Lin Yiduan brought a plate of boiled dumplings, and silently watched the dumplings disappear on the dining table one by one.

I don't know if it was his illusion.

Although today's eucalyptus is still invisible, there is a vague outline.

"Amu Amu~"

Eucalyptus's cheeks were bulging, and a vague cry came from her mouth.

"Eat slowly, don't choke."

Lin Yi softly comforted.


Eucalyptus nodded obediently and slowed down.

Taking this opportunity, Lin Yi asked about the news of Eucalyptus' mother.

"Yuan, why haven't I seen your mother for so many days?"

As soon as the words fell, the dumplings were immediately set in mid-air.

Lin Yi quietly opened the magic eye, only to see Yuu stunned in place, with a more painful expression on his expression.

And her hair gradually turned red, but slowly.

It seems... She is restraining the red hair from appearing?


"Mother... I can't remember, my head hurts!!"

Eucalyptus squatted on the floor with his head in his arms.

"Don't worry, don't worry, take your time, take your time."

"Hmm... woohoo..."

Lin Yi quickly hugged Yuu into his arms, and patted her on the back, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, take your time."

"Wow... woah..."

Eucalyptus cried out suddenly, hot teardrops slid down his cheeks, tick-tocked on Lin Yi's arm, the burning temperature made Lin Yi's arm goosebumps.

"Bear, I'm so uncomfortable..."

She was sobbing, and the crying pear blossoms were raining, which was pitiful.

Lin Yi felt distressed.

Even though she knew that Eucalyptus's identity was a curse spirit, seeing her like this, she still had the urge to protect her.

"Don't cry, don't cry, don't think about it if you don't think about it."

Lin Yi sighed, helped Yuu up, and wiped away the tears on her face.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by.

The door of the utility room on the first floor opened without any wind.

Lin Yi's nerves tensed instantly.

That's the room leading to the basement. Could it be that the black shadow is about to come out?

He subconsciously blocked his line of sight, stared at the utility room vigilantly, and was ready to flee at any time.

After a while, nothing unusual appeared in the dark utility room.


Lin Yi secretly let out a sigh of relief.

Heiying can even beat the red-haired gum completely. He is absolutely invincible now. Fortunately, nothing happened, fortunately.

"Bear, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing the soft and tender child's voice, Lin Yi looked down.

Eucalyptus, who was in agony, was looking at him with big round eyes.

She recovered as if she had lost her memory, as if nothing had happened just now.

And the outline of the eucalyptus deepened again, even if Lin Yi didn't open the magic eye, he could still see the figure of eucalyptus with the naked eye, but it was extremely blurry.

Similar to the effect of mosaic covering the whole body.

"it's okay no problem."

Lin Yi retracted his eyes and rubbed Eucalyptus' furry head.

He had some guesses in his mind, but he wasn't quite sure yet.

Perhaps, after Eucalyptus's body is fully revealed, he will be able to obtain brand new clues.

"Yuan is full, come and play with me, Xiong Xiong!"

Eucalyptus jumped two steps, came to the side of the sofa, stretched out a small fleshy hand to grab Lin Yi's finger, and kept shaking it, "Xiongxiong, play with me~"

"There's really nothing I can do about you."

Compared with deciphering, it is very simple to take care of children, you only need to play games with eucalyptus.

That night, Lin Yi silently observed Eucalyptus's every move, and made indirect clues about her mother.

The results are not satisfactory.

Eucalyptus seems to have lost all memory of her mother.

Whenever her mother is mentioned, her emotions will sink into a trough, and she will even break down and cry.

This made Lin helpless.

However, Eucalyptus's figure became clearer and clearer, which showed that his stimulation was effective.

There are still seven days left before the Snake God Ceremony, and he still has time to explore slowly.


Dawn breaks.

After Lin Yi sent Eucalyptus back to the room, he lay on the bed with his eyes closed and rested, and suddenly noticed a few wisps of strange aura in the room.

He turned over and sat up abruptly, looking around.

A large amount of black fog filled the entire room, making it suffocating.

Countless pairs of eyes revealed greed and hunger from the depths of the black mist.

"It's the breath of the curse."

Lin Yi frowned.

"I really don't think any rules are triggered?"

He looks around.

These black mist float like ghosts, no matter how they are dispelled, they will always exist, and they cannot be controlled at all.

He tried to probe with the magic eye, but was surprised to find that the black mist blocked his peeping.

This situation can only show that there is something powerful hidden in the black mist.


Lin Yi thought for a moment, and immediately thought of the existence that was the source of the curse.

Only that kind of existence has the ability to condense such a thick cursed mist.

[Invaded by unknown existence, it was detected that the individual was cursed, code name: Weakness]

[Reverse takes effect, curse: reaches the upgrade condition]

[Obtain curse blessing, code name: ]

[Strength: Physical fitness is increased to five times the original, and physical function, sensitivity, flexibility, explosive power, balance, and durability have all been increased]

【Upgrade progress: 3%】


The corner of Lin Yi's mouth raised slightly.

Good guy, this curse is too good.

Thank you for the indescribable gift, welcome to visit every day.

Full of strength and strong physique made Lin Yi full of energy.

Just wave two fists casually, and you can make a burst of air.

See this scene.

In the black mist, countless pairs of eyes were all dumbfounded, and their eyes were full of doubts about life.

That's right!

We are cursed by !

It is more than a star and a half stronger than !

Why does this guy seem to be fine, and even more powerful?

Unscientific, totally unscientific...

It must be that the opponent has a spell that restrains the negative effect, then increase the curse.

I don't believe it, there is no existence in this world that can resist the source of the curse.

Lin Yi, who hadn't recovered from the excitement, once again felt the majestic power surging in his body.

The black mist in the room became thicker and thicker, and it was so black that water was about to drip out, as if it was real.

Lin Yi was completely enveloped by the black mist, and the upgrade progress of the curse soared rapidly.

"Try harder, haven't you eaten yet?!"


【Upgrade progress: 10%】

"Can you please, little dog~"


[Upgrade progress: 18%...21%...25%]

"If you can't do it, find someone else. My Wangcai family is more useful than you."

Cooperating with Shang Lin Yi's words of disdain, contempt, and contempt, the curse upgrade progress went straight to 35%.

What people didn't expect was that after the black mist rolled over for a while, the mist seemed to be a little lighter, and it seemed a little weak to continue.

Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, his expression extremely exciting, "Hey, you won't be backlashed by the rules, will you?"


Lin Yi was suddenly overjoyed.

The rules in the dungeon are formulated by the source of the curse, and the curse spirit will be killed if it violates the rules.

And it cannot be said that breaking the rules is being backlashed by one's own strength.

Lin Yi did not violate the rules, but it is unspeakable that he still chooses to make a move, so he will naturally be backlashed by the rules.

If it's just a trace of curse, it's fine, it will take some time to recover.

In the end, being so stimulated by Lin Yi, he stepped on the accelerator a little hard, and finished the calf directly.

The opportunity to safely brush the curse like today is a rare opportunity, so Lin Yi naturally couldn't let it go easily, so he put in all his energy and taunted him.

"Can you bear this? Anyway, I can't bear it."

"Don't be cowardly, you'll beat yourself up!"

"Oh, it's wilting so quickly? It took me longer than this to boil a pot of water..."

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