"Have you heard our story?"

"No, but both of them have stories written on their faces."


""Okay, stop talking nonsense and let's go." The policewoman urged.

The two of them stopped talking and got out of the car and followed the two security officers to a nearby cafe.

"Lin Yi, it looks so soft. I want to touch it."

Walking on the road, Su Miaomiao stared at the two bears in front of her with her watery eyes, full of desire.

No girl can resist furry things, even the solemn female police officer.

She slowly stretched her hand forward, about to rub the big round head of the bear, but was noticed by the other party, so she could only stop leisurely.

The five of them found an empty table and sat down.

""What do you want to drink? I'll treat you."

Xiong Er said in a muffled voice.

Lin Yi said indifferently,"Cappuccino, on the rocks"

"I want too(*^▽^*)┛"Su Miaomiao immediately raised her hand to agree

"You can't drink cold, give her a hot drink"



While waiting, Xiong Da began to ask Lin Yi about the situation in the hotel.

After listening to Lin Yi's description, cappuccino was also served.

"Oh, Big Bear.……"

"You can call me by my real name, Yu Tiexiong"

"Good Bear"


Yu Tiexiong's mouth twitched, and he didn't bother with the question of addressing, and spoke directly:

"I can't answer all your questions, as they involve some confidential information. I can only try my best to answer them for you. Just ask whatever you want to ask."

Lin Yi didn't hesitate and went straight to the point,"Didn't the authorities say that cursed spirits would not appear in the real world? Why did it happen so suddenly this time?"

"Times have changed"


"In simple terms, the power of the cursed land has increased, causing some cursed spirits to descend into the real world. Some powerful beings can even create copies in the real world, just like what you experienced in the ghost cave."

"What's the reason? Wasn't everything fine before?"

Faced with such a question, Xiong Da and Xiong Er frowned slightly, as if they were unwilling to say more.

On the contrary, the female police officer seemed to know some inside information.

"It is human stupidity that leads to a vicious cycle."

"I'd like to hear more about it."

The policewoman took a sip of coffee, sorted out her thoughts, and said

"At first, people thought that the appearance of the Deathly Eye was a disaster, and everyone avoided the power of the curse."

"But later we found out that we were wrong"

"The real danger is those terrible curse spirits, and there are even more terrible sources of curses than curse spirits. You can also call it the unspeakable"

"Uh... how come this thing is everywhere?"Lin Yi complained speechlessly.

The policewoman continued to explain the situation.

"The Eye of Death bestowed curses on humans so that we can use curses to fight curses, but who could have thought of this at the time."

Lin Yi understood.

Since most people now choose the useless curses to save their lives, the most common one is"your mother's vegetable prices will increase."

This kind of curse was brought out from the cursed dungeon by the authorities in order to protect the people, spending a lot of manpower and material resources and sacrificing countless pioneers.

It was an S-level curse tool, it seemed to be called"Rabbit".

As long as the curse power is transmitted, it can actively give others the curse mark.

The effect is the same as that given by the Eye of Death.

Originally, the magic eye would randomly draw a part of the curseless people to enter the dungeon every once in a while.

At the same time, they were cursed, except for minors.

But under the interference of the authorities, in order to avoid disasters, the people of the whole country cursed the whole people in advance.

The lowest level curse mark of super crappy chicken covers the whole world.

Now, Even the Death Eye was dumbfounded.

He had never met such a stupid teammate.

He thought that after the whole nation cursed, the Demon Eye would stop the signs.

But contrary to expectations, the signs continued.

The Demon Eye had no choice but to force these"newbie" cursers into the dungeon.

This directly caused the difficulty of the dungeon to soar.

Gradually, as more and more signers died in the dungeon, the cursed land received a lot of nutrients and became more and more uncontrollable.

The top management realized that if no one completed the dungeon of the cursed land, these dungeons would gradually become reality over time.

Now, everything is too late.

All hopes can only be placed on the next generation, the next generation that has not been contaminated by the"newbies".

Although the officials are well-intentioned, they have done bad things.

In this regard, Lin Yi couldn't say anything.

"Comrade, please keep this a secret. If it gets out, it will definitely cause social unrest, and it will become even more troublesome."

Xiong Da said earnestly.

"Don't worry, we understand this kind of thing."Su Miaomiao patted her chest and promised.

After all, even if they told others, those fools would not believe this cruel fact.

They would rather believe that with the"rice dog" curse protecting them, they would be absolutely safe.

How naive and ignorant!

"By the way, you two are the only ones who have made it through the"Ru Family Hotel" dungeon alive, and your scores have reached the rare A level. You are definitely qualified to join our Security Bureau. We welcome you."

"I refuse."Lin Yi shook his head without even thinking.


Yu Tiexiong's mouth twitched again, feeling that this guy was poisonous

"I appreciate your kindness, but I am still a student. I haven't learned the Nine-Character Secret Technique yet, and I don't want to rush to die."The

Nine-Character Mantra, the soldiers and fighters all marched forward in formation.

Each word represents a secret technique, including cultivation, amplification, barrier, perception enhancement, sealing, etc.

It is the greatest means for humans to deal with cursed spirits.

Unfortunately, this is a university course, and Lin Yi and the others who just got the curse power have not had the opportunity to come into contact with it.

Otherwise, they can deal with the cursed aunt easily.

"Well, I can understand this.……"Xiong Erhan smiled and said,"But if you are interested in joining the Security Bureau, you can come to us. Here is our phone number."

"Also, thank you for the information you provided. This is your reward."

Xiong Er handed over a business card and two bank cards.

"Ahem, well, this is the information we paid for with our lives.……"

"Yes, it's very tiring. My bones are almost broken.……"

Before the two of them finished talking, Xiong Da saw through their thoughts and interrupted them immediately,"Each card has one million"

"We are all serving the people, it's what we should do."

"Right, right, I work for everyone, everyone works for me, labor is the most glorious, learn from Lei Feng's spirit."

While speaking, two bank cards have been stuffed into their arms.

"Hey, thanks."

"Happy cooperation!"

The two happily accepted it, left their contact information and said goodbye.

The speed of changing faces was amazing.

Xiong Da Xiong Er and the policewoman couldn't help but twitch their lips.

Where did such a pair of funny people come from?

Funny children are really fun.

It seems that it is not only the curse that can overcome the curse, but also the funny people.

After the two left, Xiong Er and Xiong Er went straight to the edge of the curse fog.

"Xiong Er, are you ready?"

"Uh...Brother, my name is Yu Jinxiong"

"Ahem, sorry, I was influenced by that kid, but why is it so easy to shout?"

"It turns out that being funny can be contagious."

"Too much talk!"


The two calmed down, their eyes gradually became serious.

Then the tiger body shook, and the hands made the inner binding seal, silently chanting the six Vajra mantras of Padmasambhava

"Namo Kuluvazhelasattva……"

The sound of Sanskrit is heard, and the power of mantra is surging

"The secret of the word"formation", Vajra subdues the devil, the formation is set!"


As the two shouted, a black barrier completely enveloped the hotel, isolating it from the curse mist. Just as the two were about to breathe a sigh of relief, the curse mist began to churn and directly burst the barrier.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er were immediately shocked:"How is this possible?!"

"It's unspeakable, damn it, go and ask for Lord Rokujo!"

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