As dusk approached, Lin Yi and Su Miaomiao strolled down the street with millions of dollars in their pockets.

"Hey~ Lin Yi, we have so much money, how do you think we should spend it?"

"Of course, I should buy a house first. What if the house price goes up again?"

Su Miaomiao blinked her eyes. She didn't expect Lin Yi's idea to be so simple and unpretentious. She couldn't refute it.……

"Well, that seems to make some sense."

"You think so too"


The two went straight to the sales office, with a down payment of 600,000 yuan, and Lin Yi took out a loan to buy a ready-made single-family villa.

The monthly payment is 30,000 yuan, and it will be paid off in 30 years.

With his current ability to make money, it is easy to pay the monthly payment.

The main reason for buying a house is to improve the lives of his parents.

After all, the old apartment they live in is still rented, and the rent is paid with Lin Ruoxue's subsidy.

In this world, the most important thing to Lin Yi is his family.

So the first thing he thought of after he got rich was his parents.

It's just a small villa of three or four million yuan, and he doesn't feel bad at all to spend it on his family.

""Lin Yi, why are you crying?"

When swiping the card to pay, Su Miaomiao found that Lin Yi was crying.

Tears welled up in her eyes, as if she had suffered a great injustice.

"I moved myself to tears, I can’t do that." Lin Yi covered his heart and choked up.

"Lao Lin, Lao Lin, your son is so good to you. Don’t you want to draw some talismans with your hands to give your precious son self-protection?"

"At least give me some health back, or I'll really cry to death."

Hearing Lin Yi's muttering, Su Miaomiao's face was full of black lines

"You are such a filial son."

"That's it!"

Soon, after signing all the contracts, Lin Yi got the key to his new house.

Su Miaomiao didn't know what was wrong with her, she also bought a single-family villa next to Lin's family. In the name of making it easier to make appointments



"Lin Yi, this place is nice! I like it."

Inside the villa,

Su Miaomiao looked around and was very satisfied.

"Three or four million, how can it be bad?"Lin Yi curled his lips.

This is Su Miaomiao's new house, with all the appliances, ready to move in, no worries.

The decoration style of their villa is the same, Lin Yi is too lazy to go to the house, just find a chance to let Lao Lin and Ruoxue move in.

"I'm going to take a shower. I've been busy all day and I'm sweating all over."


"Are you not in pain?"

"You won't lighten up."


Lin Yi was shocked by the crazy girl's fierce words.

It must be very interesting to marry such a funny wife, right?

"The sound of water dripping soon came from the bathroom, accompanied by the faint humming and groaning...

Neither of them went home tonight. They were in the honeymoon period and naturally couldn't bear to separate.

In the second half of the night, under Su Miaomiao's plea for mercy, the two stopped fighting.

Lin Yi hugged the other's petite body and fell asleep.

【Curse in effect: Get the reward of"Ru's Hotel", curse power +1000……】

【Current spell power: 1250】


In the morning, the sun rises as usual, but the sky has a hint of blood.

Towards the end of the month, the blood moon is about to fall.

When the sky turns completely blood red, it is the day when the signer enters the cursed land.

"What do you want for breakfast? I will cook for you myself."

Su Miaomiao looked virtuous, with some oil stains on her apron.

She had a graceful figure, with a slender waist but not too tight.

"I'll just eat, and I'll leave the cooking to you.~"

"Humph." Su Miaomiao wrinkled her nose slightly,"He looks dead.~"


The cell phone suddenly rang.

Lin took a glance and saw it was an unfamiliar number.

He answered the call in confusion:"Hello?"

"Comrade Lin Yi, I am Zhu Ming, the head of the strategic analysis team of the Curse Investigation Bureau. I am calling to thank you for the copy of the intelligence you provided."

A deep male voice came from the other end of the phone, with a magnetic tone.

"Oh, you're welcome, it's just a small favor."

Lin Yi said in a neutral tone, with some doubts in his heart. Why did the people from the Curse Investigation Bureau come to me?

The full name of the Curse Investigation Bureau is the Supernatural Curse Investigation Bureau.

The analysis team inside is responsible for analyzing and sorting out various clues in the copy, and finding ways to pass the level through clues.

The Curse Investigation Bureau is mainly responsible for the cursed land, and the Security Bureau is responsible for the real world.

In the real world, in addition to the cursed spirits, there are many lawless elements that need to be governed.

After they gain power, they think that they are the best in the world and the rulers of this world.

There are many such fools, and the Security Bureau is specifically responsible for catching such people.

I've gone off topic.

Zhu Ming's tone gradually became higher, and he was even a little excited.

"Comrade Lin Yi, you have no idea how valuable the information you provide is."

"We have been conquering this Rujia Hotel dungeon for three years. In three years, how many elites and team members have been sacrificed?……"

Zhu Ming's voice was filled with anger."But the result is still nothing."

"Most people were stuck in the check-out process and died inexplicably. The rest of them used spell tools to escape by chance, but still failed to pass the level."

"Comrade Lin Yi, you are the first player to crack the copy and provide important information!"

"It turns out that we have to give the housekeeping staff a five-star rating when checking out. This is not shown at all in the copy of the regulations. We have sacrificed so many outstanding compatriots in vain. It's really shameful!"

"Just last night, our team successfully cleared the normal difficulty level of the dungeon, curbing the speed at which the dungeon descended into the real world."

"You are a hero who saved countless people.……"

Zhu Ming gradually became confused and began to imagine frantically how Lin Yi broke the deadlock with his supreme wisdom.

This confused Lin Yi.

I just took a look at the computer when no one was at the front desk.

Do you have to exaggerate like that?

He had never heard of many clues mentioned by Zhu Ming.

The vice president of the hotel was the long-lost son of the aunt.

The general manager and the vice president were having an affair.

The financial director embezzled public funds and secretly helped the front desk manager gamble.

My goodness, how much plot did I miss?

Write it down first, in case it is useful in the future.

"Sorry, Comrade Lin Yi, I was a little too excited just now"

"It's okay, it's understandable"

"To express our gratitude to you, a bonus of 10 million has been deposited into your and your girlfriend's cards."

"By the way, do you need the admission letter from Peking University or Tsinghua University? I see that you have reached the stage of choosing a school."

"As long as you ask, I will send it to you."

Lin Yi was shocked,"I can send this?""

"Of course, it would be a shame if a talent like you didn’t go to Peking University or Tsinghua University. The country needs talents like you!"

"Then...just send it to me."

"I knew you would agree, so I arranged for someone to come to your door. I guess they should be arriving at your door by now."

Good guy, what is efficiency? This is it!

Not long after I hung up the phone, the doorbell rang.

""Who is it?"

Su Miaomiao, who was busy in the kitchen, poked her head out, a little flustered.

They had just bought a house, so no one should know that they were living here, right?

If they were found out about their affair, it would be terrible.……

"It's a courier, I'll go get it."

Lin Yi walked to the door and pulled down the peephole.

There was an acquaintance standing outside the door.

"Why is it her?"

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