ending is reached.

Second, it was naturally that all his speculations were wrong, which resulted in the mission not being completed.

The former is unlikely, and he is more inclined to the latter.

Since it was the wrong plot, Lin Yi didn't mind telling Luo Bing.

After all, the other party is an A-level conjurer, so he might be able to analyze more clues.

After listening to the clues collected by Lin Yi in the past two days, Luo Bing frowned slightly.

"I have encountered hidden tasks before, and it is true that the completion of the instance will not be displayed until the dungeon is settled."

"The purpose is to prevent players from reversely deducing whether the plot is correct through the completion of the task."

"My thoughts are contrary to yours. Judging from the currently known information, the context of the plot is clear enough, and it is unlikely that there will be mistakes."

Lin Yi scratched his head, feeling that things were not that simple.

"Senior, do you have anything to add?"

Luo Bing first explained the situation of Zhirenyi, and then told Lin Yi all the information he knew and analyzed.

"This is the case with the paper doll clothes. Combined with the rules in the shrine, it is exactly in line with what you deduced."

"The only blind spot..." Luo Bing paused, looking around the living room, "Did you find it?"

"What did you find?" Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, waiting for the next text.

"Except for Eucalyptus, there is no trace of my mother here, not even a family portrait or photo, which is unreasonable."

"You mean... there is no mother at all?" Lin Yi raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, but that's just my speculation."

Lin Yi fell into deep thought, and after a while, he looked up at Luo Bing.

"If you follow the senior sister's thinking backwards, could it be that what you signed on the paper man's clothes is your own name?"

"She is the true sacrifice of the snake god."

"This can also explain from the side why the red-haired eucalyptus is so aggressive. After all, suffering from inhuman abuse, the violence of the second personality is justifiable at all."

"In this case, how to explain that diary? And what is the meaning of our bear identity?"

Luo Bing shook his head, "Student, you have to know that not all the props in the dungeon are correct."

"It's like a rule, you know how many holes are dug inside."

"It seems to me that the mother's death certificate you found in Eugene's room may be genuine."

"After the death of the mother, the helpless eucalyptus became the perfect object of sacrifice."

"And the little bear doll that mother gave to Eucalyptus has become her only support in this world, that's why she has such a huge obsession with little bear."

Lin Yi nodded thoughtfully.

It does sound like something.


There are bugs!

The little bear is a gift from the mother to Eucalyptus, and this information is obtained from the diary.

Since the diary has been classified as false information, wouldn't Luo Bing's inference be contradictory?

Then some people will say, "Maybe the diary is true, but the content in it is half true and half false?"

It is indeed possible.

The mother passed away on June 20th, and the cub was given away in May, but it was still round.

So here comes the question again, what is the black shadow outside the basement?

Even if the black shadow is not the mother, it is pretended by an unspeakable power.

How to explain the mended bear doll in Linyi's hand.

Isn't that the last gift my mother left for Eucalyptus?

Shouldn't you cherish it and keep it with you?

Why is it broken?

Why seal it in the basement?

Why is there a note inside reminding not to open the door?

Luo Bing's speculation is more doubtful than Lin Yi's. It seems reasonable, but it is full of loopholes.

Of course, he also has many loopholes.

However, compared to Luo Bing, he believed in his own deduction more.

Neither of them spoke, and the room fell into a brief silence.

"Senior, what are you going to do next?"

Lin Yi took the lead in breaking the dull atmosphere.

Luo Bing looked out of the window, eyes slightly closed, and let out a light breath.

"Use the paper doll clothes to get rid of the mayor."

"No matter what the ending is, killing the mayor is definitely right."

"You don't have to come to help, but don't come to make trouble."

Lin nodded, he liked Luo Bing's straightforward attitude.

Tell your own needs, you can satisfy everyone, everyone is happy, if you can't, I'm sorry, I can only say goodbye.

It is necessary to get rid of the mayor, which Lin Yi also agrees with.

Since Luo Bing has this idea, let her go about it.

Lin Yi was going to focus on Eucalyptus and Sombra in the basement.

He always feels that there are still many plots that he has not been able to dig out.

"This is a signature pen. It should be the only pen that can sign your name on the paper doll's clothes."

Lin Yi handed Luo Bing a black pen, "Sister, you can try it."

Luo Bing was a little confused.

"You just gave me such an important item?"

The reason why she had a showdown with Lin Yi was because the other party had a signature pen, a plot prop that she lacked.

The two hold a key item each, restrict each other, and use the interests to bind the cooperative relationship to reach the final outcome together.

This is Luo Bing's ideal way of getting along.

She doesn't place her hopes on any moral feelings, and interests are the best bond to maintain.

"Senior sister and I can be regarded as a fateful friendship. A life-and-death friendship is not considered a life-and-death friendship, but it can still be regarded as a friend."

"I'm not that thoughtful when it comes to my friends."

Lin Yi grinned, revealing his eight white teeth in the sunlight, dazzled the eyes.

Luo Bing glanced at him, said nothing more, and reached out to take the black pen.


Seeing how bright your smile is, I know you have ghosts in your heart.

It is estimated that he is playing some ulterior and bad idea again.

Lin Yi smiled and stood up.

"Sister, come on, finish the task early, so we can leave this damn instance as soon as possible."

"Stop laughing, you don't look good when you smile, like a fox."

Luo Bing gave him a reproachful look, got up and walked out the door.

Lin Yi was slightly stunned, looked at the figure reflected by the window glass, touched his chin, "It looks so handsome, how does it look like a fox?"

"Don't forget to feed Eucalyptus, I may not be back tonight."

Before leaving, Luo Bing gave another word of advice before leaving the room.

Lin turned around and sat back on the sofa with an inexplicable smile on his face.

"You actually care about people, senior sister, you're such a good person."

In a blink of an eye, night fell.

Accompanied by the brisk song, Eucalyptus trotted all the way to the living room.

"Bear, bear, I'm hungry, eat~"

"I really can't do anything about you." (Take off glasses)

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