Global Curse: The Price Of Groceries For Your Mother Will Rise

Chapter 36 The End Of The Story, A New Hope

The sky turned white, and the thick black fog gradually receded with unwillingness.

In the room, Lin Yi's face was full of contentment.

He seemed to find a way to gain strength quickly.

"It would be great if there was a curse that could quickly increase the power of the spell. If you have the chance, you can research it."

This feeling of constantly getting stronger is simply exhilarating.

Lin Yi looked inside his own panel.

[Character: Lin Yi]

[Level: D-level conjurer]

[Mantra: 11780]

[Curse: <Rebellion><Strong><The Curse of Rujia Hotel><Bear Knights>】

[Curse Tools: Cursed garbage bag, hotel membership card, cursed fecal puller, a stack of charms, a eucalyptus bear]

【Curse Coin: 30】


The magic eye couldn't see the attribute values. Lin Yi estimated that his current physique should be comparable to that of a B-level conjurer, or even comparable to an A-level one.

Others dare not say it, but he is still somewhat sure about dealing with Luo Bing.

Although I don't know the specific effect of the opponent's curse, as long as she knocks her out with one punch before releasing the curse, it will be no problem.


I almost forgot, I can just ignore the curse.

That's fine.

After strengthening his physique, Lin Yi's pores discharged a large amount of residue, and his whole body felt as comfortable as if he had been reborn.

It just doesn't smell very good, so I'd better take a shower first.

Lin Yi was not afraid of red-haired eucalyptus now, so he simply took off his bear shirt and walked straight into the bathroom.

Even without the identity protection of Xiong Xiong, he could still walk sideways in the bungalow.

The only thing that worried him was the dark shadow in the basement, but that guy probably couldn't come out during the day.


The warm water poured over his body, making Lin Yi feel particularly happy.

Suddenly, footsteps sounded at the door.

Lin Yi frowned slightly and turned to look at the bathroom door.

"Hey, my junior is so laid-back. He's actually in the mood to take a shower."

Luo Bing's malicious voice came.

"..." Lin Yi was speechless on the spot.

You won't come back sooner or later, but you come back when I'm taking a shower. Is this a good idea?

Despicable, greedy for other people's bodies!

"Senior, is something wrong?"

He calmly continued rinsing his body.

Luo Bing leaned behind the door and sneered, "It's okay, I just want Junior Kangkang's abs."


Did this bitch take the wrong medicine today?

Like to say hello?

Then don't blame me for showing off my unique skills.

Lin Yi remained calm, wiped his body slowly, tied a bath towel on his lower body and walked out of the bathroom.

"Since senior sister likes it, junior brother, I must be satisfied. Even touching it is okay."

Seeing the mean expression on that handsome face, Luo Bing's expression froze, and her pretty face suddenly turned red.

"Flow, hooligan!"

Why is this little bastard so shameless? !

But the abdominal muscles are quite strong.

Luo Bing reluctantly looked away, turned and left the room.

"Get dressed and come find me downstairs. I have new clues."

Luo Bing's voice drifted far away, and Lin Du was bored, "You obviously said you wanted to see it yourself, why did I become a gangster instead?"

"A woman's thoughts are really unpredictable."

After changing clothes, Lin Yi came to the living room.

Luo Bing didn't give in to the topic and went straight to the point.

"Yesterday I found the Oden family and found out the name of the mayor, Oden Nagauchi."

"I wanted to force the other party's relatives to sign the name of the mayor on the paper clothes, but in the end..."

She shook her head and continued with some helplessness, "The mayor probably knew the rules of the festival, so he sent all the Oden family members..."

Speaking of this, Luo Bing made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Good guy, the most poisonous woman's heart is. Isn't this woman too cruel?"

"Isn't it enough to just chop off your hands? Why bother?"

Luo Bing: "..."

Your method seems more cruel, right?

The corner of Luo Bing's mouth twitched, not bothering to argue with him, and continued.

"After that, I wandered around the town looking for a breakthrough."

"Guess what I found?"

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows, "Could it be that the mayor has an illegitimate child?"

"How do you know!" Luo Bing widened his eyes in surprise.

Damn it, I just said it casually, it turns out it really does exist!

Luo Bing's expression turned serious, "It's not the mayor's illegitimate son, but Yin Ji's."


Lin Yi couldn't react, and thought for a while before recalling.

"Isn't that the heroine in the story about the origin of the snake god festival?"

"That's right." Luo Bing affirmed, "I found Yinji's spiritual seat and her descendants' spiritual seats in an old ancestral hall."


This time, it was Lin Yi's turn to be silent.

What kind of big melon is this?

It must be exciting.

"I'm more concerned, who is the father of the child?" Lin Yi said gossip.

Luo Bing rolled his eyes at him angrily.

"Do you think there is a way to do a paternity test with the technology at that time?"

"Then what happened to Midori and Otoji?"

"Don't tell me, I really know the follow-up story."

"Speak quickly, no ink stains."

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry."


Luo Bing slowly told the rest of the story.

"According to records, the current head of the Oden family sacrificed Otohime as a sacrifice in order to appease the snake god's anger. Midori escaped because he was attracted by the snake girl."

"After the ceremony lasted for a month, everyone found out that Yinji was pregnant."

"Now, Luran, who was also tortured by the snake girl for a month, can't sit still."

"Judging from the time, the child was born before the festival. The implication is that it is the child of Luran and Yinji."

"The Snake Girl originally wanted the Patriarch to kill the child, but Luran begged hard, and saved the child's life on the condition of marrying the Snake Girl."

"One day later, when Lu Ran was tortured by the snake girl, he accidentally learned that the reason why the snake girl kept the child was so that the child in Otoji's belly could become the next sacrifice."

"So, one night after the baby was born, Luran, who had been preparing for a long time, fled the village with the baby."

"As for Yin Ji, in order to create a chance for her children to escape, she fed a tiger with her body and stayed alone in the village, holding back the pursuers."

"Since then, Luran and the baby have disappeared and never returned to the village."

"Some said they died on the way to escape, while others said they were eaten by wild beasts in the forest."

"After hearing the news, Otohime lost her only hope for survival, so she bit her tongue and committed suicide, ending her short and tragic life."

After listening to Luo Bing's words, Lin Yi fell into deep thought.

Women are weak by nature, but mothers are strong.

Otohime was able to persist for so long without committing suicide, all because of the baby in her belly.

Unfortunately, she failed to save her child in the end.

This pain may never be soothed.

"A very desperate ending." Lin Yi sighed, and then asked, "So, did Lu Ran and his child survive?"

Luo Bing nodded heavily.


"You mean... eucalyptus?"

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